Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by thevirtualjim »

J!! wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:37 am For all it's many, many flaws, I personally rather like Repo, The Genetic Opera
Its so weird to me that REPO! is thought of by him as 'gorn'. The gore is theatrical to the extreme - very unrealistic and just shown to express the idea that things are bloody. As a medical professional, the first time I saw the movie, I though it was a very silly representation of all the 'blood and guts'.

I know its not a perfect movie by any stretch of the imaginations. However, its a great cult film and much fun, and i was one of the people who ran a shadowcast of the movie. I was lucky enough to interact with many creative people both in my cast and people who were involved in the actual movie itself. I even got to do a performance in NYC of the 10 min rock opera the movie was based off of.

Everyone I met who was involved in the production - actors, writers, directors, musicians, etc - were all wonderful people, and definitely more creative than me.

Also, in today's society/politics, I wouldn't be surprised if organ repossession was legalized! (at least for 'some' members of society)

Definitely music and atmosphere it what I love most about this movie.

PS. I'm not a fan of Paris Hilton, but I'm told that she was apparently very helpful and kind to everyone involved in making the movie, so I don't want to dis on her too much.

PPS. Im gonna stop now because there is too much more I can say about the movie.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by TheStarWarsTrek »

thevirtualjim wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2019 5:49 am
Also, in today's society/politics, I wouldn't be surprised if organ repossession was legalized! (at least for 'some' members of society)
Sorry, but this is right up there with The Purge when it comes to "unrealistic legal scenarios that a surprising number of people think could actually happen".
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by thevirtualjim »

I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek with that comment...or at least i tried to be, but my tongue was recently repossessed.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by TheStarWarsTrek »

Ah, ok. Gotcha.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Artabax »

DS9 the Haunting of Deck 13. Re Borg children, Chuck says TPTB "wisely" dropped the Borg children except Eecheb. What a typo! Not "wisely" but "Wesley".

Wesley Crusher was insufferable because he was absolutely perfect in every way. The glory of Jake Sisko and Naomi Wildman is that they were real relatable people. So then Eecheb is absolutely perfect in every way ie Wesley Crusher 2.0
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Yukaphile »

Seems less like a disagreement and more you want him to be consistent, which no human alive can be.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Beelzquill »

I guess one thing I disagree with him is his rationalization of how the cube could form in Cube. I get it is a metaphor for how bad bureaucracy can screw over people but the scale of how huge the cube is just doesn't make sense. I honestly kind of think he's writing the movie for the director there and it mildly annoys me.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Nobody700 »

I didn’t like the Cube as a film and the whole ‘Bureaucracy’ metaphor becomes ridiculous with how the Cube is. The cube NEEEDS to be operated. It has to be constantly rearmed, cleaned (he made the janitor joke but that is a legit concern), has people actually grab those and be thrown into the cube, and god knows the amount of resources needed to constantly hide the cube. It just becomes a parody of it, like an episode of Futurama over a serious discussion. Now there’s a lot to like the Cube, but a metaphor for how the government destroying people’s lives by not caring? Yeah the Cube fails by being such a ridiculous over exaggeration of it.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by SuccubusYuri »

Artabax wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:49 pm DS9 the Haunting of Deck 13. Re Borg children, Chuck says TPTB "wisely" dropped the Borg children except Eecheb. What a typo! Not "wisely" but "Wesley".

Wesley Crusher was insufferable because he was absolutely perfect in every way. The glory of Jake Sisko and Naomi Wildman is that they were real relatable people. So then Eecheb is absolutely perfect in every way ie Wesley Crusher 2.0
I would say in Chuck's defense that I think he was more getting at that adding four new *children* characters in the final season of a show that hated development so much they shoved all of Seven's growth from Season 5-7 into the finale, would have been a nightmare if they had tried to actually give them personalities. Eecheb is more the token form of the Borg Kids, one individual face that gets to project their shared experience to the audience, and Seven really didn't need more than one Mini-Me to make the point clear.

I agree he gets a bit Wesley, but, considering Voyager's writing team that seems the almost inevitable course of how THEY imagine a chibi-Seven. "He's like Seven, but struggling with puberty!" But I'd say it was a wise decision because Eecheb was the better way to perform what the Borg Kids were meant to represent. The fact he was the eldest didn't hurt either in terms of the acting. Wisdom perhaps, not in the initial decision but a deft course-correction to at least salvage the oopsie they made.
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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Post by Dragon Ball Fan »

some more things now that I've rewatched some Trek stuff.

first something in general first, he keeps getting on Janeway and Archer for always sticking by their principals no matter what but didn't get on Bashier for a similar absolutism. he wanted to completely get rid of Section 31 but even if we accept the Changeling genocide was going to far, other things in the franchise suggests the Federation really does need 31. besides, it's a standing order for all Starfleet officers to commit genocide against the Borg if they get the chance("Scorpion" was a unique situation that would never happen in the Alpha Quadrant) so how is the Changeling virus any different? just because the Female Changeling was convinced, doesn't mean they all will be, they don't seem to have a single individual leader so it's not as if what Female says, goes for everyone in the Dominion.

and about the lack of conflict between the Starfleet and Maquis members of the crew, at least two of the Maquis were originally connected to Starfleet in some way, so, they'd be more likely to fallow Janeway and for the most part at least, the Maquis are not as ruthless or fanatical as real terrorists or even the Bajoran Resistance, they're idealized terrorists, that's another factor to consider.

and "Unimatrix Zero" was perfectly in character for the Borg Queen, the Borg's Villain Decay wasn't because of writing but because the Queen became more of an individual over the eons and became a megalomaniac with her own agenda.

and with "Caretaker", the people who say Janeway had no choice and those who say she made a choice are both right and both wrong. the choice to be made was weather the chance home was worth fighting the Kazon reinforcements, risking even more damage to Voyager, more crew being killed, the Kazon using the distraction to go after the Ocompa or using up all their torpedoes and not having the time bomb option. also consider that the Caretaker begged her to destroy the array before he died, similar principal to a distress call, as a Starfleet officer, she's obligated to destroy the array.

and Janeway's flip floping on her principals may just be that she has no superiors to tell her what to do and has to make a call on what to do herself and that's going to be different depending on the situation.

in "Prime Factors" to the Sikarians, letting them figure out the technology would be just as bad as if they gave it to them, they'd still be indirectly responsible if Voyager did it for anything bad. and Torres wanted to figure it out behind their backs, even in the beginning, she never suggested asking to do that.

"State of Flux" wile yes, Neelix's "tug of war" with Seska over the mushrooms was immature but that wasn't really what he was mad about when he called Chakotay, it was about Seska stealing food rations that everyone needed.

"Scorpion" Janeway had no choice but to ally with the Borg in her particular situation, Species 8472 were like Daleks and wanted to kill literally every living thing in the Prime Universe.

and having watched "Equinox" again now, Ransom said they were going to kill over sixty of the aliens, not just seven, so yeah, no needs of the many argument there.

"Flesh and Blood" in addition to what I've already said about this episode, the Herogen technician did say he was going to look after the holograms and the other Herogen backed off. and any more attempts like this will naturally make it so either the holograms are non sapient but still simulate it satisfactory or make them like the Tosk and have them want it.

"The Void" they couldn't keep the device the murderer guy installed because as Janeway said herself, they'd be accessories to murder. wile you could argue they still had little other choice but to use it, it would have still been a hypocritical showing to their allies.
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