Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by GandALF »

J!! wrote:what's the difference?
Human on human racism would be inconsistent whereas human on alien racism isn't unusual for the TOS era at least (Bones on Spock, Kirk and Cartwright on Klingons etc.)
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by CharlesPhipps »

J!! wrote:what's the difference?
Allow the late Great Terry Pratchett who now has become more powerful than we can possibly imagine explain for me.

“Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because—what with trolls and dwarfs and so on—speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.”
― Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad

I see that as perfectly possible for Star Trek and what we see on screen. Star Trek's humans are one big happy family but they're at odds with everyone else in the universe. In one of the Christopher Bennett Department of Temporal Investigations novels, they had a character from the 20th century have a culture clash with her 24th century descendants. Specifically, that she was opening and accepting of her family member marrying an alien male (which the family was revolted by) but shocked them by being uncomfortable with her two human gay relations' marriage.

Humans are united and fine--because they have big issues with other species.
Last edited by CharlesPhipps on Thu Oct 26, 2017 11:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by CharlesPhipps »

GandALF wrote:
J!! wrote:what's the difference?
Human on human racism would be inconsistent whereas human on alien racism isn't unusual for the TOS era at least (Bones on Spock, Kirk and Cartwright on Klingons etc.)
TNG era too.

Bashir talks about how Bajor is "frontier medicine"

O'Brian makes it clear the Cardassians disgust and revolt him (probably a plus when some Bajorans read his psych eval). Hell, Keiko actually calls him out on how she's disgusted by him for saying how they're a race of murderers.

B'elanna is a self-hating Klingon who wants to remove her baby's Klingon qualities.

Worf basically saying he'd happily murder any Romulan he gets his hands on. He was raised by humans too.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Antiboyscout »

I think Bashir would have said the same thing if he was posted to an out of the way colony like the ones that were let go in the Cardassian treaty.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by CharlesPhipps »

True, but that still doesn't show Bashir in a very good light.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Robovski »

Honestly, that is more Bashir being from Big City Earth going out to the boonies of Bajor and having the usual attitude the people in the boonies have to put up with from the city feller.
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Re: Ent:Detained (aka, Fornicating Recta of the World, Unite!)

Post by Yaku »

Kinda surprised that Chuck used so much politics in this review, caught me off guard a bit. Sometimes I think he is a bit over-analyzing things :lol:
Gul Dukat: War is such thirsty work. Don't you agree?
Weyoun: Perhaps if you didn't talk so much, your throat wouldn't get so dry.
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