The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by aceina »

on this subject i expect when mako finds out he will pull them both into a big hug and congradulate them

bolin will say wait you 2 just started dating i thought you have been dating sense we took down the red lotus

tenzin will smile and say he is glad korra is able to accept love again and say asami is a fine young woman then he will give asami a sort of if you hurt her speach but being tenzin he will be bad at it

lin will smirk and good job kid

korras parents will welcome asami to the family and tonraq will give asami a big hear hug
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by RobbyB1982 »

Huh. I'm getting notifications that I've been quoted over things I didn't even say.
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by Winter »

RobbyB1982 wrote:Huh. I'm getting notifications that I've been quoted over things I didn't even say.
That's my fault I was trying to quote someone else and somehow I ended up quoting you as well, not sure how that happened but sorry never the less.
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by Winter »

Okay while this thread allows spoilers what I'm about to talk about is based on a leak of TLOK Turf War that was posted online a while back and given the nature of the scene I don't want to spoil it for anyone who wants to see it for themselves but I still wanted to talk about it so for anyone who either hasn't seen the leak the fallowing has been whited out so you don't know what will happen.

Okay so here it is, at page 14 Korra and Asami begin to talk to one another and tell one another when they started to fall for each other. Korra confesses that after Asami took her race car driving back in Air the thing Korra remembers most was how relieved she felt as she had often been told that she was too intense when she was young but after that race she had finally met someone who could be just as intense and wild as she could be and that she has never had anyone in her life that got her the way Asami does. On Asami's part she tells Korra that during the three years Korra was away was the longest years of her life and she believes that's when she realized just how much Korra meant to her and that she had almost told Korra that in one of her letters. When Korra asks Asami why she didn't do so Asami confesses that she was afraid that if Korra didn't feel the same way that Korra may never come back. And possibly after this moment, and here's where we get into MAJOR spoiler territory so last chance to stop reading, Korra and Asami FINALLY kiss!!!

F# YEAH!!!

(Edit: That last bit is actually wrong as based on landscape they kiss after the rock spirit nearly kills them so the kiss takes place before the confessions. Still a F# YEAH, moment but I was wrong.)

So here's what I want to talk about and that's how this scene is handled in contrast to Korra and Mako's first kiss and love confessions in The Spirit of Competition and Endgame. One of the problems with Korra and Mako's relationship was just how poorly it was established before hand. From episodes ttwo to four Mako showed no real interest in Korra and was, at best, indifferent to her. The Closest we got to signs that Mako had feeling for Korra was him apparently talking all about Korra to Asami in Voices in the Night. I say apparently because we never actually see this, we are simply told about it by Asami when she meets Korra for the first time. There is also their scenes together n the Revolution but throughout the episode Mako remains focused on finding Bolin and thus remains indifferent to Korra and in fact seems more annoyed by her then anything.

So when we get to The Spirit of Competition him saying that he can't choose between Korra and Asami and that he does have feelings for Korra doesn't ring true as there has been no build up and no signs that Korra means anything to him but a friend at best, a casual acquaintance at worst. And on Korra's part the show never bothered to establish why Korra was so interested in Mako other then he was the head of her favorite Pro-Bending Team and that he was hot (pun somewhat intended). And as Chuck pointed out, I cannot recall a single moment when the two ever got along with one another both before and after they became a couple.

And then we have Mako realizing his feelings for Korra in Out of the Past as he starts to freak out and starts acting, too quote TV Tropes, like his wife has been kidnapped. Please keep in mind that in The Revolution Mako was able to keep his cool despite the fact that Bolin was in the exact same situation, captured by a known hate group who had it out for benders, but with Korra he just can't handle it and loses his $#!t once he learns Korra has been taken which makes it seem that he cares more for Korra, who he has only known for a month or two at best, then his brother who he pretty much had to raise after the death of their parents!!!

And then we get to Mako confessing that he truly does love Korra, after she has lost her bending which was clearly a traumatic for her so clearly now is the time to pile even more emotional baggage on her.

Mako and Korra confessions and kisses in Air didn't work because we never saw Mako showing any interest until almost halfway through the season and when it was not a good time and the show never bothered to show us why Korra was interested. Korra and Asami on the other hand took the time to get to know one another and we see what they see in each other. They have always been there for each other whenever things got tough, they work better together then any other member of Team Avatar and they have seen the best of each other.

So when Korra and Asami finally kiss it feels real and earned and not forced. What they're talking about was SHOWN to us throughout the series, through the way the looked at each other, talked to each other, they way the gravitate to each other whenever they are in the same room or how they wrote to each other while Korra way gone. And when they reunited they started acting more couple like and both showed that they were clearly comfortable with each other as shown whenever they were alone and told each other things they would never share with any of their other friends.
Last edited by Winter on Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:11 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by aceina »

huh interesting stuff
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by Thanotos Omega »

I hope the series keeps getting a steady flow of Reviews, it's one of the few things that get's them that i am familiar with and have no strong negative emotions about, so 2 eps or an arc a month til completion would be nice,
You will notice i end my sentences with a , this will not change, you are wasting everyone involved's time pointing it out, this is just a quirk of how i ,unicate!
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by Steve »

Thanotos Omega wrote:I hope the series keeps getting a steady flow of Reviews, it's one of the few things that get's them that i am familiar with and have no strong negative emotions about, so 2 eps or an arc a month til completion would be nice,
Posters at Spacebattles collectively contributed for (most of) Book 2 and for Book 3. Unfortunately our Book 4 attempts fell flat (probably due to bad timing, too close to holidays), but I personally contributed for the last three episodes of Book 4, so I know we will get that eventually.

Mind you, given the sheer quantity of animated material poor Chuck has to go through, I'm hoping that by the time he gets around to Book 4, he'll have re-opened collections, at least collections for series already in the queue.
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by Winter »

Funny story, back when it was Change was first announced and there was a few screen shots released and one of which was Korra and Asami sparing with the text from the screen shot saying how Korra and Asami were going to be spending more time together and that the show was going to focus more of their friendship. And of course fans being fans immediately began going on about how the writers would be making Korra and Asami a couple. I decided to put my own two cents in and said the fallowing.

"Before I say anything let me make clear that if Bryke decided to make Korra and Asami a couple I would be completely in support of the ship as we really need LGBT representation in western animation. But lets be honest here, there's no way that's going to happen, the studio wouldn't allow it. So while we're going to see Korra and Asami spend more time together, (which is great as I think they'll make a better team than either girl ever was with Mako, (apologies to Makorra and Masami fans)) we're not going to see anything that can be seen as even remotely romantic. We won't so much as see them hold hands, let alone see them kiss or say I love you and even if they did it'll likely be accompanied by them saying something like, the sister I never had or by very best friend."

Yup, that's pretty much what I said and what I believed... Then I started watching Change and about midway through the season I became a really hardcore Korrasami fan. The two just had this really great chemistry that no other couple in the series had. I don't know how it worked but unlike Mako and Korra, which I stopped shipping after episode three I wanted to see Korra and Asami become a couple but thought that they would just keep it platonic, until we got to the finally for Change and we saw Asami tending to Korra and the episode implying that she had been doing so for the past two weeks. And than Asami took hold of Korra's hand to let her know that she was there for her. And the way she said it, how the camera focused on Asami holding Korra's hand and how close she was during the scene was more engaging and more romantic then anything either girl had with Mako throughout the series.

I won't go into every single thing that implied that the two had fallen hard for each other but while the two didn't have much time together in the final season, what we did get was solid gold with almost half the episodes of the final season building up to their Relationship Upgrade in the series finally. I think the fact that the show wasn't as overt with their relationship as it was with others helped the show as it wasn't as rushed and as awkward as Mako and Korra's relationship or even as some of the other relationships in the show, (seriously aside from Korra and Asami is there one relationship in this show that didn't take a one episode for the characters to fall in love?).
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by anderswasright »

I loved the show overall, although it certainly has its flaws, mostly due to Season 1 being too rushed and then having to have a new villain every season. Although it did lead to that priceless villain conference call.

I do have a fondness for Amon. His voice acting and design are excellent, and his backstory is way more moving than Mako's whole Batman thing. I wish they could have dedicate episodes to Mako and Bolin flashbacks (like expanding the story told in the three shorts) and showed Amon, Hiroshi and Totally Not Admiral Hackett on their own, like The Beach does with Team Fire Nation. And boy, did we need an actual talk between Amon and Tarrlok after he was captured. That whole dramatic reveal wasn't worth not giving them a chance for a confrontation, since their short scenes at the end don't really involve any talking about their issues. Also, wow. I'm still wondering how the boat scene made it through the censors.
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Re: The Legend of Korra Series Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Post by Winter »

One of my issues with Korra's decision to leave the Spirit portals open is the fact that she seems to forget that the spirits, are complete jerks. Sure there are spirits who genuinely want to help humans because its the right thing to do but they are the exceptions not the norm. Most spirits are complete psychos with Holier Than Tho attitudes who take what isn't rightfully there's because it crossed their field of vision and some times act like Eco-terrorism. And we're supposed to see them as the good guys.

If the Spirits of Avatar were more like the Spirits of Dragon Age, i.e. that they are reflections of the mortal world and the reason most of them act the way they do is because they are reflecting the humans of that time and several of them are likewise acting more like the people trying to do good then it would have solve a LOT of problems.

Another issue with The Legend of Korra is her leaving the spirit portal open, as it had ZERO effect on the show. Spirits never really do anything in the shows main narrative, and the few things they do end up doing to help the narrative could have been done with out the spirit portal being open. Actually I think the only time a spirit actually did something was the little spirit that led Korra to Toph and really did we need the spirit portal open for that scene to work? We know spirit can enter the world during key moments that they are areas that spirits can use to enter the human world, and it wouldn't be a surprise if the Swamp is one of those places, so that spirit being in the human world wouldn't really take much explaining to be there.

At least with Turf Wars the spirits and spirit portal are actually part of the narrative and the series is starting to question if the Spirits are really the good guys but as for the series in general I think that leaving the spirit portal open, well let me quote Douglas Adams, "This has made a lot of people very angry, and has been widely regarded as a bad move."
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