TNG - Galaxy's Child

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by AllanO »

Fianna wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:03 am In the 90's, people were afraid to put any personal information about themselves on the Internet; revealing your real name to someone you met online was just asking to have some psychotic stranger stalk you down and break into your house. Now, people freely and readily share all sorts of personal information about themselves with thousands of anonymous Internet goers, and don't think anything about it.

Except for phone numbers. No one wants their personal phone number spread around to anyone for anyone to find, and spreading that info without someone's consent (called "doxxing") is a huge no-no. But go back to the 20th Century, and everyone's phone numbers were regularly collected into huge indexes and sold in massive numbers, and that was seen as perfectly normal and innocuous.
You have a point in that certainly our standards about privacy change, however things are way more complicated and mixed than you suggest though. Lots of people on usenet in the 90s used their real name (including say me). Likewise on web forums (like this one) in the 90s, it was a mix of real names and pseudonyms (just like now).

Conversely while most people had listed phone numbers, lots of people had unlisted numbers and if you got an unlisted number unauthorized it was a big deal. Like, how often in a drama does someone angrily shout "How did you get this number?! It's unlisted!". Also cell phone numbers were default unlisted (in North America anyway) though no doubt in part because of the way (North American) companies billed them versus landlines, long before the death of the telephone directory. Also also the white pages/the telephone directory still exists it is just on-line. Although given the number of cell phones versus landlines at this point most numbers are unlisted.

I think privacy changes in often drastic ways but fundamental continuity also exists...
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by Darmani »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Sun Jan 17, 2021 5:44 am Galaxy's Child is a ST:TNG episode I am constantly back and forth on because it is amazingly relevant today and was pretty damn relevant back then. However, it's fairly clear the writers didn't actually get what makes the episode relevant and thought they were giving a far-far different lesson from it. There's also the fact that Geordi's behavior is REPELLENT and if he actually believes the things he's spouting this episode, he's a creepy mothersucker like that Salt Monster.

This episode is a prime example of how DEATH OF THE AUTHOR can be relevant. I say that as an author and who generally hates the idea. However, here, the writers thought they wrote, "You should get to know a real person before making snap judgements" and, "Don't be a bitch to guys who like you." The problem being the latter is entirely justified if some creepy stalker repeatedly ignores your statements you don't want shit to do with him, let alone romantic advances. Geordi makes multiple passes at a woman just here to work on the engines.

The problem is the story WORKS REALLY WELL as a commentary on parasocial relationships and fan entitlement. Geordi is in love with Jennifer Lawrence basically because he's the world's greatest Hunger Games fanboy nerd. So when he meets her in person, he immediately tries to make the actress his girlfriend. Its disturbing and creepy and yet plenty of people have these exact sort of delusions. It's not at all what they were going for, or at least not NEARLY as bad as the episode has come off.

That's also REALLY not a good look for one of our protagonists. I mean, the original episode makes it clear that Geordi did not make a Deepfake Sex Hologram of his idol. However, he did make erotic fanfiction and thinks that this gives him a deep insight into a woman he didn't even bother to check the galactic subspace Facebook page of before throwing hearts her way. It's an episode that has aged both well and terribly because it's more relevant but what it shows is definitely much darker than what was intended.

Leah apologizes to GEORDI for Chrissakes.
She owes him an apology. He owes her little, he did not stalk her his celebrity was drawn to him out of his accomplishments not making him stalker fan. He was too damn familiar but she was a bitch.
He got the lesson and got told hard by established voice of wisdom
She apologizes for her being a bitch not not wanting to date him.

When she says stop flirting firmly he isn't happy bit accept

This is not fanboy and idol with is closer to Chaplin and any of his mistresses

I mean we are meant to be embarrassed at Georgia's behavior hence the setup before credits
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by Darmani »

"she's being a bitch.'' This wouldn't fly today."

How how was she raped?
What private aspect of her.person was violated by him Mastrubating to her likeness?
The worst was the dinner and.flirting with coworkers after hours as mix of work is a sin of everyone on TNG.
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by Link8909 »

On a side note, much like with "Booby Trap" I found I was more invested in the story that wasn't about Geordi's love life, I love it when Star Trek has stories about alien lifeforms living in space, and I love the simplistic yet detailed design of Junior's species, and that we get a sense of scale on just how big these creatures are by showing Junior latched on the Enterprise from the outside, followed by the scene where they try to use an explosive decompression in the three deck tall Shuttlebay where we see just a part of the alien.
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

Link8909 wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:42 pm On a side note, much like with "Booby Trap" I found I was more invested in the story that wasn't about Geordi's love life, I love it when Star Trek has stories about alien lifeforms living in space, and I love the simplistic yet detailed design of Junior's species, and that we get a sense of scale on just how big these creatures are by showing Junior latched on the Enterprise from the outside, followed by the scene where they try to use an explosive decompression in the three deck tall Shuttlebay where we see just a part of the alien.
Seems like this ordeal with Geordi is brought up a lot both because of equal parts feminism and also guys cringing at one of their own.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by Marveryn »

this is one of those weird episode to look back on and even as a kid i understood what they were going with, at least the message of that people you fantasize may not be like that in real life. I think if my memory is right this is time when we had mega celebrity like Diana, Micheal Jordan, and a hundred of Victory supermodels so on. I can't remember if this was before the Brooke shield stalking case or after.
So her outrage to me make some sense but looking at it now. It kind of someone finding your fan fictions that involve that person real name and likeness and doing it without there permission.

Barkley also did these with his depiction of Troi and i guess some expect of punshing your co worker and seducing your sexy therapist kind got the writer thinking on wait this holodeck thing can be really bad.

The fact that if such a device was ever brought to real world stuff like Geordi did would be pretty tame compare to what sort of fantasy a real degenerate could come up with not to mention future stalker and the like. Its a tech that should be highly restricted if you ask my opinion or at least regulated on what images or likeness that can be use
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by Robovski »

The DS9 episode Meridian (Season 3 episode 8) seems relevant to the nature of illicit cloning of someone on the holodeck at least. I don't think Chuck has covered that one yet, the episode features a hologram of Major Kira being made from covertly taken scans.
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by CharlesPhipps »

The holodeck's recreation of Leah Brams is not remotely accurate to her but that makes sense because OF COURSE a person's public persona is not going to be an accurate reflection of them. It also would have been damned weird to have Leah Brams talking about how the engines were her and in love with Geordi too so the computer really did have a weird idea of her even back in the previous episode.

Divorced of the holodeck, though, Geordi is TERRIBLE at reading signals. Leah shows up and is clearly there to be a hardass because she's had Geordi making a lot of modifications to her stuff that is his prerogative but reflects back on her as an engineer. We had this conversation in Mass Effect: Andromeda actually and it was one of the few elements of the game I liked. We're inclined to like the jury-rigged guy but the engineer is like, "We tested this shit a lot. We know what we're doing!"

The problem is Geordi isn't actually interested in proving his modifications. Geordi wants to seduce Leah and make the move on her because he fell for her holoprogram. Leah is being a "bitch" only in the context that this guy is being WAY overly familiar with her when she's coming to evaluate his work. He even makes a romantic date in his room.

I'd be thrown too.
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by BridgeConsoleMasher »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:18 pm The holodeck's recreation of Leah Brams is not remotely accurate to her but that makes sense because OF COURSE a person's public persona is not going to be an accurate reflection of them. It also would have been damned weird to have Leah Brams talking about how the engines were her and in love with Geordi too so the computer really did have a weird idea of her even back in the previous episode.

Divorced of the holodeck, though, Geordi is TERRIBLE at reading signals. Leah shows up and is clearly there to be a hardass because she's had Geordi making a lot of modifications to her stuff that is his prerogative but reflects back on her as an engineer. We had this conversation in Mass Effect: Andromeda actually and it was one of the few elements of the game I liked. We're inclined to like the jury-rigged guy but the engineer is like, "We tested this shit a lot. We know what we're doing!"

The problem is Geordi isn't actually interested in proving his modifications. Geordi wants to seduce Leah and make the move on her because he fell for her holoprogram. Leah is being a "bitch" only in the context that this guy is being WAY overly familiar with her when she's coming to evaluate his work. He even makes a romantic date in his room.

I'd be thrown too.
I thought Geordi tailored the holodeck character to be into him.
..What mirror universe?
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Re: TNG - Galaxy's Child

Post by Riedquat »

CharlesPhipps wrote: Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:18 pm
The problem is Geordi isn't actually interested in proving his modifications. Geordi wants to seduce Leah and make the move on her because he fell for her holoprogram. Leah is being a "bitch" only in the context that this guy is being WAY overly familiar with her when she's coming to evaluate his work. He even makes a romantic date in his room.
She started being one the moment she set foot on the Enterprise. Neither her nor Geordi came out of this episode well. If she'd started after Geordi started being creepy then Leah would deserve rather less flak than she's had (impression from the review, I've not seen the episode since it first aired in the UK so can't remember much more than it existed).
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