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The Sf Debris Cards Against Humanity Custom Expansion

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:34 pm
by Arkle

Why yes, this is a thing. I made it pretty much entirely by myself, though there were four or five based on suggestions from people in the SF Debris Faceboook fan group.

Having played more than a few games over the past year (has it really been that long? Wow.) I can tell you that it's led to some hilarious combinations when played alongside the default decks as well as other custom decks I've made. :)

Re: The Sf Debris Cards Against Humanity Custom Expansion

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:57 pm
by TheBritGit
Curses that I am the only person I know IRL who watches this!

Re: The Sf Debris Cards Against Humanity Custom Expansion

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 6:17 pm
by IrrCapT
Some more suggestions

White Cards:
Awarded the Congressional Medal of Gay
The sexual equivalent of the bends
A magnet installed above Data's quarters
The sun swallowing the world
Reverend Treehugger Von Condescension

Black Cards:
For Janeway's next experiment, the USS Voyager will monitor <blank>
Now the Mimbari blame Sheridan for <blank>
"Now I just need a clever action hero line." "<blank>" "Oh yeah, that's crap if I ever heard it."
<blank>, because dammit, there's nothing gay about this!