Star Trek (VOY): Investigations

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Star Trek (VOY): Investigations

Post by crankyconner »


It surprised me that Chakotay didn't hold a grudge of some kind after finding out he'd been on the receiving end of a scheme Janeway cooked up because she didn't trust him.

Chuck said either in the review for this ep, or the Michael Jonas summary, that Neelix was the least likely character to blow open Jonas's plot (well, words to that effect). It got me thinking, who on Voyager would be the most skilled to blow the plot open. Tuvok? Well turns out he was already doing an investigation of his own.
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Re: Star Trek (VOY): Investigations

Post by bronnt »

crankyconner wrote:Chuck said either in the review for this ep, or the Michael Jonas summary, that Neelix was the least likely character to blow open Jonas's plot (well, words to that effect). It got me thinking, who on Voyager would be the most skilled to blow the plot open. Tuvok? Well turns out he was already doing an investigation of his own.
It might have actually been fun to watch an episode based around Tuvok actually doing his job of being an investigator. I mean that in a sense of seriously following him around, and seeing a Vulcan use logic and deductive reason to root out espionage. We got that a little bit in "Meld," but it was like 1/3 of the episode, and it was also in "Ex Post Facto" but that was a crappily written mystery.

It was seriously said at one point that the writers didn't find it dramatic to see competent people doing things at which they're competent. It's kind of similar to how, in "Thine Own Self," they decided it was better dramatically for Troi to get promoted rather than Geordi, Data, or Worf, since none of those three characters had anything to prove. Which is ludicrous when you think about what that's saying-"We're not going to promote characters who have earned it, we'll promote the character who hasn't earned it because it's dramatic."
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