Discovery: Choose Your Pain

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by GandALF »


TNG would never, EVER do a single episode where the captain gets tortured and the crew has to deal with a replacement captain.

They'd do a two-parter
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Re: Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by Mickey_Rat15 »

That list of most decorated captains in Starfleet is a little odd. We have seen every single one of them in the course of all the series. Three of them should be currently serving (though one recently deceased) as captains, so why are they among the most decorated in the middle of their terms as ship COs? Apparently, April is the only captain of note between Archer and the current generation. There is one that canonically should be there, but is not: Garth of Izar. So, did they retcon the Battle of Axanar out of existence, did they forget about him, or did they mess up the timeline by making that something yet to happen.

Also, I never had the impression that Mudd would intentionally introduce himself as "Harcourt Fenton".
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Re: Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by MixedDrops »

The list of decorated captains is just a bit of fan service (and I'd say it's a decent example of fan service done right myself...though I guess YMMV for Archer being on there). As for how short it seems to be, it's been a while since I saw the episode, but I believe the shot cut away before the computer finished listing all the names, which really would be the only logical way to do it so fans can headcanon in whatever random characters they want...or in case someone does another-another prequel for Star Trek 30 years down the road or whatever.

Seems like quite a few people get up-in-arms on the F-bomb being dropped in the episode. I found it a bit puzzling but not really a big deal. It makes sense in context since Tilly's socially awkward and Stamets reacted the way most people would, but on a scriptwriting level I guess it's just supposed to be a humorous moment, and it didn't really work on that level for me. "Double-dumbass" still wins the day.

As usual Chuck seems to be keeping the spoilers to a minimum for the benefit of anyone watching the reviews along with the show, so I guess I'll do the same.

One thing about both the AshVoq and Lorca reveals is that I really often see people say they were too obvious, especially Ash. I feel with the former that might be somewhat justified, but I think the goal was to mask the Lorca reveal behind making people think they were clever for spotting the AshVoq one- though the AshVoq reveal was made really, really obvious before L'Rell made it kick in full gear so I don't know if it even qualifies as a plot twist.

I do wonder if I would've immediately spotted them had I not been participating in discussion forums for the show though. That's sort of a problem with shows in the information age- if you talk to dozens of people at once, obviously someone's going to figure it out ahead of time, because the writers are also working within the limits of human imagination, as well as our "rules" for storytelling.
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Re: Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by CrypticMirror »

This is Voyager's "Equinox: The series" with Neelix being promoted to first officer. Oy.....

With extra fanwank, continuity lock out, and all the other stuff which they said making it a prequel series instead of a DS9/Nemesis era sequel series would avoid.

At least it made me feel sorry for Mudd. He's a civilian, not a pleasant one admittedly but a civilian nonetheless, and his actions are broadly consistent with that of an untrained civilian in that scenario. It is never pleasant being a civilian caught between two military forces, it means both sides are out to screw you.

Less said about the dumb attempt at edginess with the swearing, the better.

Oh and Chuck, the choice between an Uber and hostile Klingons? I'd take the Klingons over Uber, at least the Klingons won't charge my bank account for the torturous journey.

STD, in general, really makes me appreciate Archer's level of competence and Phlox's high sense of ethics. I'd even take a Neelix centred series over this. A Neelix centred series, in the back of an Uber.
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Re: Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by Darth Wedgius »

While it's true that TNG did show a captain being tortured while a replacement was there, it took six seasons to do so. I think the "gritty" label is fair here.

I still wish a mirror universe of Harry Mudd had showed up, but I guess that might be a little too "Ace Rimmer."
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Re: Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by CareerKnight »

MixedDrops wrote:I do wonder if I would've immediately spotted them had I not been participating in discussion forums for the show though. That's sort of a problem with shows in the information age- if you talk to dozens of people at once, obviously someone's going to figure it out ahead of time, because the writers are also working within the limits of human imagination, as well as our "rules" for storytelling.
I don't think writers should worry about it too much. JMS talked about that subject on one of the B5 forums while the show was still running (I would track down the exact quote but it could have been under any arc episode in the lurker guide from season 1-4 or any episode where some arc relevant event happens from that period, so any episode from season 1-4) and his opinion on that matter that it wasn't a big deal if a few people figured it out ahead of time, that that meant it was fair and other people who didn't figure it out could then rewatch the episodes leading up to the reveal and spot the clues that they had missed. It was only a problem if everyone figured out before the reveal (cause it meant the mystery was very weak) or no one did because the writer cheated and never gave the audience enough to ever be able to figure it out beforehand.
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Re: Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by Durandal_1707 »

^ There's also the way that BSG did it—nobody figured out who the Final Five were ahead of time! Not even the writers!
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Re: Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by Imperator-zor »

Always Remember: Archer is the One Common Captain.

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Re: Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by ArchaonTheEverchosen »

So a hyper jump systems that side effect may including demon possessing. Sound like the Warp in Warhammer 40k. :twisted: Also, i not the most knowledgeable fan so i only recognize Archer, Pike and Georgiou from the captains list, the other i need to google search them to remind me who they are.
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Re: Discovery: Choose Your Pain

Post by Megabeatman »

ArchaonTheEverchosen wrote:Also, i not the most knowledgeable fan so i only recognize Archer, Pike and Georgiou from the captains list, the other i need to google search them to remind me who they are.
Matthew Decker is better known at Commadore Decker from the TOS episode “The Doomsday Machine” & Robert April is the first captain of the Enterprise (NCC 1701) before Pike. He appeared in the final animated series episode “The Counter-Clock Incident.”
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