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Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:56 pm
by Thebestoftherest
Al-1701 wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:54 pm
Thebestoftherest wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:35 pm Plus you think that the communist nations wouldn't love a population of people to stupid to question their authority)
Which suggests this might be the lighter version of Humanity getting dumber. As they get rarer, the smart people might just take over and make themselves the ruling class since they can run things. Though, that wouldn't be as funny or solved by a modern average Joe.
That assuming that a genius can beat an idiot all the time, it is possible an idiot who is charsmatic enough would still win.

Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:06 pm
It also assumes that the whole "intelligence is strongly linked to genetics" bit is true too.

Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:39 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
TGLS wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:07 pm
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:04 pm
Jonathan101 wrote: Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:47 pm I think the Marxist propaganda puppet won that argument to be honest.

Not that either he or the robot have the right answer, but leaning left here. Tim seems to be more describing the problem rather than analysing the underlying reasons
Except that Tim is correct in where Marxism goes over the cliff.
Is not the lifestyle of the average man in Idiocracy not unlike the lifestyle of those in West Blinsk, to lie on the beach and watch television*?
*In Tuxedoes
I like the idea of Simulation and Simulacra. At least what I've heard about it from Wisecrack videos.

Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:01 am
by TulipQulqu
TGLS wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:06 pm It also assumes that the whole "intelligence is strongly linked to genetics" bit is true too.
I am kind of bothered by how Chuck never seems to touch on these eugenics vibes. Maybe he did not want to retread ground covered well by Patricia Taxxon here.

She brings up how the owners of Brawndo are not at all being stupid. They have basically "won" capitalism. They just do not give a damn about what happens to the rest of humanity, much like how oil companies discovered how bad global warming would be so they could lie about it. The stupidity of the average person is not why Exxon Mobil could do that, it was because they had so much power.

And yes, a strong centralized state could also do this. That is why there is earnest debate among socialists about if the anarcho-syndicalist model that Noam Chomsky endorses is a much better path forward than the orthodox Marxist-Lenninist view.

Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:15 am
by bigman6969
My biggest problem? "Ow MY Balls!" hasn't been good since season 4.

Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:31 am
by Robovski
Intelligent people can be idiots too. There is a cultural aspect of the dumbening that is not really addressed, because being smart isn't cool, isn't desirable, and is not rewarded in this world. In this world the "smart" thing to do is keep your head down, go with the flow, and fit in.

Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:43 am
by m4a2000
Not to scare SFDebris, but currently many of the Wall Street Bets crowd are calling each others and using "apes strong together" as a rallying cry...

... So about that review on Plants of the Apes...

Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:42 am
by CharlesPhipps
I hate this movie because it assumes intelligence is genetic and not necessarily an attack on education by authorities that wish to deprive the public of truth, advantages, or teach them to question authority.

Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 6:11 am
by TulipQulqu
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:39 pm
TGLS wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:07 pm
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:04 pm
Jonathan101 wrote: Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:47 pm I think the Marxist propaganda puppet won that argument to be honest.

Not that either he or the robot have the right answer, but leaning left here. Tim seems to be more describing the problem rather than analysing the underlying reasons
Except that Tim is correct in where Marxism goes over the cliff.
Is not the lifestyle of the average man in Idiocracy not unlike the lifestyle of those in West Blinsk, to lie on the beach and watch television*?
*In Tuxedoes
I like the idea of Simulation and Simulacra. At least what I've heard about it from Wisecrack videos.
Yo, I have a copy of that which I need to get back to. I am like 14 pages in but it is hella dense, <170 pages overall.

Re: A Look at Idiocracy

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:50 pm
by Thebestoftherest
CharlesPhipps wrote: Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:42 am I hate this movie because it assumes intelligence is genetic and not necessarily an attack on education by authorities that wish to deprive the public of truth, advantages, or teach them to question authority.
It is satire should you take what happen at fact?