The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by MadAmosMalone »

Durandal_1707 wrote:
MadAmosMalone wrote:
cliffdog01 wrote:Hahaha, I thought the same thing when I saw the name 'Lorelei'.
I thought of this

It came out around the time of this episode I think.
Or this one, although it came out a bit earlier:
I'm old but not that old :D
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by Killerbee256 »

If you can restore people with transporters why can't they bring back the dead? Let's say Johnny B Redshirt get killed on an away mission, spear to chest, why can't they use this same to trick to turn his dead body back into the living person who beamed down to the planet?
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by J!! »

because this is star trek, where any and all attempts to cheat death, overcome the limits of your biology, or attitude toward mortality other than passively fatalistic acceptance will inevitably turn you evil
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Re: The Lorelei Signal (TAS)

Post by lightningbarer »

What I never seem to get from some people is, when an episode features attractive and ensnaring women who bewitch males to be their thralls, why Feminism has to be put into it every single freaking time.

The women on the planet are the prototypical Siren style antagonists, with a good splicing of Circe as well. Yes these women are using their sexuality to do something, but the argument I hear from "some" feminists is that being confident in your body is a good thing and something you should use. So why is this a bad thing? Because it says women can only do...bla bla bla.

When it comes to Uhura taking over the ship, it isn't a "Feminist Triumph" She is in the very least fourth or fifth officer, Sulu is before her in command. To write her to be in a position of authority on the ship you need to write a story where her superiors are incapacitated. It would be the same sort of complaint if only she were left after an accident, just because you have a main cast member who is female that isn't in charge of the ship doesn't mean that its not something to shoot for. Or is the idea of saying "I'm a woman and in command" a good thing now, remember how crazy Janeway got with that?

I wonder if the argument would be made in the same way when Chuck does a review of the SG:1 episode "Grace."
After all, Sam is left alone she is in command of the Promethus, she had to do things on her own and survive on her own for a long time, she never really got any central attention that wasn't about her reactions to male characters and this one does too. She doesn't save herself fully, she needs assistance from men to do it and while she's doing it she's fantasising about men as well.

See how injecting feminism into every tiny little thing can suck any positives out of things?

This episode was crap for a number of reasons, but not for the ideas Chuck put forwards. It struggles with story pacing, the realisations are slow and plodding and entirely based on convenience to the plot, the expectations of the women to be able to leave and live perfect lives is pulled out of thin air, the use of technology is daft and having to explain away a piece of techobabble in a novel is downright terrible.

Having appealing and alluring women seduce men to be their food source ins't bad, having a lower ranking, but self-assured and strong women take charge when her superiors are taken out in some way isn't an insult to women.
If anything, this episode is actually de-powering men, it's saying we're always lead by our dicks and when we see a pretty face we're all "Du-huh pretty."

But I don't want to call this and all other kinds of story like this to be misandrist, because they're actually not, they're stories meant to tell a type of lesson to you.
Really not that thrilled with this episode at all Chuck, especially since you injected She-Ra into it right at the end again as if saying something is terrible about her. What's next, gonna complain that Sailor Moon is insulting because their powers are Make-Up?
If I truly do get under your skin and piss you off, I'm at least doing my job by offending the right people.
And yes...I do not care if that offends
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