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Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 1:27 am
by FaxModem1
I just finished The Stand by Stephen King. It's a good read, but I think I over thought things a bit at times, when I thought, "Hey wait a minute, shouldn't y'all be doing x, y, and z to survive, and not just resting on your laurels?"

Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 3:39 am
by Elderdog
The last books I completed where 2 WH40K books titled-
Carcharodons: Outer Dark by Robbie Macniven
Kharn: The Red Path by Chris Dows
However, I'm currently in the process of reading The Three Kingdoms Volume 1: The Sacred Oath by Luo Guanzhong.
The books I completed were just fairly straightforward war stories that didn't have much in the way of nuance but, the writing was good enough to immerse me in the universe and at times even empathize with some of the characters to a point.

Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:36 am
by Karha of Honor

Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:15 pm
by Mecha82
Sisters of Battle Omnibus by James Swallow. It includes two Sisters of Battle novels and text version of audio drama Red & Black. I read this one to get myself even more exited about upcoming Sisters of Battle releases.

Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:47 pm
by Madner Kami
The handbook for a 2017er Honda Civic.

Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:14 am
by clearspira
Recently finished The Power by Naomi Alderman. Interesting concept, unimpressive execution. And the moral that women are just as bad as men given the opportunity is not untrue imo, but it was delivered too simplistically. Over the space of a couple of years women would get so drunk on power that we would have Saudi Arabia style countries springing up but in reverse is dubious at best. I get the revenge idea certainly, but not the way it was done here. 6/10.

Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:51 pm
by Mecha82
Mephiston: Revenant Crusade by Darius Hinks. This is my first hardcover 40k book published by Black Library.

Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:07 am
by ChiggyvonRichthofen
The Seven Dials Mystery by Agatha Christie. I like a good whodunit, but this was mediocre by Christie's standards.

The October Country by Ray Bradbury. From this collection you can definitely see Bradbury as a precursor to Stephen King, especially in terms of theme and atmosphere. I'd say Bradbury is definitely the better prose stylist, while King's stories tend to be more exciting and engaging on a plot level.

Just starting Demons by Dostoevsky.

Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 6:18 am
by Jclark
Halo: Contact Harvest by Joseph Staten. I haven't finished reading it yet but I liked what I read thus far.
Fun fact: he was one of the writers for the first three Halo games.

Re: What's the last book you've read?

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:19 pm
by ProfessorDetective
'A Study in Scarlet'. I forgot it had this whole big thing with the Mormons in it.