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Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 11:57 pm
by CareerKnight
CrypticMirror wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 6:02 pm Yeah I love hearing him talk too. That guy was peak nineties hearthrob.
JMS was aware how some female fans felt about him as this quote shows.
" It's are most of the women who work in the editing bays at B5. The first few days of this season, as his stuff started coming in, one of them pulled me aside, and with hand firmly on my arm, to let me know she meant business, said, "Listen very carefully: I want to see a LOT more of Marcus." "

Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 12:31 am
by CrypticMirror
CareerKnight wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 11:57 pm
CrypticMirror wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 6:02 pm Yeah I love hearing him talk too. That guy was peak nineties hearthrob.
JMS was aware how some female fans felt about him as this quote shows.
" It's are most of the women who work in the editing bays at B5. The first few days of this season, as his stuff started coming in, one of them pulled me aside, and with hand firmly on my arm, to let me know she meant business, said, "Listen very carefully: I want to see a LOT more of Marcus." "
I would love to see his general aesthetic come back into men's fashion. I loathe the overmuscled swole look, please no more popping veins or artificial abs. Guys, it looks ugly. I want my man candy to look more romantic again.

Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 8:51 pm
by Coyote's Own
Nealithi wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 7:28 pm Singing Gilbert and Sullivan when he and Dr. Franklin are travelling in a cargo hold when the Dr. wanted him to be quiet and stop fidgeting, was no to just fill silence? Okay annoying Dr. Franklin may be its own reward. . . :D
As I said I heared him sing to fill the silence(I posted a link to the clip) , but not talk.

Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 4:40 pm
by Aotrs Commander
Taurian Patriot wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 7:29 pm "Most of the time on B5, space combat is about the drama that leads up to that moment, rather than being exciting in and of itself [...] so it doesn't have to depend on vacuous action scenes."

Ain't that the truth.

I remember watching Revenge of the Sith when it hit theaters, and by the end of the opening scene, I had experienced for the first time how it felt to be utterly bored with a space battle. It was several minutes of one group I don't care about fighting another group I don't care about, while two characters whose survival is a foregone conclusion zip around pretending they're in danger before they finally board Dooku's ship and start the plot. That opening battle could be edited down to thirty seconds or less, and nothing would be lost.

For the most part, shows like Babylon 5 and 20th century Star Trek did it right. They typically limited themselves to quick cuts of action to move the story forward, and when the action became the focus, it was a payoff for a story arc that naturally built up to it. Of course, it was also a good excuse to blow shit up, but at least shit was getting blowed up for a purpose.
Ehh... I am going to disagree a little bit. Not entirely, but a bit.

I was ALSO disappointed by the starship battles in Revenge of the Sith, but because it focussed basically as little more than a backdrop to Anakain and Obi-Wan. It never had any time to BREATHE, unlike the battles in IV anv VI.

So on the one hand, B5 managed to do some of the very best, high tension edge of the seat, even after 20 years starship battles in no small part to JMS setting up the stakes and tensions. On the other, sometimes (just sometimes) it felt a little bit too quick. (As B5 on a bad day, could let its artistry get a little bit too Art.)

Since that time though, I have seen virtually no starship battles that could compare to either B5, first season-and-a-half Andromeda, as you say 20th century TNG (or Shadow Raiders: War Planets and that's a travesty that's a truism). It all almost desultory. Nothing of huge note in SG-1, though they occasionally made sporting effort.

ORVILLE, freaking ORVILLE actually got it right in the season two mid-season two-parter. That was a FANTASTIC starship battle, the best I have seen SINCE that time period; where they remembered to actually give it that room to breathe and just have a few bits where it was just The Battle Happens. (And, pertinetly, you could actually see what was going on, which is always kind of important, meaningful look to Certain Quarters that know who they are...)

While action without context is often meaningless, JUST having it occur as a foil to the drama does it a disservice too. As with all things, you have to get that balance right. B5 did that far more often than it didn't.

(Also, I think B5's musical score really helped its starship battles - the more sort of sweeping? Maybe? Scores just seems to fit so well and I say that as a fan of SW's battle music.)

Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:39 pm
by Marveryn
a good example your talking about is the battle of hoth. You get a slow buid up to the battle. First the princess brief the pilot on how they plan to run the blockade. Not to mention you get Vader discipline his admiral. You then get scene when you see the infantry prepping for what is to be a delaying action. You see they sitting there nervous. and then view finder and you get the first glimps of the walkers. All those thing was just the slowly raise the tension. You get the cheers from the command crew as the first transports clear. You get the desperation from the land forces as the walkers destroy there lines while there fighter zip along trying to find weakness in the armor. Finally the shields are down and there no time to wait. and off the rebels go. Between that you get scene with hans and the princess luke being luke. plus the film didn't open with this. It open with luke getting molested by a wompa and discover that some thing smell worse on the inside. one of the better way to open a film I think

Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 7:47 pm
by Scififan
The space battle in Star Trek 2 Wrath Of Khan is still one of the best, if not the best ever.

Another reason B5 does such a great job with space combat is that they understand,like the example above, that space in 3 dimensional. so you will not have ship just standing parallel to one another.

Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 8:31 pm
by Darth Wedgius
I wonder if Byron was cast to appeal to the Marcus fans.

Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 9:00 pm
by Void
His name is Morden, not Morten.

Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 4:34 pm
by CrypticMirror
Darth Wedgius wrote: Sun May 24, 2020 8:31 pm I wonder if Byron was cast to appeal to the Marcus fans.
If he was, then it didn't work. I think it was he was supposed to seem similar, but then gradually show us he was an asshole offbrand version. Byron would have played better if we still had Ivanova around, because she would have responded better to the superficiality of the similarity based on her history and feelings for Marcus, and anchored the character better in the story. Without Susan Ivanova in the story, Byron doesn't really work.

Re: Babylon 5: Matters of Honor

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 4:11 am
by shawncat
"Unpress 4" just killed me; snorted in my coffee!