Voyager Endgame - Janeway destroyed the federations hope

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Madner Kami
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Re: Voyager Endgame - Janeway destroyed the federations hope

Post by Madner Kami »

clearspira wrote: Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:45 amGood point about Star Trek 6. It is basically the same plot except for the fact that Star Trek 6 was forgotten. I would go as far as to say Star Trek 6 was retconned with the exception of the Khitomer Accords. Lets see: Praxis dooming the Klingon Empire? Didn't happen. The Klingons have pink blood? Not true. The Klingons do not have tear ducts? Not true. A female chancellor? TNG would make it a point with the Duras sisters that women cannot serve on the council.
Except for one small problem: Star Trek 6 was released in December 1991. Star Trek TNG: Redemption aired in June 1991. It's easy to forget, that TNG is a series launched in 1987, a time where the old crew was still happily appearing and expanding the canon in their own movies. Both just happened to be made close enough to each other, to not be aware of the information and canonical additions done by the other.

Having said that: In regards to Azetbur and no woman serving on the council, technically, both can be true. Azetbur did indeed never serve on the council and probably only served as chancellor for a relatively brief time. Given the sudden and unexpected demise of her father, it is easy to assume that she served as an interim-chancellor, until things were back under control.
Besides, we see more than once, that most klingon rules aren't actually law, but tradition and tradition is easier to bypass, amend and outright break, than law. All it needs is, for her supporters to be powerful enough. We know such cases from our own history. Just think about Justinian and Theodora or various female powerhouses from chinese and japanese history during times, where generally only men were in power and yet... There are pirate queens more powerful than the legal ruler, there is concubines usurping their husband's throne and so on and on.

As for Praxis. We tend to forget that the Federation and the Klingon Empire entered into an era of peace not too long after the happenings of Star Trek 6. Such things can do wonders for your economy, as it eases the strains put onto it by your active duty military, plus the Federation almost certainly helped more than the Empire is willing to admit publically.
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