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Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:28 am
by BridgeConsoleMasher
I kinda liked Neelix.

Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:30 am
by Admiral X

Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:25 am
by LordGigaIce
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:49 am Also keep in mind that that Empress Hoshi has a 100 years of advances stored on her ship in the databanks. One nice thing about Federation ships, they keep historical data on almost everything. So she was probably able to give the Terran Empire a huge leg up in R&D. Presuming she's able to get Mirror Trip or Mirror Phlox or some other loyal officer with some brains on her side, she could be seen as the great reformer who brought a golden age of new medicines and technologies to the Empire.

That would buy a lot of loyal followers for her reign.
Exactly. The Terrans aren't above murdering their way to the top, but they also have very healthy instincts for self-preservation.
Empress Hoshi ushering in a technological and scientific golden age would win her a lot of popular support. And any Imperial Starfleet officer with half a brain would know siding with Hoshi was the only way to get ahead.
Anyone with the means to mount a challenge to her authority would instantly face the hostile masses, which wouldn't make a coup worthwhile.

Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:01 am
by Karha of Honor
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:28 am I kinda liked Neelix.
He has some okay episodes that would had ben okay if he is a more minor character.

Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:43 pm
by clearspira
Slash Gallagher wrote: Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:01 am
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:28 am I kinda liked Neelix.
He has some okay episodes that would had ben okay if he is a more minor character.
I do think Chuck goes very overboard with the hate. The most prominent example imo being in ''Endgame'' where he jokes that Neelix may have come searching for his friends out of worry after losing contact with them only to die horribly after running into a hundred Borg cubes. I'm sorry but isn't that the act of a hero? Isn't that the act of a man who embodies the Roddenberry ideal of bettering oneself to go from what he was in season 1 to end up making the ultimate sacrifice in season 7?

I am not blind to Neelix's many flaws: he is violently jealous, dangerously incompetent at times, and a liar. But again, I refer to my previous paragraph. He didn't STAY as these things. Slowly, over time, these things dampened. I would go as far as to say that he is second only to the Doctor in character development.

Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:51 am
by Admiral X
I never found him to be anything other than annoying.

Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:31 am
by LordGigaIce
Neelix is an annoying yet tolerable character if you’re just watching one or two STV episodes.

His failing as a character comes from watching the series either in binge form or in week-to-week episodic viewing (the intended method).
What is merely annoying but harmless in small isolated chunks becomes enraging when constantly exposed to it over an extended period of time.

I understand that Chuck’s show is comedic first and foremost, and comedy often relies on exaggeration.
That said? I sincerely agree with everything he’s ever said about Neelix. He really is that grating if you watch STV from start to finish.

Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 2:46 am
by sayla0079
Not sure where to put this but after rewatching field of fire and watching a couple other shows her actress was in they could have had Ezri go psycho briefly, her actress pulled it off on another show. I've been thinking about the thing with Joran as well, I wonder if the way he acts depends on the host's interpretation of him. It would explain why he was moderlty psycho when he jumped into Sisko during Jadzia's thing and just flat out crazy when he was bugging Ezri.

Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:26 am
by Linkara
LordGigaIce wrote: Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:25 am
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:49 am Also keep in mind that that Empress Hoshi has a 100 years of advances stored on her ship in the databanks. One nice thing about Federation ships, they keep historical data on almost everything. So she was probably able to give the Terran Empire a huge leg up in R&D. Presuming she's able to get Mirror Trip or Mirror Phlox or some other loyal officer with some brains on her side, she could be seen as the great reformer who brought a golden age of new medicines and technologies to the Empire.

That would buy a lot of loyal followers for her reign.
Exactly. The Terrans aren't above murdering their way to the top, but they also have very healthy instincts for self-preservation.
Empress Hoshi ushering in a technological and scientific golden age would win her a lot of popular support. And any Imperial Starfleet officer with half a brain would know siding with Hoshi was the only way to get ahead.
Anyone with the means to mount a challenge to her authority would instantly face the hostile masses, which wouldn't make a coup worthwhile.
In addition, while we focus on how backstabbing a lot of them are... just as many display genuine loyalties, too. Trip had no desire to betray the people above him. Phlox was loyal to whoever was in charge and had no aspirations for more until they were suggested to him, and back on the original Mirror Enterprise, Spock made it clear he had no desire to be Captain.

I imagine the Terran Empire operated similarly to a Klingon ship - you could only betray your direct superior (unless you were working for said betrayer), but that decision had to be ratified by the higher-ups, either for the superior officer displaying incompetence, disloyalty, or just the opportunism that resulted in a larger net gain for the Empire. Chekov himself said no one would question the death of someone who disobeyed orders and while Kirk wasn't his direct superior, that disloyalty demonstrated that there would be no serious investigation into it, either.

Re: Areas where you'd respectfully disagree with Chuck

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:41 am
by Wargriffin
Who dares Mock The Glorious Empress Hoshi!

Alot of great historical figures came form less then ideal beginnings