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Re: SG-1: The Lost City

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:35 am
by Swiftbow
clearspira wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 9:23 am Regarding revealing the stargate to the world, I think if the maybe/maybe not new series of the show wants to stand out, it needs to actually do something with the idea. The episode "2010" is a good example where you have vacation by stargate etc.

But I would go further. I would like to see Babylon 5, where we've joined the galaxy but its more realistic than Trek. After all, look at the Stargateverse post season 10: the Goa'uld are a dead power but have splintered into multiple groups, the Asgard are gone but not completely, the To'kra are dying, the Wraith are also splintered, the Ori's forces have seen "the truth". I'm just saying, you could make a B5 series out of that.
I like that as a premise. Are the Tok'ra dying at the end of SG-1, though? The city they've built in Continuum is NOT small. All they need is one Tok'ra queen and their species is basically saved. (Or they could reproduce via the Harsesis method... with fully human kids that might then take on old symbiotes who need new hosts.)

Re: SG-1: The Lost City

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 4:04 am
by McAvoy
The problem was that starting with season 5, the writers were not sure if the show would end or not but kept on going.

I do agree, revealing the Big Secret pretty much would be the focus of the season and probably following seasons. It would be less Stargate exploring worlds, and more Stargate Politics.

It would certainly be interesting. I did like the episodes where that was handled. But make a whole season with side episodes of actual Stargating?

Re: SG-1: The Lost City

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:07 am
by Sir Will
clearspira wrote: Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:24 pm There was a legitimate argument that shutting down the Stargate may convince the Goa'uld to leave us alone as there was little evidence as to the strength of their current space navy - just because they had this capability 3000 years ago doesnt mean they still did. "And anyway we have our naqadah enhanced missiles now whereas the Egyptians had horses and slings" is not an automatically incorrect argument.
There is no reason to think a species that had big fleets 3000 years ago and was still subjugating people around the galaxy today has suddenly lost all that tech. And 'naqadah enhanced missiles' don't mean anything against fleets with tech allowing them to travel the galaxy.

Re: SG-1: The Lost City

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:25 am
by clearspira
Sir Will wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 2:07 am
clearspira wrote: Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:24 pm There was a legitimate argument that shutting down the Stargate may convince the Goa'uld to leave us alone as there was little evidence as to the strength of their current space navy - just because they had this capability 3000 years ago doesnt mean they still did. "And anyway we have our naqadah enhanced missiles now whereas the Egyptians had horses and slings" is not an automatically incorrect argument.
There is no reason to think a species that had big fleets 3000 years ago and was still subjugating people around the galaxy today has suddenly lost all that tech. And 'naqadah enhanced missiles' don't mean anything against fleets with tech allowing them to travel the galaxy.
The former I will concede you have a point. That latter not so much. Naquadah is a material that amplifies energy to the extent that even a small amount is capable of supplying enough power to travel to another galaxy as well as creating handheld reactors that make an entire nuclear power plant look like a chump.
It was season 1 Earth's missiles that suck, not naquadah-enhanced missiles. Not to mention the fact that it was literally one missile per ship that they used. When the Prometheus and Daedalus are firing clouds of these things they seem to do the job pretty nicely.

Re: SG-1: The Lost City

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:03 am
by clearspira
BTW, just continuing the point about the next Stargate show, I think its time to see the Furlings. Its insane that we have never seen 1/4 of the Alliance of the Four Great Races. Although at some point the ''UN of The Stars'' kind of became ''The Ancients Plus The Asgard And Friends.''
Personally I kind of think that the Ori should have turned out to be the Furlings but there you go.

Re: SG-1: The Lost City

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 11:18 pm
by Frustration
Stargate: The Return of the Furlings

Although what kind of plots could you have, when humanity is utilizing the secrets of the Asgard and Ancients combined and all the enemies are gone? They've fought gods and won.

Re: SG-1: The Lost City

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:09 am
by McAvoy
clearspira wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:03 am BTW, just continuing the point about the next Stargate show, I think its time to see the Furlings. Its insane that we have never seen 1/4 of the Alliance of the Four Great Races. Although at some point the ''UN of The Stars'' kind of became ''The Ancients Plus The Asgard And Friends.''
Personally I kind of think that the Ori should have turned out to be the Furlings but there you go.
You know it's just possible that the Furlings are either A in hiding or B just gone. Left the galaxy for another, went extinct, ascended, or whatever.

Not every species mentioned should be shown.

What if they do? What would they bring to the show? What would make them unique out of the all of the super advanced species?

Bad guys? Good guys? Indifferent?

Organic Tech? Super advanced Wookies?

Phased species? Exploring some other plane? Being able to pop up anywhere in the universe due to their reality being far different?