TNG - The Mind's Eye

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by Worffan101 »

Why the Hell wouldn't people like the They Live review? It was both hilarious and interesting.

Hopefully the old reviews can be re-uploaded soon, they set the gold standard IMO for speculative fiction reviewing in general and the video review genre in particular. Also, if I can't watch the "A Night In Sickbay" review at least once a month, I think I might actually lose the ability to laugh.
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by TGLS »

[drums fingers] Nazis who were mad Chuck didn't say "It's Da Jooz!" That's all I got.

Either way, this hybrid structure could work. Could have been better if at the end he put up the footage of the guy getting to close to the camera...

Stupid Alternatives to dealing with copyright strikes:
1) Self Hosting (To expensive on space, bandwidth)
2) Bit torrent (Kind of surrendering to the whole "copyright violation" thing)
3) Rifftrax? (I haven't the clue on the logistics of this)
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by Shuboy07 »

I seem to recall Chuck mocking poor trigger discipline in the review of Empok Nor. So I was surprised at a lack of snark over Geordi firing the phaser near Data in Main Engineering. Doesn't the Enterprise have a firing range?
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by bronnt »

Shuboy07 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 7:10 am I seem to recall Chuck mocking poor trigger discipline in the review of Empok Nor. So I was surprised at a lack of snark over Geordi firing the phaser near Data in Main Engineering. Doesn't the Enterprise have a firing range?
Seems like a drastically different circumstance. The weapon was clearly locked in place and carefully sighted into a specific target for a controlled test. And it clearly was firing at extremely low intensity since it does absolutely nothing to the target (then again, that's on par with how effective Star Trek phasers are usually shown).

That's a bit different than pointing a weapon at a person and, when that person specifically objects-on the grounds that he's not interested in being shot-the person holding the gun doesn't bother pointing the gun elsewhere and just says, "Hey, the safety is on." There's careless gun handling, and there's careless gun handling combined with being an asshole.
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

SFDebris wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 4:06 am Thus, making it bot-proof and loading it to Youtube was the only logical option to ensure timely release. Regular releases were tried on YT and failed, and the circumstances that led to the DM flagging were so odd that a Vimeo upload risked having a third and final strike sent to them, which would bring down almost ALL the videos. It was simply an unacceptable risk in light of the circumstances. Especially because the speed involved makes me wonder if this was even CBS this time, or one of the many angry, crazy people on Youtube who didn't like my They Live video deciding just to cause trouble for me personally.

I really miss Blip.
I appreciate the extra effort.
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by Drooling Iguana »

I wonder if it would make sense to set up a PeerTube instance for this site.
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by Fianna »

Okay, I get why the Federation tolerates all these covert Romulan attempts to destroy them, even ones that go so far as kidnapping and brainwashing Federation officers and trying to start a war between the Federation and the Klingons. But how do the ultra-belligerent Klingons not respond to all the crap the Romulans get up to with an open declaration of war?
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

Fianna wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 3:58 pm Okay, I get why the Federation tolerates all these covert Romulan attempts to destroy them, even ones that go so far as kidnapping and brainwashing Federation officers and trying to start a war between the Federation and the Klingons. But how do the ultra-belligerent Klingons not respond to all the crap the Romulans get up to with an open declaration of war?
Because they are just as backbiting.
I mean, it was a Klingon who was helping with the whole plot.
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Fianna wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 3:58 pm Okay, I get why the Federation tolerates all these covert Romulan attempts to destroy them, even ones that go so far as kidnapping and brainwashing Federation officers and trying to start a war between the Federation and the Klingons. But how do the ultra-belligerent Klingons not respond to all the crap the Romulans get up to with an open declaration of war?
lol fair question.

I have heard from TNG in the show at points that there is a current internal regard for the klingon empire as weak surrounding the alliance with the federation. With that in mind, I'm somewhat grateful that Discovery worked to give an expanded framework to their culture and I'll pay more attention to that when I watch season 1 again.

Personally I like what someone here I believe said about the Klingons being more of a pirate culture in terms of infrastructure development between TOS and TNG.
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Re: TNG - The Mind's Eye

Post by Darth Wedgius »

Yes, good work on SFDebris part getting the video YouTubeSafe-ified quickly. And I'm fine with still images in these reviews. But I often listen to the review while doing something else so I don't know how typical that is.

I like that LaForge was having problems at the end. That's a hell of a thing to go through. Maybe it would have been easier if the Romulans had grown an evil clone of him, but that sounds like the plot to some terrible movie.

As to the spilled drink? Even in TNG, O'Brien must suffer. Treknology can play fast and loose with gravity or even conservation of mass, but some laws they can't just reverse polarity their way out of.
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