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Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:26 pm
by Mickey_Rat15
Fianna wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:29 pm SG-1 only works if no one but Earth puts any real effort into guarding their stargates. The SGC puts theirs in an underground bunker with armed guards watching it constantly, a titanium iris that prevents anyone without a passcode from getting through, and a nuclear bomb set to go off and bury the gate if any intruders do get through. Everywhere else, stargates just sit out in the open, often completely unprotected, and with "heavily guarded" meaning there are a few guys with weapons milling about in the general area.
And once the Goa'uld realize that Earth's stargate is protected, they apparently do not go "interesting idea" and copy it.

Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:26 pm
by Ghilz
clearspira wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:05 pm
Nealithi wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:08 pm I remember this episode and that I didn't know who Jonas even was. But I liked the character. The smart and observant fish out of water is used quite well in other shows and I thought it could be an interesting take in SG-1. But it seemed to sputter out.

As to NID and others coming off as wrong. Note something Chuck pointed out for SG-1 versus Atlantis. The whole there are things we won't do versus did what you had to do mentality. NID has a reasonable goal. And carries the ends justify the means. The issue is Hollywood shorthand for bad guys. They want to use the racial memories of the symbionts and get a starship out of the deal. Allow the aliens to infect a town. . But only have two guys to watch the whole thing. Period. They could almost justify the first if they were not criminally negligent with the second. IE they have an entire control team watching everything through hidden cameras and will properly swoop in if things go too badly. The loss of the doctor? They extracted him when he tried to break quarantine. He is fine and in isolation and observation. They would then be the cold calculating group. A rival, instead of the incompetent fools SGC has to cleanup after.
The evolution of the NID from making reasonable plots to out-and-out villains reminds me of the evolution of Senator Kinsey. Kinsey was not wrong to point out that the Stargate program in its early days was a taxpayer black hole. All it had seemed to do was to put the Earth at risk for incredibly little benefit. And, it also has to be said, he was also not wrong to doubt Daniel's claim that an invasion was coming as it WAS very convenient timing, Daniel had no evidence beyond ''I went to a parallel dimension but lost my camera'', and Earth had little knowledge of the Goa'uld's space capabilities yet beyond death gliders and pyramid ships capable of conquering poorly armed peasant villages.

And then all of the ''God will protect America'' stuff came out and all of the evil plots and suddenly he was Lex Luthor.
The problem early is that they made Kinsey too at his job. Kinsey absolutely has points that the SGC has been nothing but a financial drain, and that all the troubles it's defending us against only exist BECAUSE the SGC sort of kicked the hornet's nest and Earth would be fine if the gate had never been unburied and that the people in charge of the SGC are the same who kinda caused this in the first place.

But the show, especially in its earlier stages, isn't ready to full "Yeah so we're the assholes", so the only rebuttal to Kinsey is to make him a complete and utter jerk. The best the show can manage is a "Well it's too late to go back now and also too late to change main characters than these bumblefucks (When really after Children of the Gods all of SG1 probably should've been fired)".

And whats funny is the show would go on to repeat this (Have the SGC poke an alien menace and then act like it's not totally our fault).

Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:22 am
by Prince Ire
Despite watching through SG-1 multiple times, I completely forgot about this episode existing at all.

Re: SG-1: Nightwalkers

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 3:24 pm
by FaxModem1
Ghilz wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:26 pm The problem early is that they made Kinsey too at his job. Kinsey absolutely has points that the SGC has been nothing but a financial drain, and that all the troubles it's defending us against only exist BECAUSE the SGC sort of kicked the hornet's nest and Earth would be fine if the gate had never been unburied and that the people in charge of the SGC are the same who kinda caused this in the first place.

But the show, especially in its earlier stages, isn't ready to full "Yeah so we're the assholes", so the only rebuttal to Kinsey is to make him a complete and utter jerk. The best the show can manage is a "Well it's too late to go back now and also too late to change main characters than these bumblefucks (When really after Children of the Gods all of SG1 probably should've been fired)".

And whats funny is the show would go on to repeat this (Have the SGC poke an alien menace and then act like it's not totally our fault).
Yes, doing that again with the Ori in season 9 was essentially the people at the SGC ruining the galaxy for everyone else. So much so, that people used to joke that the people who attacked the SGC facility at the beginning of Stargate Destiny was Teal'c, because his human friends kept on bringing greater horrors to the galaxy, and never paying the price.