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Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:26 pm
by CaptainCalvinCat
Ghilz wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:31 am The thing is when talking about this episode is that the message isn't "Women can do the same thing men do"

It's "Women can do what men do if Men aren't available to do it." Since the empowerment narrative is entirely contingent on the fact there's no one else available. That's why they even arm the doctor!

That's without going into how conveniently the only time this happens the foe is herself a woman. Designated girl fight ahoy.
sure, you could see it that way. The way I saw the episode was: Women can do, whatever men can do, and when men are not able to do, what they should do, one really notices it.

Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:54 am
by G-Man
I think it would be harder for a Goa'uld to impersonate a monotheistic God, like the God of the Abrahamic religions.

C.S. Lewis said that the major difference between polytheism and monotheism is not merely numbers, but the very concept of God. Polytheistic gods are essentially superbeings of one kind or another, whereas monotheism tends to view God as a first cause, as the Supreme Being who is utterly transcendent.

Unless the Goa'uld is mimicking the incarnation, he is going to seem too small for a transcendent God.

Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:56 am
by AuRon
I would imagine that a "supreme being" god goa'uld could do something similar to the Wizard of Oz, where he uses technology and illusion to make himself appear greater than he actually is.

Of course, the Ori were obviously allegorical to christianity in some ways. There wasn't just one god for them, but a lot of their imagery and rhetoric seemed obviously inspired by christianity. Of course, some would say that even there the writers sort of chickened out by associating the Ori with fire, thus making them seem more demonic than angelic.

Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:19 am
by Fianna
There's also the simple fact that most Goa'uld will, at some point, want the company of other Goa'uld, which is problematic if they've told their followers to recognize no other gods.

Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:31 am
by FaxModem1
Regarding the Goa'uld coming after the gate had been buried, this is why they added the Antartica gate, to give the possibility that the Goa'uld came by and snatched humans under a new god, due to the fact that Earth is supposed to be the most heavily populated planet in the galaxy. Also, they have ships, and can just snatch up people the old fashioned way if they have to.

Regarding Ascension and Buddhism. There are similarities, and one might have flavored the other a bit. Daniel states as such in "Maternal Instinct". The most likely thing is that Oma Desala copied a few things from Buddhism, and used them in her temple designs on Kheb. She may even have had conversations with the Buddha for all we know, (there's an interesting scene for you). She may have taken the form of Sakra, if you believe that legend.

Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:06 am
by Madner Kami
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:31 am Regarding the Goa'uld coming after the gate had been buried, this is why they added the Antartica gate, to give the possibility that the Goa'uld came by and snatched humans under a new god, due to the fact that Earth is supposed to be the most heavily populated planet in the galaxy. Also, they have ships, and can just snatch up people the old fashioned way if they have to.
The Antarctica Gate was buried under ice for longer than humanity exists and the Goa'Uld were completely unaware of it's presence.
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:31 amRegarding Ascension and Buddhism. There are similarities, and one might have flavored the other a bit. Daniel states as such in "Maternal Instinct". The most likely thing is that Oma Desala copied a few things from Buddhism, and used them in her temple designs on Kheb. She may even have had conversations with the Buddha for all we know, (there's an interesting scene for you). She may have taken the form of Sakra, if you believe that legend.

These Sakkra?

Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:19 am
by FaxModem1
Madner Kami wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:06 am
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:31 am Regarding the Goa'uld coming after the gate had been buried, this is why they added the Antartica gate, to give the possibility that the Goa'uld came by and snatched humans under a new god, due to the fact that Earth is supposed to be the most heavily populated planet in the galaxy. Also, they have ships, and can just snatch up people the old fashioned way if they have to.
The Antarctica Gate was buried under ice for longer than humanity exists and the Goa'Uld were completely unaware of it's presence.
Ships it is then. Though remember, Lord Yu was well aware of the Antarctica gate.
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:31 amRegarding Ascension and Buddhism. There are similarities, and one might have flavored the other a bit. Daniel states as such in "Maternal Instinct". The most likely thing is that Oma Desala copied a few things from Buddhism, and used them in her temple designs on Kheb. She may even have had conversations with the Buddha for all we know, (there's an interesting scene for you). She may have taken the form of Sakra, if you believe that legend.
These Sakkra?

Sigh, I don't even know what that is.

No, in Buddhist mythology, [url=]Sakra[/url] is a god who visited the Buddha for moral advice. This made the Buddha different from any other Hindu monk the god visited at the time, because upon seeing a god, they immediately started worshiping Sakra in his presence. Buddha actually answered the question and so they formed a sort of philosophical relationship of discussing such things with each other.

In Stargate, I could imagine Oma DeSala, or someone among her ranks, appearing to the Buddha, like they did other monks, and being rather frustrated when all they got were people bowing down and prostrating themselves before them, like all people did for their Goa'uld masters. Finally, here comes this guy who answers their questions, and they build steps towards enlightenment/ascension.

Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:42 am
by Madner Kami
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:19 amShips it is then. Though remember, Lord Yu was well aware of the Antarctica gate.
Unless Yu is more than 34 million years old, he can't have known about it, because that was the last time Antarctica was ever ice-free. The genus Homo is only 2.8m years old, as far as we can tell, with modern humans only appearing 350.000 years ago, at the earliest. Canonically, Ra was the first to find humans, precisely homo sapiens and he was also the one who brought the Alpha Gate to Earth. Clearly, Yu being aware or any Goa'Uld using the Beta Gate is thus out of question. Where do you take that assumption from?
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:31 amSigh, I don't even know what that is.
It's a Sakkra.

Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:58 am
by FaxModem1
Madner Kami wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:42 am
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:19 amShips it is then. Though remember, Lord Yu was well aware of the Antarctica gate.
Unless Yu is more than 34 million years old, he can't have known about it, because that was the last time Antarctica was ever ice-free. The genus Homo is only 2.8m years old, as far as we can tell, with modern humans only appearing 350.000 years ago, at the earliest. Canonically, Ra was the first to find humans, precisely homo sapiens and he was also the one who brought the Alpha Gate to Earth. Clearly, Yu being aware or any Goa'Uld using the Beta Gate is thus out of question. Where do you take that assumption from?
In the episode Fair Game. In the negotiations with the Asgard, Lord Yu demands Earth's stargates surrendered to the System Lords. "Both of them."

In the novel Four Dragons, Lord Yu tells Daniel that he was around to protect China, especially when Anubis tried to flood it, making Lord Yu rather cross, and they've been enemies ever since.

Re: Stargate SG-1: Hathor

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:09 am
by clearspira
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:58 am
Madner Kami wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:42 am
FaxModem1 wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:19 amShips it is then. Though remember, Lord Yu was well aware of the Antarctica gate.
Unless Yu is more than 34 million years old, he can't have known about it, because that was the last time Antarctica was ever ice-free. The genus Homo is only 2.8m years old, as far as we can tell, with modern humans only appearing 350.000 years ago, at the earliest. Canonically, Ra was the first to find humans, precisely homo sapiens and he was also the one who brought the Alpha Gate to Earth. Clearly, Yu being aware or any Goa'Uld using the Beta Gate is thus out of question. Where do you take that assumption from?
In the episode Fair Game. In the negotiations with the Asgard, Lord Yu demands Earth's stargates surrendered to the System Lords. "Both of them."

In the novel Four Dragons, Lord Yu tells Daniel that he was around to protect China, especially when Anubis tried to flood it, making Lord Yu rather cross, and they've been enemies ever since.
That could just mean Yu has spies on Earth.