I don't blog, but this is what I do with my life...
So if anyone's wondered who that is in my avatar, it's Tara from Buffy the Vampire Slayer dressed as Adora from She-Ra: Princess of Power, because I love She-Ra and I love Tara. That's from a whole bunch of images I traced (haphazardly, I'm no artist) to accompany a series of fanfics featuring everyone from Buffy as everyone from She-Ra; the first couple were years ago, but last year I found myself dusting off the old idea I'd had for a full season arc and getting back to work. Anyway, I just finished work on the in-between-seasons 'movie' (yeah, I'm planning a second season too), and I thought it might entertain some folks here; it's kinda silly, but I'm proud of it nonetheless.
So courtesy of the Kitten board, which is still around for all the world's Willow/Tara needs, if you feel like a dose of Saturday morning cartoon fun, here is:
The Adventures of She-Ra
Edit: D'oh, I was going to do an episode guide, and totally forgot. So if you just want to pinpoint one particular goofy idea:
The ones I did years ago:
The Sword of She-Ra - The Evil Horde sends Force Captain Tara to conquer the kingdom of Brightmoon, the last free realm resisting their conquest of Etheria. Luckily (for the good guys) it's protected by Princess Glimmer (Buffy to her friends), and Willow, the sorceress of the Whispering Woods, guess where this is going...
Let It Snow - In the grand tradition of Christmas specials that have nothing to do with Christmas, our heroes head north to the Kingdom of Snows to find Frosta, who they hope will become an ally against the Horde, but they don't find a warm welcome (a-ha).
And the rest of season one, only like eight years late:
The Price of Freedom - Modulok's been reading 1984 and getting ideas.
The Magic of Mystacor - So, wait, if there's no He-Man or Eternia, then where does She-Ra's power come from?
Power Play - Politics, assassination, palace intrigue, and David Boreanaz has a flying pirate ship.
The Pearl - Amy Acker is a sexy French mermaid. You're welcome.
Assault on the Hive - There's a battle going on in orbit, but luckily She-Ra, like Batman, can breathe in space, and the Hive have traded in their miniskirts and go-go boots for combat cybernetics, so the Horde doesn't have it all their own way. Also, Perfuma shows up... yay?
Sea Hawk Down - I couldn't resist the punny title. Liam's gone and crashed his flying ship in the Crimson Waste, so the rebels mount a rescue, and Tara finds out she's not an only child...
Skydancer - Things look dire (as they tend to do one episode out from the season finale), and the only hope is for Tara to find the Crystal Castle, home of the First Ones who created Etheria, but just because they made a nice planet doesn't make them nice people, or entities or whatever they are.
Return to the Fright Zone - Great Rebellion versus Evil Horde, She-Ra versus Hordak, and no their mothers didn't have the same name, so somebody's not walking away from this one.
And the one I just finished this week:
Shadows and Skulls - The rebels travel to Skullpath to help Queen Evelyn (why does that name sound familiar) defend her realm against Entrapta and her army. Luckily they also have help from Evelyn's captain of the guard, Keldor, wait what.
The Adventures of She-Ra (kind of)
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- Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:35 am