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Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:03 pm
by CrypticMirror
I'm not sure we can pin the deaths of the boat crew and San Diego fatalities on Nick. However they happened. That is on them for poor veterinary practice.

Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:07 pm
by Marveryn
for me, i actually enjoy the m ovie in theater at the time i didn't know about SJW warrior but i did feel that Nick was out of line when he took the bullet out of the one gun that was design to drop a T Rex on its track. I couldn't figure out why he would do something so stupid in my young mind. I mean if you were going to go that far may as well toss the gun to the side. My only thought was that Nick was trying to get the hunter kill on purpose. Listening to chuck i can see where the movie fail. I had no consider that Sarah, The wild life expert was in fact an idiot, but looking back at it. yeah Chuck is right. If she was a real expert she would not be so close to the dinosaurs to take those picture. She would use a trail camera instead. If she was going to get close she would had spent month studying the stegs. To be sure she would not hit any of there trigger. Wild animals are call that cause they are wild. We had an expert zoologist that deal with crocs die cause he swam too close to a stingray so an expert not being careful is possible. Heck we had a guy filming bears end up in there stomach.

So am not going to say Sarah should had known better cause there a lot of exp that should but somehow didnt. What Sarah biggest crime is when dealing with so many Large Predators and even smaller one was not proper procaution.

Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:18 pm
by Mabus
Ah, Jurassic Park The Lost World, or, as I like to call it, "if PETA made a dino film". Because really, if the T-Rex eating the dog wasn't something PETA would do, I don't know what else would (maybe the whole let's live the genetic mutants live on an island where they'll eventually eat each other to death). But wait, there's more:
-The transition between the mom creaming and Jeff Goldblum yawning feels like some YT poop before YT was a thing. It's funny in a cringy way.
-Ian's kid (so what about the other kids? did the writers forget that Ian Malcolm had more than one?) is yet another annoying kid character, that only exits because insufferable children also need representation I guess.
-Damn you Vince Vaughn!
-Jeff Goldblum calmly shouting "Sa-rah". In fact, he whispers most of the time there's something important going on.
-And speaking of "Sa-rah!" (please read that in Jeff Goldblum's voice), she is supposed to be an animal expert, but decides that she should totally pet the stegosaurus cub, you know stegosaurus, that dino the size of a bus with freakin' spikes on its tail! even though its parents are a few dozen meters away, because apparently having a brain is for dummies.
-Julianne Moore strafing around while the stegos go in opposite directions, because I guess the animators and the director had different ideas, is hilarious to watch.
-Ah, yet another "competence and hierarchy are for bad guys" theme and that good guys don't follow rules (or rules they don't like)... sounds familiar... mainly because it's a sign of bad writing, always.
-"Hmm... how do we show that these guys are bad guys? Oh I know! We'll show one of them tasering a cute little dino (that nearly ate a kid in the prologue) to teach the cute little dino fear, clearly he's a bad guy, he's evil, we must hate him, boo!"
-Everything about T-Rex jr. is just coated in dumb. I don't even know where to begin so I won't.
-I like to think that the reason the T-Rex couple attacked the trailer is because the animatronics became alive and sentient, as a curse from God and actually tried to kill the actors.
-Damn you Vincent Vaughn!
-The great animal expert that studies African predators "Sa-rah!" that was portrayed as being strong and tough because she told the "rookies" not to draw the attention of the dinos with smells, carries the T-Rex jr. blood stained jacket, leaving a trail of T-Rex jr. blood everywhere. Great job "Sa-rah!".
-Dieter must have eaten something that made his poop really smelly, otherwise there'd be no reason why he'd go like 100 m away.
-Convenient snake is convenient for convenient death of a convenient character with a convenient bullseye on his back.
-Plot vest saves "Sa-rah!".
-Oh, nice for that raptor to understand the meaning of "Hey, you!" and how nice of him/her to wait 5 seconds for the ~40 kg girl to build up enough momentum to knock off a 100+ kg predator, which doesn't even slow down her swing momentum.
-But of course the T-Rex killed everyone on board because as everyone knows, Jurassic Park is a film where they cloned dinosaurs from mosquito blood, which changed sex at one point and made babies, the entire premise of the series is ridiculous, and the film is already full of lazy plot holes, so why would anyone complain... yeah, no, there's no way you can defend or justify this plot hole. This is comatose level of lazy writing. It's just inexcusable. They really wanted to have the T-Rex come out of the boat and run inside the city and roar at San Diego, and we'll have that, logic be damned! Oh no wait, must be the chaos theory at work!
-"Now you're John Hammond" Eeeeh, how exactly?
-Aww, who could hurt those cute dinos, that eat doggies and trash city buses injuring and killing God knows how many people? Meanies, meanies, I'm telling you! People with no heart! We should totally love the dinos and hate the humans!
-Guards trying to stop Ian Malcolm and "Sa-rah!" by pointing the gun at them, finger on the trigger, clearly intending to shoot (I mean, you could probably call them bad guys since they work for the "bad guys", so they could shoot). How does Ian Malcolm react? "If you want to stop us, shoot us." And the guards let them go away, they don't even try to shoot the tires or block their way with a car, truck or something, or any other non-lethal way if they were just bluffing with the guns.
-John Hammond, you know, the guy that his nephew became at the end of the film, now holds a Hollywood naturalistic speech about dinos and it's supposed to be a heartwarming moment. All while images of the boat carrying the T-Rex that killed at least two 2 people (including his nephew) and a dog and injured like a couple of dozen gets played on TV.
-The man-eating pterosaurs that in the third film escape, here are already in freedom on the island, so what's the deal with them?

This film is an embarrassment, it is lazy, the main "heroes" are unlikeable, stupid, while the "villains" have common sense, do everything professionally with limited casualties, but no, we're supposed to hate them. The "heroes" of this film remind me of those braindead imbeciles that whenever the dog catches arrive to remove the dangerous stray dogs from an area, some "animal-lovers" hide them, because you see, they'll hurt the u̶n̶v̶a̶c̶c̶i̶n̶a̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶l̶e̶a̶-̶r̶i̶d̶d̶e̶n̶ ̶c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶-̶b̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶r̶a̶b̶i̶d̶ ̶d̶o̶g̶s̶ cute little puppies by taking them to centers where they'll either be taken care of, vaccinated or treated if possible, or put down if their illness is terminal to end their suffering. And when the inevitable car kills said stray dog or they eat some rat poison the city sprayed to kill disease carrying vermin (that also get the dogs ill), they'll be quick to lynch someone.

Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:20 pm
by Link8909
God this film...

Chuck, you are completely justified in your frustration with this film, every stupid moment and thing said in this film had me face palming that now my forehead is sore.

Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:57 pm
by Rjak
It was nice to hear someone else rant about how horrible Nick is. He's not just incompetent and stupid, I'd count taking those bullets as attempted murder.

Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 8:24 pm
by Mabus
The third JP film is not good either, but it's better than the second since at least it doesn't bother with trying to make the characters heroes and villains, so there's that. They still make some incredible dumb decisions and there's plenty of plot contrivances, but there's some unintentional comedy that manages to push the film into the "so bad it's good" territory, though only a bit.
I mean, who could forget the "Alan" velociraptor, the Spino ringtone, who can break through hardened steel dino-resistant wall but is stopped by a rusted metal sheet double door with simple lever, the 3D printed raptor bone vocal cords that can accurately replicate any velociraptor language and the US Army arriving at the end to waste the taxpayer's dollars since by that time, nobody was in any danger anymore.
As a sidenote, if you don't want to quote NC's review, you can use Decker Shado's review of the film, since it's also fairly good and without any sketches.

Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 8:43 pm
by Taurian Patriot
Rjak wrote: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:57 pm It was nice to hear someone else rant about how horrible Nick is. He's not just incompetent and stupid, I'd count taking those bullets as attempted murder.
You're not alone!
If you’re a scientist like Sarah, or an environmentalist like Nick the Photographer, a.k.a. Earth First Guy (Vince Vaughn), you’re automatically morally superior to the grubby capitalists. Therefore, it’s OK to sabotage their camp, even if it gets a lot of people killed. And no one will in any way imply that you’re a terrorist. This is an example of Douglas’ Designated Hero™ rule, which partly stipulates that those that a movie chooses as its heroes shall never be held responsible for any deaths caused by their actions.
Just in case we didn’t ‘get’ it, Earth First Guy makes a point of pulling the slugs from Roland’s gun out of his pocket. With this he leaves the film, and, typically, no one points out that the slugs are ironclad evidence that he’s guilty of Negligent Homicide, or, most generously, Depraved Indifference.
Those points (among ninety-five others) are from a post on Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension back in '99 (, which I still remember because I think it was the first time I ever heard of such a loathsome "hero" character.

Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:43 pm
by ComHop
CrypticMirror wrote: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:03 pm I'm not sure we can pin the deaths of the boat crew and San Diego fatalities on Nick. However they happened. That is on them for poor veterinary practice.
Culpability for that lays on Nick as well as the male T-Rex (the one which escaped in San Diego) was Roland's quarry, which would likely have been killed if not for Nick's intervention that set all the havoc in motion let alone sabotage of Roland's ammo later. You could easily argue the other smaller T-Rex would have done the same but that is discounting the only reason (at least stated in film) for needing an living adult alive for SD was the escape of the captured dinos and the resulting costly loss of men and material due to said eco terrorist.

Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 12:12 am
by stellar_coyote
The Lost World, it brought us badass Pete Postlethwaite and absolutely nothing else of value.
So I'm not really an expert in the field of wildlife and survival, but I can tell you that respecting nature means not blundering in to pet the pretty baby dinos as if they were an exhibit in Joe Exotic's "zoo."

Respecting nature means recognizing the inherent danger that wildlife presents not just trying preserve it. And preserving nature often means recognizing the fragile ecosystem in place and how a hands off approach is generally speaking the right course. Sarah our "expert" in this field isn't dressed in camouflage, or taking photos from a makeshift, hidden observation hut or even masking her appearance with mud or foliage (gotta keep Julianne Moore presentable for the camera), anything that would reduce a human's presence in the wild because she's a tourist. And a lethally stupid one at that.

One thing I do have to correct Chuck though is about animals abandoning their young if they've been petted. It's a bit complex but there have been many cases of well-meaning dopes who try to "rescue" baby seals that generally turn into either a) the young seal dying of stress or b) the "rescued" animal has to be euthanized because they can't be returned to their pod. Ironic considering what Nick and Sarah do.

I so wanted just a throwaway line in one of the sequels where someone mentions Nick got busted doing something stupid and terrible and is now serving 50 to life in San Quentin.

Re: The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:34 am
by SuccubusYuri
I genuinely like three things about this movie:

-Roland's introduction, and just Roland in general. ("Friar Tuck's on the move")

-The line, "Now you're John Hammond."

-The shot of a bunch of Japanese businessmen running from the T-Rex always makes me laugh.

I can enjoy these things in isolation if I pretend the rest of the film doesn't exist xD