DS9: Tacking into the Wind

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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Dînadan »

CareerKnight wrote:
Dînadan wrote:As I've said in other threads/the old forum, I think the problem isn't so much the TNG era depiction of Klingons, it's that they continued with it in Enterprise. Star Trek VI pointed out after the Praxis incident they were screwed and were going to become a dying/doomed race, and in the TNG era we see exactly that; they're screwed and will likely collapse as a major power unless they change. Then Enterprise came along and had them be exactly the same centuries earlier, with the closest we came to seeing them any different being a single lawyer who gave an old geezer "Kids these days" grumble.
Do you have anything to backup that that is what the TNG writers were going for cause if not its just your in-universe pet theory and it has some holes in it (heck the holes are there whether its yours or theirs). Biggest being that Star Trek VI gave them 50 years and TNG takes place roughly 60 years later so if they still haven't resolved the issues it created yet you then have to explain how they haven't collapsed already, cause even with the Federation propping them up the culture we see in TNG is so incapable of handling a massive energy shortage and ecological damage that they should have already imploded before TNG started.
I don't have anything to back it up, so I should add an addendum that it was unintentional; entirely my fault, I should have been clearer.

As for the timeframe, it's probably worth noting that was an estimate, so it's not as if they would reach 50 years exactly and, bang, no more Klingons. Also, that estimate was based on them being on their own, so the Federation providing humanitarian aid would have extended that deadline and what we see over the TNG-era being the death throes as they're on their way out.

I should also clarify the intent of my statement; what I meant was a counter to the thought expressed by some that the degradation of the Klingons into more and more a stereotype is intrinsically a bad thing. I'm just saying that the fault lies with the Enterprise writers, not the TNG ones (obviously there's an overlap, for those that wrote for both I mean the fault lies with them when they wrote Enterprise not the TNG shows) as it perpetuated the stereotype and continued the degradation in an earlier era rather than making it an in universe thing. The waffle about how in-universe stuff could be used to support it is just something that occurred to me as I wrote the post and was to elaborate on how it could have been used as an authors' saving throw.

Again, my bad, I should have been clearer in my earlier post as to what I meant.
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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Madner Kami »

It's hard to see, how a spacefaring, intergalactic species, that rooted itself on several planets outside of their original solar system would or even could fail as a whole, because one world collapses. The economy taking a nose-dive because the most important and most developed world suddenly lacking a means of proividing power or the main planet becoming inhabitable over time, due to the tidal and ecological effects of the moon being gone, sure, but a society as dispersed as that collapsing as a whole? Nope. Civil Wars could ensue as the original center of power looses it's central role, obviously, and one could argue that this is what is happening, but the Klingons are not just going away because of a localized disaster.
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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Admiral X »

I don't think they claimed the Klingons would go extinct, just that the Empire would collapse.
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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Robovski »

Maybe it was the main source of dilithium for the Empire's ships? But clearly the Klingon response would be "Time to conquer more!" not "Better peace out and scale back the Navy."

But that whole thing is an analog for the end of the Cold War anyhow.
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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Fuzzy Necromancer »

I'm still trying to figure out what message SFDebris wanted to get across with the lizard-run democracy. Is it "you're a dumbass for not voting third party" or "politicians will always be corrupt and we can't change that"?
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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Madner Kami »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote:I'm still trying to figure out what message SFDebris wanted to get across with the lizard-run democracy. Is it "you're a dumbass for not voting third party" or "politicians will always be corrupt and we can't change that"?
The parable doesn't give advice on what to do, it simply is an observation and statement of the status quo.
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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

The lizard thing is a joke, though if you want to read into it...

The British system of government is more forgiving of third parties (and could be easily amended to be more friendly).

Voting for a third party in US democratic institutions you might as well vote Astro Boy or Scooby Doo, cause the system is just not setup for such things. The US doesn't have preferential voting, doesn't have proportionate legislative seat allocation, and is slaved to old takes on territorial representation and vote weighting.
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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Fixer »

Not quite. The UK System has first past the post voting and is also very unfriendly to third parties.
You can see that the UKIP party got twice the votes of the SNP, yet 1/50th of the representation in parliament back in 2015.

It's only very recently that third parties have made any sort of impact in shaping policy thanks to the vote share they held and again the main reason that no one voted for them before that was because "It was wasting a vote."

America has it's own version though, "Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos".

Anyway, diverged enough for now. Probably worth it's own thread if we want to discuss further :)
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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Steve »

Fuzzy Necromancer wrote:I'm still trying to figure out what message SFDebris wanted to get across with the lizard-run democracy. Is it "you're a dumbass for not voting third party" or "politicians will always be corrupt and we can't change that"?
He was referencing Douglas Adams with that line anyway, although the point as others have said still stands.
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Re: DS9: Tacking into the Wind

Post by Archon_Wing »

THIS IS.... the conference room. i would have preferred THIS. IS. DS9! but that was funny anyways.

I like how this really concludes Worf's arc dealing with his Klingon heritage. He grew up away from Klingons, so he ended idealizing his culture and then as it would show, many individuals didn't turn out so great. So we had the "no true Klingon" excuse, but that was starting to not really work either. So when Ezri finally says something meaningful, it hits hard.

As for the whole Klingons in VI vs TNG and on, do remember VI came out in 1991. So there's two things to note here: it came out
after TNG was more than halfway done and it had already established what it wanted to do without having VI in mind and the movie wanted to have an allegory of the end of the Cold War as a theme with extra theatrics Wrath of Khan style so a few things are quite.... distinct such as Shakespeare quoting Klingons. As much as I love VI as my favorite Trek movie, I don't really take a lot of what it did at face value.
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