Last Man on Earth

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Last Man on Earth

Post by AllanO »

I actually watched the movie in preparation for watching the review (I had a DVD I had been meaning to watch this seemed like as good a reason as any). I think Chuck's review covers things well, I would just add it is slow and the special effects and action sequences (the "fights" between Morgan and the vampires) are not well choregraphed or tinged with much menace etc. as the less intelligent vampires shamble around and half heartedly menace Morgan and he shoves them (the chase at the end of is probably the best done of them). Price is a good actor and there are some good scenes and it is an interesting idea etc. but unless you really like something about the movie (Price, the concept, the style of movie etc.) I would not recommend seeing the movie as you probably will not get much out of it.

The review (and background video) was enjoyable and does highlight some interesting stuff, such as how in that much in this movie becomes more refined and even old hat in apocalypse horror/zombie style stuff, whereas as a first/early attempt it has a different feel.
Yours Truly,
Allan Olley

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Re: Last Man on Earth

Post by Beastro »

Whatever the faults of the film, the ending has had the most impact on me of all three of the films and was worth it for that alone.... even if the entire movie is just tedium working towards it.
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Re: Last Man on Earth

Post by Robovski »

CrypticMirror wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 6:48 pm
Scififan wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 4:01 pm Do you think he could do Omega Man? Maybe even the Will Smith I Am Legend?
Normally we'd point you to the donation-request button, but since the request queue now outstrips the heat death of the universe I would suspect that unless it is already on the list then probably not.
I'd commission Omega Man (a personal favorite) but between the lengthy queue and the fact I have requests already in the queue I'll restrain myself.
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