(Voy): Nemesis

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: (Voy): Nemesis

Post by Ghilz »

PerrySimm wrote: Yes, I think I've gotten them confused with each other too. Voyager, fond on rehashing itself when it wasn't busy rehashing TNG. The odd thing is that I thought "Memorial" was older, but no, "Nemesis" was first. DS9's "Whispers" was out way ahead of this, though.

Speaking of Whispers, I never understood why Sisko gives the Fake O'Brien the run of the station, and sets up this elaborate deception. If you think he's an impostor who is dangerous, detain him? Like, Sisko had to go to Keiko and Molly and go "Now, this isn't the real Miles, but a duplicate created to murder a bunch of people. So remember, act normal. This will be hilarious."
Darth Wedgius
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Re: (Voy): Nemesis

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Ghilz wrote: Speaking of Whispers, I never understood why Sisko gives the Fake O'Brien the run of the station, and sets up this elaborate deception. If you think he's an impostor who is dangerous, detain him? Like, Sisko had to go to Keiko and Molly and go "Now, this isn't the real Miles, but a duplicate created to murder a bunch of people. So remember, act normal. This will be hilarious."
I thought they weren't sure he was a replicant until they found the original. Alternatively, they could have wanted the perpetrators not to know they knew, and confining him would have given it all away. Then the perpetrators might have come up with some other plan or increased security on the o'riginal O'Brien.

But my preferred explanation is that O'Brien just dies every so often and is replaced by a clone, but doesn't know it. Like the plot of "Moon," except there's no cloning flaw; he's just that unlucky. The clone before this one was killed by his own toenail clipper, which had gained sentience and a homicidal rage for what was, after all, a rather unenviable purpose in life.

They were suspicious that this one was fake because he's survived more than a week. With the next O'Brien already ready, they had to shoot the old one and make up a story so the new one didn't catch on.
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Re: (Voy): Nemesis

Post by Robovski »

J!! wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:
Madner Kami wrote:Did anyone else confuse this with the Memorial-episode, where they stumble upon a memorial that beams the experience of a warcrime into their minds?
Ah, yes. Perhaps the only time in the multiverse where a war memorial constituted a suitable target for orbital bombardment. :)
and then build a memorial to all the victims of the previous memorial.

But this time with hookers and blackjack. No, probably this time in addition to forcing PTSD on everyone it will force chemical exposure and radiation cause genetic damage. Gotta double down on those memorials.
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Re: (Voy): Nemesis

Post by RobbyB1982 »

BlackoutCreature2 wrote: I don't know if that has to do with episode quality or if I'm just getting old.
Sheer volume. No one can clearly remember and recall 500+ different episodes of a franchise they only binged once 10 years ago. You'll remember the highlights but not nearly all of it.
Even a single standalone movie you can watch once and then forget a lot of the details in the course of a year... and yet be reminded when watching it again.

I'm going through the various series now with my wife (who has not seen most of them) and I know I've seen all of them... but if it's not an episode Chuck has reviewed then I maybe haven't thought about or seen the episode in a decade and might not really recall where it's going. there's quite a lot of episodes where I remember once scene or moment or a costume, and very little else.

This is especially true with me and classic Doctor Who, which I mostly only saw run through once on PBS over the course of years as a child, and often couldn't stay awake for the whole episode. So I'll remember a giant eyed alien with a high pitched voice, or a special effect that's a super neon glowing green on someone's skin, but very little else.

I've also discovered I remember the first few seasons of TNG and DS9 way better than the later seasons. I suspect because they went into syndication partway through their run so the first 50-70 episodes probably got rerun and rewatched a lot more. By the time the later seasons entered syndication... there were more episodes and I was rewatching less.
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