
This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Post by bronnt »

So I remember this anime. I think it's fondly remembered for the very slow burn when it comes to explaining the setting and backstory for this world, where you're only getting little details, a few hints, up until The Big Reveal. It starts of with silly, whacky adventures, but ends up getting pretty heavy and serious later on, which made an impression on some people.

Ultimately, I remember it not working for me. The buffoonish nature of the hero works against him later on when they're trying to set him up as being wiser than you think. Even as a teenager watching this, his later attempts at sagacity work against him when you remember that this guy intentionally tried to peek on a woman showering. It wasn't even a case of, "the door was cracked open and he momentarily had the impulse to peek through," this guy elaborately tied a rope and rappelled down a building to peek in on a naked lady. And in the next episode, he's crawling on the floor to peek up the skirts of a woman who's tied up while her life is being threatened. He's a fucking creep.

Plus, the big "twist" that comes toward the end of the really did feel like it was written by a 15-year-old. It makes zero sense and the mechanics of it feel completely unexplored. It doesn't really add anything other than seeming like a mind-bending revelation for the sake of weirdness.
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Re: Trigun

Post by Mecha82 »

Ah yes Trigun. One of best anime from 90's. It's interesting way we see Vash in beginning contradicts real him because he seems to use that to run away from his past and pain of those past events. It really gives extra depth to his goofiness before that.
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Re: Trigun

Post by Yukaphile »

Ahem. That would be Yu Yu Hakusho. Not even joking. 8-)
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Re: Trigun

Post by Mecha82 »

Well I haven't watched Yu Yu Hakusho plus I did say one of best anime from 90's. As in among best ones alongside titles like Cowboy Bebop (which to me is best anime ever), Slayers and Outlaw Star.
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Re: Trigun

Post by Spider_John01 »

The hardest part for me was knowing that Chuck wouldn't get to 'Hard Puncher' (ep. 5) in this review as it is the pay-off to everything that has come before it and is truth be told, one of my favorite stories from the series. I think it is going to be really awkward for Chuck to pick back up with 'Hard Puncher' when he does the next batch of episodes, but I have faith in his insight, creativity, and talent to look at the episode in the proper context.
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Re: Trigun

Post by Edvarius »

This is one I fondly remember from my childhood. Vash is one of my favorite anime heroes. For as goofy as he acts, he takes "Thou shalt not kill" incredibly seriously. Actually it's kind of interesting to see the different approaches certain protagonists take to a no-kill philosophy. Like, neither Vash or Kenshin would ever kill you, but they have very different reasons for that. Another thing I liked about this series is something many other series don't give much thought to, the episode previews at the end of each episode. Rather than being a straight telling of what's going to happen, it's Vash musing on the theme/moral of the upcoming episode.

Also, if anybody who hasn't seen this series is curious about it Funimation has put the whole thing up on YouTube for free.
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Re: Trigun

Post by CrypticMirror »

I always thought "Oh, My Goddess" was the best anime from the 90s-ish. Admittedly it overlapped with the 00s as well.

NGE was peak 90s, of course, but without the context of the era it falls flat.
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Re: Trigun

Post by bronnt »

Mecha82 wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:34 pm Cowboy Bebop (which to me is best anime ever)
I don't know if it's the best anime ever, but it's probably the best when it comes to appealing to an American audience. It translates much better since it avoids too many things that Western audiences just find weird or distracting, even if they're commonly understood in Japanese media.
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Re: Trigun

Post by TheGreenMan »

Trigun? Episodes 1-4? I think I just squee-ed.
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Re: Trigun

Post by ORCACommander »

no stinger and overlord at the end?
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