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Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 7:46 pm
by King Green
Have any of you heard of this site called the SCP Foundation, a website dedicated to explaining the cosmic/mundane horrors that lurk on areas which the human race consider too eldritch?

If so please say what your favorite SCP is or what tale is great.

Re: Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 12:16 am
by King Green
Fine I'll start first, my top favorite SCP is SCP-914 AKA "The Clockworks". It's anomalous 7-ton machine made of clock-work parts and one of the Foundation's most prized Safe-class anomalies(with a few that the output is dangerous to humans), the SCP is capable of refining and deconstructing materials in an input booth and turns what ever material to an enhanced/demolished item(s). There is a dial for controlling the settings of what material comes and what comes out.
The setting are; Coarse, Rough, 1:1, Fine, and Very Fine.

Each of these settings do as they say but the one rule that SCP-914 is not allowed to do is dramatically change said object or alter the fundamental concept of said object[i.e. Input=Iron * Very Fine Setting =/=Neon that forces you to perceive penguins in an area.]

How I really like this SCP is due to the numerous and hilarious tests of what enter the input booth and what gets processed/deconstructed, however the test logs are not allowing any biological entities or objects due to [REDACTED].

The tales regarding the SCP is up for your interpretation and how you react toward the [GOI EXPUNGED]. To me it really tells a well made story of why mankind has a more mysterious history and could be lying about themselves of being 100.000+ years old? Besides, I'm new to the site(only 1.6 years old account) the best SCP work I did was RP-ing and help play-test the new SCPs on Secret Laboratory and a new project called SCP: Scholars Legion, by the way SCP-076-2 and SCP-2552 will be released on the 1.2.7 update on November 16.


Re: Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 12:54 am
by Madner Kami
I don't even

Re: Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:03 am
by Fuzzy Necromancer
I'm hesitant to really commit to a favorite, but I have a great deal of fondness for "HMS Wintersheimer'" aka SCP-1861 . First one I ever read up. Starts with a recurring rainstorm that contains a mixture of sea water, blood, and cerebro-spinal fluid and keeps getting stranger, without ever truly feeling random or incoherent.

Re: Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:35 am
by NovaShoujo
I actually prefer the nicer, less horror SCPs, like SCP-085 and SCP-1470. If I had to pick a favourite horror one, it would be SCP-1983.

Re: Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 3:07 pm
by Fuzzy Necromancer
Oh, if I was to go for a non-scary one, SCP426, "I am a toaster" ranks pretty high.

Re: Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 5:35 pm
by King Green
Wow this is hallow, well, if any of you can't talk much about the horror talk something else SCP-related. The Modders won't mind, unless you let your SCP OC get out of control or begin breaking the rules with Insane Troll Logic(TV Tropes, look it up on next tab).

Re: Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 6:02 pm
by ProfessorDetective
The Pizza Box, the Vending Machine (drinks AND snacks), Fred, The Bookends, The Invisible Kleptomaniacal Woman, the Floppy Disk Set Containing the Entire Internet, the Vintage AI on Cassette Tape, the Ikea, and Mr. Deed's Bell. I don't know the numbers.

Oh! And everything related to Doctor Wondertainment. She's like Willy Wonka for old, back-of-the-comic-book, mail-order, novelties and she's awesome!
And 'dado' AKA 'Your dealer, but their supply is literally magic, they can't label it worth a damn, and English is NOT their first language'. They're like Amelia Bedelia meets Walter White.
And then there's the Unusual Incidents Unit of the FBI or... The X-Files. They're underfunded, but they make do.

Re: Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:22 am
by Fuzzy Necromancer
Oh Dado is a treasure. I think the funniest one might be the laxative, although I do like the internal logic of the banana one.

Re: Explaining the Horror: SCP Foundation

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:18 am
by Mecha82
Before this I wasn't even aware that there is web site like that. Not that i am surprised to learn about it mind you.