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Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:25 am
by Steve
I wouldn't worry about Chuck secretly thinking the Sith Empire is A-OK. He's got too much content elsewhere that reflects his character as incompatible with such a mentality.

It is, I think, him mostly presenting how the Republic and Jedi look in-character from the perspective of the Imperial classes, and Bioware, frankly, I think they wanted to make Imperial players feel justified in taking down those specific Republic-aligned characters instead of just relying on "we're the bad guys, of course you're going to kill good guys". Instead they made "bad" Republic characters for the Imp PCs to fight.

If there's anything beyond that, I'd suspect it was him expressing displeasure with the Republic and Jedi failing to live up to their ideals, just as he excoriated the SGC-aligned characters in Atlantis when he reviewed "Critical Mass", aka the episode where the unpopular character Dr. Kavanaugh is suspected of being a Goa'uld agent and Dr. Weir - facing a ticking clock - decides to approve torturing him for information, then gets that decision written off by Sheppard with "You did what you had to do" when she expresses remorse for crossing the line. In this case, I think Chuck sees the behavior of Republic characters seen in these stories, or at least the characters he's criticized, as being completely unacceptable given what they're supposed to be. Violent Jedi out to kill someone who's offering them no violence, Republic operatives happy to exploit mind control, etc. Shame on them all because they're supposed to be better.

Also, IIRC he's not going to review any of the Republic class stories. I consider it something of a shame since I'd love to see him having fun with the Smuggler, or his take on the Jedi Knight story and insights into characters like Praven, Kira, and Lord Scourge. I mean, the Jedi Knight story is mostly classic Star Wars, and it's the one I've played the most over the years. And I can see him doing a FemTroooper as a dimensionally-displaced Shepard of sorts with great humor.

Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:45 am
by hammerofglass
*This post contains Warrior storyline spoilers*

In Belsavis, which for the other classes he did in part five (but he might move to six this time because of how the class is paced), there's a perfectly reasonable Jedi character that a Light Side Sith can team up with and part from on good terms. He's actually Noman Karr's old apprentice, so Jaesa can even vouch for you if she's active.

My guess is that we'll get a direct discussion on the topic there, although I didn't see the patreon release so don't know for sure.

Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:14 pm
by SuccubusYuri
I mean, in general TOR is VERY critical of the Republic, starting with that whole "Hey let's cap off the Great Hyperspace War with a little genocide", all the way to Chancellor Whats-her-face basically pulling a Huey Long/Vladmir Putin and just ignoring little things like, "What office am I currently holding?" and issuing unilateral decrees. I can understand if people are upset that the Old Republic isn't presented as some grandiose prelapsarian paradise, but that's a matter of personal taste, not what's actually presented on the screen.

This is two Great Powers dicking with each other at every opportunity, for little reason other than the fact neither superpower is geared to combat an existential threat after centuries of isolation from each other.

Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:48 pm
by hammerofglass
To be fair to TOR, the Sith genocide had been effectively canon since the Tales of the Jedi comics in the 90s. All Bioware added was outright calling it that instead of dancing around that the Sith species no longer existed after the war.

Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:56 pm
by Mecha82
SuccubusYuri wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:14 pm I mean, in general TOR is VERY critical of the Republic, starting with that whole "Hey let's cap off the Great Hyperspace War with a little genocide", all the way to Chancellor Whats-her-face basically pulling a Huey Long/Vladmir Putin and just ignoring little things like, "What office am I currently holding?" and issuing unilateral decrees. I can understand if people are upset that the Old Republic isn't presented as some grandiose prelapsarian paradise, but that's a matter of personal taste, not what's actually presented on the screen.

This is two Great Powers dicking with each other at every opportunity, for little reason other than the fact neither superpower is geared to combat an existential threat after centuries of isolation from each other.
I guess it makes sense making Republic look that way when they clearly wanted to make Sith characters look less evil and more tempting choice to play as. After all not all players are willing to play on side of outright evil faction so making Sith that would had undermined that. Then again this is just speculation from my part and maybe people on BioWare had something else in mind or have bias towards Sith.

Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:41 pm
by LordUltimus
What republic class character would you like to see Chuck take on first?

Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:44 pm
by Yukaphile
When it comes to topics like this, Chuck is surprisingly known for his fairness, given how he tears into Voyager and has said many things I disagree with from an objective standpoint. Hell, look at how he broke down the Jedi and Sith in the KOTOR review. Rather than praising the Jedi and condemning the Sith, it's more neutral.

Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:46 pm
by Deledrius
I see it as mostly condemning the hypocrisy when it arises, which I feel is a pretty fair thing to do.

Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:48 pm
by Archanubis
Mecha82 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:56 pmAfter all not all players are willing to play on side of outright evil faction
Well, poo, there go my dreams of murdering Autobots as part of an all Decepticon faction. :twisted: :P

Re: SW The Old Republic: Sith Warrior

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:39 pm
by Mecha82
Deledrius wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:46 pm I see it as mostly condemning the hypocrisy when it arises, which I feel is a pretty fair thing to do.
You have point there. Seems to me after rethinking things that maybe that's how Republic and Jedi are written in TOR. As bunch of hypocrites while Sith are written to be more open about way they are without pretending to be good.
Archanubis wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:48 pm
Mecha82 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:56 pmAfter all not all players are willing to play on side of outright evil faction
Well, poo, there go my dreams of murdering Autobots as part of an all Decepticon faction. :twisted: :P
Clearly those players don't include you then. Seems to me like your favorite part of WoC and FoC are Decepticon parts.