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Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:15 pm
by clearspira
I forgot all of the multiple examples of the phaser being one of the worst weapons in human history. Culminating in one episode of Voyager where Seven shoots Braxton with a futuristic phaser and ends up giving him wind.

Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:08 am
by Fianna
Best guess is that, if you don't select a setting for the phaser, it automatically goes with the weakest possible setting as a safety precaution, and in the heat of battle our characters keep forgetting to set it to anything higher.

Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:02 pm
by cloudkitt
The unexpectedness of the direction his crude joke takes in Best of Both Worlds, "You might say that's a tasteless metaphor but you would be wrong! It's a simile." Has always cracked me up.

Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:39 pm
by Kinky Vorlon
WW2 as recounted by various movies.

Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:31 am
by Meushell
From the Clone Wars, all of the jokes about Anakin’s love to fight.

After talking about needing a man for a likely suicide mission...

“So, naturally Anakin is there waving his one remaining hand and going, ‘Ooh, ooh, pick me!’”
Anakin: “Rex, tell the troops to fall back!”
Rex: “But, sir-“
Chuck as Rex: “They won’t know how.”
When referring to a huge monstrous eel that already killed a clone with ease...

“Rex puts it down with one shot though, because when you work next Anakin Skywalker it’s survival instinct to be ready to shoot Cthulhu when your general decides he can take it on and really want some calamari.”

With Star Trek, it’s his versions of Sisko, Janeway, and Archer...and any Trek joke in Gargoyles.

Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:51 pm
by Nealithi
My favorite SF Debris moment wasn't funny. It was when he was reviewing Evangelion and the treatment of Shinji. He does not even like the character. But he does not even get protected from being beaten up in school. Slapped and told off when he says he will pilot the Eva, that is what they want. Then after when he goes on an aimless train ride they send an army of goons to drag him back just to tell him he can leave if he is unhappy. . . Chuck's WTH was worth the wait.

Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:26 am
by turbo_sailor67
clearspira wrote: Sat Jun 30, 2018 5:48 pm Any Harry Kim gay joke does it for me - mainly because it is so obvious that he is gay that either the scriptwriters were oblivious or too cowardly to do anything about it (probably both though lets be honest).
Poor, dumb Harry lol. Considering they were absolutely horrified to have two extras be gay, yeah they just had no idea how to handle that and it shows. There was that TNG episode where they made it look like the "androgynous" race were just lesbians which gets the most hilarious TNG review line to me "In the face of lesbian tyranny, one woman is on a brave quest for cock!"

Rick Berman seems to throw Michael Pillar under the bus "the idea of seeing two men or two women in Ten-Forward holding hands was not really going to be an effective way of dealing with it." - I don't see why not.

Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 11:38 am
by Admiral X
I almost wonder now if they wrote him that way on purpose now as a way of getting it around Berman?

Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:51 pm
by SuccubusYuri
I've probably laughed most at "Landing at Point Rain", and Chuck's absurdly honest reaction of "...Jesus Christ" to the clones pulling out flamethrowers in a children's cartoon.

Re: Favorite Funniest SF Debris moment?

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:08 am
by Dragon Ball Fan
wile I disagree with Chuck on the episode, my favorite joke of his was from his review of "Unimatrix Zero" where the Borg Queen is appealed at her actions and Parody Janeway says "Your Mistake was assimilating ME!"