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Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:44 pm
by Yukaphile
Here's mine, from one of ItsJustSomeRandomGuy's videos.

Their business model, make the effects as lifelike as possible, is reflected in the story and characters. They no longer have the spirit of life or spark of personality they did decades ago in the golden age. Now it's "as lifelike as possible." In other words, lifeless. It's CGI that's killing the medium, shoehorning in lazier and lazier scripts and hoping the FX will carry the movie, wow people with some digital magic. And that's getting stale. In the old days, it wasn't about effects, because they were cheap, so you relied more on clever tricks, strong plot, and big-name actors who were good at their craft to carry the tale - who would attract a bit of buzz. That's just completely absent today. And I miss those days.

Re: Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:39 pm
by nebagram
2:23 Tag Team 8-)

Re: Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 2:18 am
by Yukaphile
I'll tell you why you think women are privileged, and it's the societal impression too for right-wingers. That there was a great movement to change the cultural perceptions of women 100 years ago, and they succeeded, even though, and this is key, there's still work to be done. But there hasn't been that kind of same one for men, so as a result, men feel left behind. But, men never needed that to be acknowledged as a real equal or human being, while women were just inappropriately sexualized. Personally, I want a legit MRA movement, not one that's rooted in misogyny, but also embraces the "still work to do for women's rights" thing. Know what I think is men's rights? Removing the cultural stigma from making a boy be a man before being a child. Expecting him to be strong because of gender. Teaching him to suppress emotional vulnerability. Never being open to the idea of him being gay or trans, because you're imposing your perceived gender stereotypes on him, that he's male and has to spread his seed to keep the species going. To me, _that's_ men's rights. To soften men. Acknowledge we bleed and hurt too, that we don't have to be superhuman to acknowledge we suffer, and the same way women do too.

Re: Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:26 pm
by Karha of Honor

Re: Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:41 pm
by Zoinksberg
"It's only special because we decided it's special" - a statement that is universally true.

Re: Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:27 am
by AllanO
From The Dom (Lost in Adaptation) video Newspeak and Doublethink: The Dystopian World of 1984:

Well my favourite cheese is cheddar...

At my high school in Canada we also had 1984 on the reading list. I suspect it status as mandatory varied from school or at least school board to school board, depending on which books they stocked up on etc.

I am guessing you are doing the 1984 movie version of 1984, there were two movies done in the 1950s (a BBC tele thing in 1954 and an American theatrical release in 1956) but they could not be bothered to actually film in 1984 just because it would take like 30 years and many of their actors would have died, like that is a reason to dilute authenticity in cinema... :)

If you are doing the 1984 version of 1984 then I've seen the movie and read the book. As I recall the movie tends to be verbatim from the book but cuts out lots of inner dialogue etc.

Re: Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 7:02 pm
by Yukaphile
You moron. Trek was always diverse. You'd be one of those railing against the first interracial kiss on TV or the first same-sex kiss on prime-time TV if you were alive then. Or complaining about the times Sisko commented on racial issues, even though it was largely a non-issue for him. Not that I don't hate STD. And it's not because of the left-wing politics. I've always seen Trek as being very forward-thinking and progressive, but my beef with STD is that I expect it to be subtle and told through allegory. Refer to TNG's episode where Picard is battling with Admiral Norah Satie over civil rights. There is no clearly defined "political spectrum" on display there, even though Satie is obviously an allegory for McCarthy, a right-winger, when really, it could be applied to any situation where our excessive fear and paranoia will and can be exploited by those seeking power and to whip people into a frenzy to suit their agenda. Because it was conveyed through metaphor and less direct, you could approach the work from a left-wing or right-wing perspective. Instead, with STD, you got stuff like "Make the Klingons Glorious Again!" Gee, I wonder what _that's_ a reference to? And I speak that as someone who doesn't like Trump and identifies as left-leaning, but it's embarrassing for Trek, even when I agree with the politics, because Trek needs to be more subtle than that, and transcend the political spectrum to speak to the things that unite us as a people, as human beings. I just don't see that with modern Trek. It's all action spectacle, which is as far from the Star Trek ethos as you can get. Hell, recall when Mark Hamill compared the new Star Wars to Bay's Transformers films? Well, there you go. That's what Trek is now. And it's why I personally won't watch STD, which is an altogether fitting name.

Re: Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 7:04 pm
by Beelzquill
what was the clip at 1:53 from?

Re: Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:04 pm
by Yukaphile
Teen Titans, ReBoot, Powerpuff Girls? And then couple that with what's going on with Star Wars and Star Trek? Jesus Christ, it's like the entertainment industry is going out of their way to assassinate our childhoods...

Re: Post your last YouTube comment!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:49 am
by sayla0079
might have been done before he was created on the show. (In regards to a Doctor who vid question)