Hi! I'm CK from the internet! (self-promotion thread)
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:07 pm
So I write a lot. About basically every bit of media I consume. I'd say that after spending most of my life online that the act of writing is now part of my thought process: it's hard for me to say quite how I feel about something until I've put words to type to work on it.
For a few years I've been using a basic blogspot as a repository for a lot of it, in particular stuff about cartoons (be it movies or series). That'd be here: https://cmdrking.blogspot.com/
And in recent weeks I've been trying to section off the less "immediate reaction" type posts into another space mostly so three paragraphs of me having nothing to say about a ten year old DC Animated film isn't sharing space with a four page essay about the defining attributes of jRPGs. So those found their way over to medium in the past couple months: https://medium.com/@cmdrking
Largely I expect to just post new things here as they get written, but hey if by some strange coincidence anyone here reads and wants to comment this is a perfectly good space to do so.
For a few years I've been using a basic blogspot as a repository for a lot of it, in particular stuff about cartoons (be it movies or series). That'd be here: https://cmdrking.blogspot.com/
And in recent weeks I've been trying to section off the less "immediate reaction" type posts into another space mostly so three paragraphs of me having nothing to say about a ten year old DC Animated film isn't sharing space with a four page essay about the defining attributes of jRPGs. So those found their way over to medium in the past couple months: https://medium.com/@cmdrking
Largely I expect to just post new things here as they get written, but hey if by some strange coincidence anyone here reads and wants to comment this is a perfectly good space to do so.