Babylon 5: Deathwalker

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Babylon 5: Deathwalker

Post by cdrood »

I may have to go back, but I never really got the impression that the serum was one dose and instant immortality. I always assumed it was something you had to keep taking to maintain the effect, which would really serve Deathwalker's plans. It essentially would force wars between her people's enemies as the kept trying to acquire enough material to keep themselves alive.

I'm pretty sure JMS confirmed the "backup personality" for Talia and she'd have gone to work for Kosh, as Lyta did.
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Re: Babylon 5: Deathwalker

Post by Wargriffin »

Archanubis wrote:
PerrySimm wrote:... where the Vorlons pithy-comment their way out of prosecution for yet another horror.
When they call back to this episode in "Eyes," Garibaldi pretty much says that trying to protest Vorlon actions is pretty much useless, and there are very few people stupid enough to antagonize pretty much the most powerful known race in the galaxy.

Besides which, considering who Jha'dur was and that her immortality serum was the only thing keeping the League of Non-Aligned Worlds from joining Na'Toth in tearing her limb from limb... yeah, I'd say most of them went, "Well, guess we'll call it day. Sucks to be her."

Londo's reaction is pretty much spot on

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Re: Babylon 5: Deathwalker

Post by Koshundheit »

A good review.

As far as the three-edged sword line Kosh used, it is part of a longer quote said elsewhere: "Understanding is a three-edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth." It is only meaningful when complete, which fits with the idea that Kosh is being deliberately cryptic here -- Something which should shock no one. That is a great thing about how Kosh is written. Even when he says something that has meaning in context like, "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote," one might not be sure if it is cryptic nonsense or a succinct and insightful reply that flew swiftly over their head.

I still long for more of the B5 universe. Ah well. At least I got to enjoy it recently through the eyes of a friend I watched it with for his first time. He absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, it promptly soured him on Stargate SG-1, when he realized that he prefers a more complex story and characters. So now we're watching DS9.
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Re: Babylon 5: Deathwalker

Post by Nevix »

G-Man wrote:
Nevix wrote:And it would probably end on a pile of ashes with paranoid immortals killing each other. If they're lucky.
So it would be a lot like another 90s hour-long speculative fiction drama that had a pilot called "The Gathering," then?

*Breaks out his Queen album, and plays the appropriate song.*

Also, more bloody, and less civil. With more Wolfenstien and less scotsmen.

And no what's his face who made the original Highlander so great because he played the main character. (I forgot his name.)


Maybe like that one character ending in Twisted Metal 2, where the character rules over a world that's populated by only him, and burning wreckage beneath and around his throne.
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