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I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:36 pm
by phantom000
They say it is wrong to stay silent in the face of evil, but if I tell people what I really think they will be upset with me. But I suppose that is the point, yeah?

I think a religious nation is a bad idea. When religion becomes a requirement of citizenship, or when religious authorities gain political power (not influence because that is a different issue altogether) it creates conflicts of interest. .
"I voted against the bill because its clearly what God wants me to do, and as a christian I always follow God's will."

"Yeah, and the fact that your stock options would be worth less than half what they are now if the bill passes has nothing to do with your decision?"
Robert Heinlein once said that man is arationalizing animal; instead of looking at the evidence and making a decision we have a habit of making the decision and looking for an excuse to do what we've already decided to do. And let's be honest, God is the perfect excuse for just about anything you can think of.

This applies to Christians as much as anyone else and as someone who has always considered themselves a christian I would argue that the idea of a Christian Nation would go against Christ's teachings. "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, render unto God that which is God's" meaning that politics and religion are different things and should not be confused with one another.

This is why anytime I hear people talking about how the USA is not longer a Christian nation I want to roll my eyes. Maybe we are not a christian nation because never truly could be such a thing, or maybe we stopped being a christian nation because we can't tell the difference between God and Caesar anymore.

(I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone I felt like I needed to get this out there.)

Re: I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:28 am
by Thebestoftherest
Yeah, I am a Christian myself but there are so many people who claim to be God fearing yet you can tell they don't care for God, they only care about whatever choices fill theor pockets.

If Jesus really did asked them to do something they likely ignored it, and use mental gymnastics to convince themselves it a test, even if he specifically told them this is not a test you moron.

Re: I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:53 am
by McAvoy
People who say the US was founded on Christian values and is a Christian country knows nothing about the era of when the US was founded.

Yes the dominant religion is Christianity. Yes it has been dominated by Christian values for the past 2.5 centuries. But the foundation of the US isn't based on Christian values as we see it.

Besides, most people who day that shit is because they were told that. Empty minds being filled with empty statements only meant to control minds. And no I do not mean that as an attack against Christianity, it's Christianity being used as a weapon.

I am an atheist. Damn near as close to being one as possible in fact. I recognize the benefits religion can have especially within the smaller whole as opposed to the greater whole.

Re: I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:26 am
by Nobody700

Re: I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:53 am
by hammerofglass
This country was founded as VERY SPECIFICALLY NOT a Christian Nation. Because in practice you can't just be generically "Christian" on a government level, you have to choose a specific sect to endorse. The founders looked at the centuries of apocalyptic religious wars between Christian sects that Europe was just digging themselves out of and said "no, thank you".

Re: I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:20 am
by Madner Kami
I still can't help but point out the fact, that a good chunk of the first colonists specifically left England because of religious persecution and exclusion. They wanted freedom of religion and they wanted the government to stay the fuck out of their religion.* Christianity may have been a majority or even the majority religion in the US since it's first moments, but the US is very specifically not a christian country. This nonsense is a very recent development in the wake of the re-awakening of the traitorous South. The US' motto wasn't "In God we trust" until the 1900s, if not even mid-1900s. It used to be "E Pluribus Unum" (From Many, One). Unity despite differences is the entire point of the US...

*Though I have little doubt, that the Pilgrims would be in Trump's orbit these days, because they still were (by today's standards) far right wing religious extremists. But that's a different point.

Re: I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:00 pm
by Riedquat
Funny how no-one ever says "I don't like it but it's god's will, so I'd better go along anyway." No, always decisions that just happen to align with whatever they happen to think or want.

Re: I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:03 am
by Madner Kami
Riedquat wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:00 pm Funny how no-one ever says "I don't like it but it's god's will, so I'd better go along anyway." No, always decisions that just happen to align with whatever they happen to think or want.
Hm, I dunno. "Sending Thoughts and Prayers" has a pretty strong vibe of accepting the worst despite wishing the better. That is, presuming the person who "sends thoughts and prayers" actually wishes the situation to be better than it is, which I'm not entirely convinced to always be the case.

Re: I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:23 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
McAvoy wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:53 am People who say the US was founded on Christian values and is a Christian country knows nothing about the era of when the US was founded.

Yes the dominant religion is Christianity. Yes it has been dominated by Christian values for the past 2.5 centuries. But the foundation of the US isn't based on Christian values as we see it.

Besides, most people who day that shit is because they were told that. Empty minds being filled with empty statements only meant to control minds. And no I do not mean that as an attack against Christianity, it's Christianity being used as a weapon.

I am an atheist. Damn near as close to being one as possible in fact. I recognize the benefits religion can have especially within the smaller whole as opposed to the greater whole.
Meh the Boston tea party was more in line with Christianity than the tax that was levied on the colonists.

Re: I am sorry, I just need to vent something...

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:30 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Christianity is specifically wokeness against persecution, so it’s hard to say the us wasn’t rooted in that.