Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

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Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by MerelyAFan »

Ouch on Chuck's rating.

Honestly my only real criticism is that part of me wishes the episode could have tied in the broader Dominion arc a bit more. Its a fine outing and of itself, and is part of the gradual season 3/4 character work that moved Bashir from the annoying "frontier" doctor to the more mature and nuanced officer we saw later. I just wish its events could have either been referred to or at least been a bit more relevant later on.

Incidentally like many episodes, its fascinating to watch this episode in light of Doctor Bashir, I Presume. The supposed arrogance by Julian in assuming there's no cure could very well be the rational conclusion that if a genetically engineered genius couldn't find a remedy, what chance is there that it realistically exists?
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Re: Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by Aotrs Commander »

This is interesting. Season four was the point where I was still watching DS9 religiously (I stopped at the start of season six) and I don't remember this episode at ALL. (You'd have thought the Quark thing, at least, would have stuck...)

I think that rather speaks to Chuck's final score.
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Re: Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by SFDebris »

I have a feeling this will be my most controversial rating. I really struggled with how to describe something that is as best as it could be on every technical level while at the same time, ultimately failing to make me enjoy watching it. I know this is also making me ask for it, since those who don't care about the episode don't care what the score is, while those who do care will understandably take issue.
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Re: Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by Admiral X »

I guess I remember it fairly well from when I rewatched the whole series after buying the DVDs. The only reason I missed it when it aired is because it aired at Midnight and the VCR went on the fritz and recorded an hour of blank screen. But when I watched it, I liked it pretty well. I kind of agree that it didn't really get me all that invested, in spite of the story being a good idea and being a good character piece for the Doctor. Bugger of it is, I can't think much of how it could have been better, but I do feel it was missing something.
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Re: Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by Aotrs Commander »

SFDebris wrote:I have a feeling this will be my most controversial rating. I really struggled with how to describe something that is as best as it could be on every technical level while at the same time, ultimately failing to make me enjoy watching it.
I dunno, I think that is an entirely fair judgement. After all, as you so often remind us yourself, you put out an opinionated review, not a purely technically objective one (even if such a thing could exist). Being technically good and subjectively good often correlate, but not always. I can appreciate, say, Shakespeare or the Mona Lisa on a technical and historical level, but as works of entertainment media in their own right, they do nothing for me on an enjoyment level.

(And if you're gonna get flack, I'm probably going to get a fair bit from that last remark, myself!)

Or more genre appropriately, that episode of Babylon 5 where Sheridan is being basically tortured after being captured the entire episode - I can appreciate it for being technically well done, well acted and a pretty critical bit of plot, but I would be lying if I said I enjoyed it, per se. Or, another example, Logan: regardless of how well-produced and acted it may be (and I'm sure it is), it is telling a story I have ansolutely zero interest in. (Despite Wolverine being my second favourite X-man and X-23 ranking in the top ten.)
Last edited by Aotrs Commander on Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by CrypticMirror »

An alternate title of this episode could be "The Humbling of Julian Bashir". It is one of the key episodes in shaping his character, and I personally think it was one of the more compelling DS9 episodes. I'd have scored the episode an 8 or even 9, but I respect that this is "The Opinionated Guide" and it is all about Chuck's opinion. It is certainly an interesting one. I was expecting him maybe to say it was unscored like TNG: Family, oh well. I think we do all agree the Quark-Worf cameo at the start was genius. That should be a phone ringtone and Paramount/CBS ought to marketing the hell out of those Quark branded goods, can you imagine Lucasfilm/Disney not doing that to one of their Flagship franchises?

I'm looking forward very much to Quatermas Xperiment. I'm sure Chuck will have a lot to say on its origins and the compromises made for the movie.
Last edited by CrypticMirror on Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by CrypticMirror »

SFDebris wrote:I have a feeling this will be my most controversial rating. I really struggled with how to describe something that is as best as it could be on every technical level while at the same time, ultimately failing to make me enjoy watching it. I know this is also making me ask for it, since those who don't care about the episode don't care what the score is, while those who do care will understandably take issue.
It is almost like the show is just all about your opinion.
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Re: Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Ironically, this was the episode that came to mind everytime I thought of some of the best episodes of DS-9. And it is one of Bashir's best episodes certainly, and I have a much higher opinion of the character than most (as I was a bit of a whiz-kid growing up and identified with him).
It is also one of the easiest to point to when you want to illustrate how big a bastards the Dominion are.
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Re: Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by Sir Will »

I remember the episode and did like it. But yeah it can be a bit dull and it's not the more rewatchable thing around.
Aotrs Commander wrote:Or, another example, Logan: regardless of how well-produced and acted it may be (and I'm sure it is), it is telling a story I have ansolutely zero interest in. (Despite Wolverine being my second favourite X-man and X-23 ranking in the top ten.)
Yeah. I quite enjoyed it, but I can't say I loved it. I guess I like my superheroes a tad lighter and the last time seeing these characters being a downer 'what if' dystopian story is kind of eh. But the movie was well done, great performances, good story, and lots of heart. But while I liked it, I can't like say it's my favorite superhero movie last year or anything. Thor was more entertaining.
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Re: Star Trek (DS9): The Quickening

Post by zardox78 »

Wow. The way you were talking, I was expecting like an apologetic 7, or maybe even a 5 at the lowest. But a 3? Because... it's not fun to re-watch over and over? Hmm. Interesting criteria. There are a lot of movies and shows I would rate fairly highly that I'd never really want to watch a second time. Then there are mediocre movies and shows that I've watched over and over that I would rank half as high as the ones that I have no interest in re-watching. Guess it's the exact opposite for you. I never really understood how much re-watchability factored into your ratings before.

As far as being engaged, the birth scene at the end is both heartbreaking and heart-warming at the same time... which is hard to do. You gotta forget about the Starfleet POV for an episode, and consider her POV, and the baby's future POV, learning that his mother not only saved his life but probably saved their entire species through her sacrifice for him. This story is more engaging than 90% of all other episodes. Not saying it's better than 90% of all other episodes, but it definitely brings the emotional goods.
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