Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by SiskosMuthaFknPmphnd »

Winter wrote:Also I'm surprised that Chuck didn't point out how Georgiou and Michael say F the Prime Directed we're doing what's right insterad of just letting a entire race die simply because some rule says we should. It would be hilarious if the writes actually saw Chuck's reviews and went, "Huh, you know, he's got a point."
Actually this fits right well into how the PD was handled in TOS (as mentioned in "For the World is Hollow..." and the PD review). Saving these people from a natural disaster is fine even if it means minor contamination of their culture. If he ever feels the need to redo the PD video, this would make a great example for it.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Winter »

SiskosMuthaFknPmphnd wrote:
Winter wrote:Also I'm surprised that Chuck didn't point out how Georgio and Michael say F the Prime Directed we're doing what's right insterad of just letting a entire race die simply because some rule says we should. It would be hilarious if the writes actually saw Chuck's reviews and went, "Huh, you know, he's got a point."
Actually this fits right well into how the PD was handled in TOS (as mentioned in "For the World is Hollow..." and the PD review). Saving these people from a natural disaster is fine even if it means minor contamination of their culture. If he ever feels the need to redo the PD video, this would make a great example for it.
Tue I'm just surprised that the main characters just decided to say F the PD in the very first episode that is used to introduce the heroes. I honestly half expected the show to stick to the BS that the PD is this unquestionable law that cannot be challenged as that has become such a big part of the series identity. I actually remember reading a artificial that went into great detail as to why STD was terrible and one their biggest issues was the fact that Michael and Georgio broke the PD and went over how terrible and pointed to Dear Doctor as how the PD should be handled. And all without the slightest bit of irony and sarcasm.

So as a human-beings who values life and likes helping people, I'm glad that the writers listened fans who pointed out the problems with the PD instead of going the, letting entire worlds die makes us better then you, group.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by STNeish »

I'm a little perplexed by this video... It seemed to consist only of a synopsis, but no review. I was anticipating some commentary about the division among fans, perhaps something about the costuming and technology relative to the supposed setting... something, at least.

Perhaps this is going to appear in the second part?
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Ikiry0 »

SiskosMuthaFknPmphnd wrote:Like a virus that can not only infect an android but also get him drunk? Like giant space amoebas? Like shooting the event horizon of a black hole to open it up so you can escape? Like an alien that can send you to the far reaches of the universe powered only by creepy pedophilic thoughts? Like a virus that "de-evolves" people into spiders and fish and cavemen? Like a virus that grows to huge sizes so you can shoot it with a phaser? Like literal god beings that transcend normal laws of physics just by snapping their fingers?? An engine that can go infinity miles per hour and turns you into a salamander for no apparent reason???

This just fits in so well with established Star Trek silliness.
Yeah but most of those are just for a single episode (And a lot of those are not exactly on well received episodes.). The Sporp Drive has the issue of being one of the big plot points of the show and treated so very, very deadly seriously.

The show might get better...but I really don't like any of the characters right now so it's going to take a lot to win me over.

On a less 'Serious Critical Concerns' front and more 'General Nerd Rage' front, I really don't like where they put it in the timeline as it doesn't seem to remotely fit there beyond 'There are Klingons' and 'Sarek is alive'. I will laugh a lot however if they end up getting an order from starfleet to change into the TOS uniforms as they are the new standard at some point though.

I also feel like they copped out by going with a human character as the protagonist. It would have been more interesting to have our lead be Vulcan if you want them to actually have grown up in a large part on Vulcan with Vulcans rather than a human, since Star Trek has a rather bad habit of going 'The primary lead is human'.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Karha of Honor »

Ikiry0 wrote:
SiskosMuthaFknPmphnd wrote:Like a virus that can not only infect an android but also get him drunk? Like giant space amoebas? Like shooting the event horizon of a black hole to open it up so you can escape? Like an alien that can send you to the far reaches of the universe powered only by creepy pedophilic thoughts? Like a virus that "de-evolves" people into spiders and fish and cavemen? Like a virus that grows to huge sizes so you can shoot it with a phaser? Like literal god beings that transcend normal laws of physics just by snapping their fingers?? An engine that can go infinity miles per hour and turns you into a salamander for no apparent reason???

This just fits in so well with established Star Trek silliness.
Yeah but most of those are just for a single episode (And a lot of those are not exactly on well received episodes.). The Sporp Drive has the issue of being one of the big plot points of the show and treated so very, very deadly seriously.

The show might get better...but I really don't like any of the characters right now so it's going to take a lot to win me over.

On a less 'Serious Critical Concerns' front and more 'General Nerd Rage' front, I really don't like where they put it in the timeline as it doesn't seem to remotely fit there beyond 'There are Klingons' and 'Sarek is alive'. I will laugh a lot however if they end up getting an order from starfleet to change into the TOS uniforms as they are the new standard at some point though.

I also feel like they copped out by going with a human character as the protagonist. It would have been more interesting to have our lead be Vulcan if you want them to actually have grown up in a large part on Vulcan with Vulcans rather than a human, since Star Trek has a rather bad habit of going 'The primary lead is human'.
It is not a bad habit as long it is profitable. You can read the IKS Gorkon books if you want alien leads that bad.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Yukaphile »

I agree. I mean, it feels like they're going out of their way to create special angles and lighting effects. It's a symptom of what I hate about modern Hollywood.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by LavarosVA »

SiskosMuthaFknPmphnd wrote:
Winter wrote:Also I'm surprised that Chuck didn't point out how Georgiou and Michael say F the Prime Directed we're doing what's right insterad of just letting a entire race die simply because some rule says we should. It would be hilarious if the writes actually saw Chuck's reviews and went, "Huh, you know, he's got a point."
Actually this fits right well into how the PD was handled in TOS (as mentioned in "For the World is Hollow..." and the PD review). Saving these people from a natural disaster is fine even if it means minor contamination of their culture. If he ever feels the need to redo the PD video, this would make a great example for it.
I don't even think the PD applied there, judging from the dialogue in the episode it sounded like either a human or federation vessel caused the disaster in the first place, so they were fixing what another person broke, rather then fixing what the natives broke.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Madner Kami »

Winter wrote:Tue I'm just surprised that the main characters just decided to say F the PD in the very first episode that is used to introduce the heroes. I honestly half expected the show to stick to the BS that the PD is this unquestionable law that cannot be challenged as that has become such a big part of the series identity. I actually remember reading a artificial that went into great detail as to why STD was terrible and one their biggest issues was the fact that Michael and Georgio broke the PD and went over how terrible and pointed to Dear Doctor as how the PD should be handled. And all without the slightest bit of irony and sarcasm.
Behaviour like that makes it really easy to spot those people, who don't really think about what they are doing or liking, the kind of people who pay lip-service to great ideals, but fail to follow through when it comes to the realization of their ideals. "I am good, I virtue-signal my goodness, everyone who doesn't agree with me is evil, for I am moral superiority incarnate." The writers of such moral failure at least have the excuse of being lazy and not really thinking through what they created, but fans like that... difficult territory.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Linkara »

STNeish wrote:I'm a little perplexed by this video... It seemed to consist only of a synopsis, but no review. I was anticipating some commentary about the division among fans, perhaps something about the costuming and technology relative to the supposed setting... something, at least.

Perhaps this is going to appear in the second part?
I suspect so, since the two episodes are so intrinsically linked that they might as well be just one long episode. While I'm overall enjoying Discovery (only up to episode 7), I do agree that one of the mistakes was by doing this Prologue instead of just starting us with the actual ship. It'd be one thing if CBS was following a proper Netflix model of having the entire season available from the start, since then we'd be able to see the flow from prologue to series proper right away, but since it's following the weekly format, the first two episodes only have two main characters of the actual show, a Captain who's going to be gone very soon, a ship that's going to be gone very soon, and so forth.
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Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Vulcan Hello

Post by Deledrius »

Linkara wrote:
STNeish wrote:I'm a little perplexed by this video... It seemed to consist only of a synopsis, but no review. I was anticipating some commentary about the division among fans, perhaps something about the costuming and technology relative to the supposed setting... something, at least.

Perhaps this is going to appear in the second part?
I suspect so, since the two episodes are so intrinsically linked that they might as well be just one long episode.
And yet CBS only broadcast "The Vulcan Hello" on its own. There is no real stopping point in the episode, so when I watched it I was surprised that it had just... ended... practically in the middle of a scene. I assume this was a deliberate choice (and perhaps why they also selected this prologue, as it was a two-hour episode they could split into two) to bait people onto their service, but it gave me a strong feeling of being jerked around.

They seem to be having some issues with this in general, as the mid-season finale ends right before the cliffhanger happens. You have to watch the prologue act of the next episode to get the proper cliffhanger that should have led into the hiatus. They are much too married to the broadcast format and episode length for a company so obviously eager to leave it behind.
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