Stargate SG-1: Hathor

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Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Post by Nobody700 »

When I watched all of SG1 cause of the positive reviews I heard from SF Debris, I decided to look up the reviews for other episodes. I skipped Hathor for a reason. Now seeing what’s in it? Yeah... i’m Glad I did.

Also when they did finally meet Hathor, i’m A little glad they didn’t have Daniel go ‘She raped me!’ That would have been a very... unpleasant way to tell me what happened in Hathor. Also speaking of that, I hate it for 3 reasons. One, looking at how DEAD Daniel looks after the act is just... sad. Like he looks like he was... and I don’t need to be reminded of that unless the story is all about the act... which it wasn’t. Two, the fact they ignored it EVEN IN THE SAME EPISODE! Daniel is dead for a while but then he’s smiling and goofing around. Lastly... why? Why was he raped? Their was no story reason and we already knew Hathor was evil. He was raped for shock value, which is the worst reason to ever have a rape in your story. If I had to give this episode a score, it would be a 1 out of 10.

Also, when Dr. Franklin said ‘We have to seduce them’ I actually blurted out ‘Oh Come on’ and my wife stared at me like I was crazy cause I had headsets on watching the review.
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Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Post by Artabax »

clearspira wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:09 am
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:58 am
Madner Kami wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:42 am
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:19 amShips it is then. Though remember, Lord Yu was well aware of the Antarctica gate.
Unless Yu is more than 34 million years old, he can't have known about it, because that was the last time Antarctica was ever ice-free. The genus Homo is only 2.8m years old, as far as we can tell, with modern humans only appearing 350.000 years ago, at the earliest. Canonically, Ra was the first to find humans, precisely homo sapiens and he was also the one who brought the Alpha Gate to Earth. Clearly, Yu being aware or any Goa'Uld using the Beta Gate is thus out of question. Where do you take that assumption from?
In the episode Fair Game. In the negotiations with the Asgard, Lord Yu demands Earth's stargates surrendered to the System Lords. "Both of them."

In the novel Four Dragons, Lord Yu tells Daniel that he was around to protect China, especially when Anubis tried to flood it, making Lord Yu rather cross, and they've been enemies ever since.
That could just mean Yu has spies on Earth.
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Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Post by Ghilz »

Yu doesn't need to know the Gate was in antartica specifically. He just needs to know the ancients lived on Earth. He knows the Ancients built the gate network, he'd therefore know Earth should've already have a gate. He knows Ra brought the Egypt gate. Heck, the Goauld's own sensors might've detected the antartica gate, but by that point they had the egypt one up and didn't care. There's a million way he could've known for years that Earth has two gates. He probably knew this long before the SGC opened.
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Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Post by CharlesPhipps »

The Hebrew God isn't physical and thus a poor fit for a Gould who are based on anthropomorphic deities.

(Completely ignores the actual attempt to avoid controversy)
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Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Post by Fianna »

If he ain't physical, then what did Moses go up to see on the Mountain and need his eyes protected from?
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Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Post by CharlesPhipps »

Fianna wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:41 pm If he ain't physical, then what did Moses go up to see on the Mountain and need his eyes protected from?
An Ori.
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