Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

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King Green
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Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by King Green »

*deep breath* I can't fight back the memories anymore. I don't want to see anymore suffering, the trickery, the betrayal. I am slowly, economically, dying out. I am aware of my end but don't know when?

Is there still love for my uper class brothers to say "I am sorry."?

There was a good time in the early 80's where all 3 classes lived in harmony. But I possibly believe that this could be the end. End of what exactly? Shit if I or any middle class survivors know?

Its always the question: why did the upper class have the lowers multiply and raised rent? Can the middle class be restored to its former glory? Should we allow Trump's and Bush's economic destruction to happen?

Really don't know, but it be good talk.

Plus, I really did live a comfortable life until my old building got an rent-abusive tenet. 11k a month made from my dad with 45% of it on savings and future investments, good life.
Sadly not all banks are made to last.
Falling out on retirement-income in 2013, my parents sat down with me about our money problems, along with our electronics getting these odd glitches and perverse-gaming ads. I started to knew, to knew my father's income at the UN mail-room was about to end quickly and horrifically. Now with living on insurance and odd-job payment that makes 1,400 per month but gradually decreasing every 4% each 6 months, my mom won't get her critical needed medicine and my payment on bandwidth.

Fuck, I hate this universes cruelty.

Maybe there is a glimpse of hope, a open window for the world's economic future. Possibly not on this Earth but beyond?
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Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

King Green wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:28 pm
There was a good time in the early 80's where all 3 classes lived in harmony.
To begin with, no, there really wasn't.
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Re: Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:16 pm
King Green wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:28 pm
There was a good time in the early 80's where all 3 classes lived in harmony.
To begin with, no, there really wasn't.
I was going to say this.
For heaven's sake, the 80's is when the authoritarian dominos really started falling and the economic policies that were put in place started shifting wealth to the rich.
The only reason society did not collapse faster was innovations like the Personal Computer and the Internet combined with the fall of the Soviet Union. The end of World War II is the perfect example of how new technology and winning a massive paradigm defining conflict is really good for the winner's economy.
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Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

If it helps any, you are not alone in this scenario. I think it's pretty common for my entire generation, and a lot of gen-x-ers and boomers as well. Start with expectations of stable, comfortable middle-class life, end up with dwindling income and rising debt.

A big part of it is that the price of rent, housing, food, medicine, and college have risen dramatically, but wages are no better than they were in the 70s. Productivity has gone up, but the workers have seen no benefit from it. We used to have theorists projecting a four-day five-hour-a-day work week because of increased productivity. =/
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Re: Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by phantom000 »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote: Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:34 am If it helps any, you are not alone in this scenario. I think it's pretty common for my entire generation, and a lot of gen-x-ers and boomers as well. Start with expectations of stable, comfortable middle-class life, end up with dwindling income and rising debt.

A big part of it is that the price of rent, housing, food, medicine, and college have risen dramatically, but wages are no better than they were in the 70s. Productivity has gone up, but the workers have seen no benefit from it. We used to have theorists projecting a four-day five-hour-a-day work week because of increased productivity. =/
Someone said in the 50's and 60's banks made money by financing things like bridges and factories. In the 80's banks basically started financing themselves and they haven't really changed in the last 40 years. While this is not the cause of all our problems today, it is the main issue because it aggravates all the other problems. We have huge amounts of capital being raised only for it to basically disappear into bankers' private accounts and it never leaves except into some other banker's account. When 1/2 the capital, except its probably more like 3/4, essentially vanishes into thin air then what you have is an economy at half capacity.

If a factory gets into trouble what does it do? It can't get a loan because the bank doesn't trust a company that could go under any day. In the past a factory closing down would be an opportunity for an entrepreneur to come in and start a new business, except he can't get any capital because why would a bank invest in a new company and get 50% when they can invest in themselves and get 100%?

It's why every time there is a shock to the system the middle class gets smaller because when businesses close down the last thing these mega rich bankers want to do is risk anything on something that might not work and would only give them part of their investment bank, instead of just keeping all of it.
King Green
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Re: Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by King Green »

Okay, since everyone can't agree or is purely prejudice with the topic I posted on, let me clear things up for you, if your willing;

The 3 economic classes were not Truly Peaceful with each other, yes there were skirmishes to humiliat and potentially destroy another but were definitely at some sort of peace.

Industry means ABSOLUTELY nothing when tied to economic or political actions, all Industry wants to do is build, break and reforge. It is completely possible for Industry to act as a center point of civilization, look at the practices of WH 40k Necrons and Mechanicus?!

Just because I was moody from a deep memory I wrote in the style of it, doesn't mean shit when you enforce that mood! Learn the Sociopath spectrum.

And collectively(if possible to any who aren't Debis zealots) for the very beginning of end theme I wanted to talk about, was simply do good with your money. Abuse of ANY class economic system is not just bad, your just tricking other into assholes from their naivety. I have to do some extremely odd blye coller jobs to pay my rent and food.
I can't pay Chuck $30 on patreon so I get to see his fallout livestreams or Netflix bad sci-fi watch.
I do good work to pay for myself first before others need commodities. Mercy is to given, not giver. Plus I ironied the hell out of it of being called "Matthew" to aid lazy, high-ass, corporate-gods to force their hand in long term aid.

Don't be such a cock, folks. Learn the 8 points of civilization.
Health Aid.
War Aid.

Abuse those and you get the dilemma we have today. A Global Demise Plague.
Do not pity a Slave for the Slave-Lord, but hear the power of what Chaos can be.
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Draco Dracul
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Re: Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by Draco Dracul »

King Green wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:00 am Industry means ABSOLUTELY nothing when tied to economic or political actions, all Industry wants to do is build, break and reforge. It is completely possible for Industry to act as a center point of civilization, look at the practices of WH 40k Necrons and Mechanicus?!
I mean when it ceases to be a mere hypothetical, the act of an industry is inherently economic and political as it exists in the wider landscape a directly affects people's lives. I also think that is not the best example to choose as WH 40K is a fictional dystopia meaning that not only is it's relation to how things actually work tenuous at best, but the entire point of 40K as that these things don't work.
Fuzzy Necromancer
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Re: Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

Hey, King Green, what the almighty fuck did you just say? I got like three out of every seventeen words there.
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Re: Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

King Green wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:00 am Don't be such a cock, folks. Learn the 8 points of civilization.
Health Aid.
War Aid.
Citation needed, for this mostly and kind of for everything else you said.
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Re: Americas Middle Class Massacre *sobs*

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

King Green wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:00 amDon't be such a cock, folks. Learn the 8 points of civilization.
Health Aid.
War Aid.
Yeah I start with heavy drone production, but you typically need at least one supply depot/spore colony/pylon before you can afford infantry. Technically you're still in the economic phase at that point, so I'd say food supply comes before industrial. As far as education you don't want to tech much until you have not only plentiful but sustainable production of forces to attack with. Health aid isn't much of a concern unless you're Terran and have to produce medics separately, but that's just a matter of ground force accumulation really.

If you're playing a 3 v 3 then there's usually room to complain about your team, but skills are typically determined in 1v1's.

Also there isn't much mod interference on, much less just games in general that do auto matching systems and low priority pools. So I don't think there's much in the way of political strategy.
..What mirror universe?
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