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Re: Voy - Renaissance Man

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 1:40 pm
by CrypticMirror
Thebestoftherest wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 2:43 am
Rocketboy1313 wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 1:18 pm I have an issue with the, "Voyager can survive without a warp core, but needs a captain".

What Janeway should have said is, "WE'RE IN A NAVY! Chakotay would be the Captain. That is how command structure works. What kind of a stupid thing is it to sacrifice immeasurably important resources to save a single person?! IDIOT!"

Also, this gets to be my thousandth comment on the board. What a milestone.
Yes because when a star fleet vessel returns after years captain by a known terrorist that wouldn't cause any problems.
That is a problem for the court martial and review board, not Voyager. And those guys will have so much to deal with that Chakotay in command would be the least of it.

Re: Voy - Renaissance Man

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:59 pm
by Nealithi
AllanO wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 7:19 pm
AllanO wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:25 am Basically anything any technological marvel like the Doctor can do any person with access to ship systems or the portable emitter etc. should be able to do equally easily. However that will only happen if the plot requires it.
On the registration thing guns, mutants etc. The most obvious parallel is with cars we register cars and license drivers and somehow the car can still be the ultimate symbol of freedom to many. Even though I think most jurisdictions ban vehicles that don't conform to their basic standards from the roads. The point is more how we register and with what sorts of implications we attach both legal and cultural.

If you wanted to register all mutants, well everyone who can digest lactose as an adult is a mutant, so that list sounds pretty useless as everyone is a mutant probably on at least on criterion. Of course in X-men mutants really means those with the magical x-gene, but as depicted even the x-gene may only give you ludicrous amounts of body hair or something, the only reason to register everyone with the x-gene is prejudice/irrational fear (sure she is just really hairy and can't walk through walls today, but what about next year or the year after that?). Also the clear implication is "registration" is actually creating a separate legal status with fewer civil liberties not just putting a file in the DMV computer on your car kind of thing, but like changing your legal recourse on huge swaths of stuff kind of thing.

Registration of some super powered people has to happen as a matter of course in some cases, like if your superpower is being 9 feet tall that is showing up on your driver's license and so is registered. The question is should we create some extra special registry not based on what functional powers you actually have (being tall, controlling magnetism etc.) but based merely on our fearful perception of something like your genetic potential (has the x-gene).

Like no one seems to worry that the government has huge files on Magneto, that they built special prisons for him and so on. No matter what happens to the Mutant Registration the Magneto registration is going strong. Like the don't register all mutants movement really does not seem to be the don't register any mutants in terms of writing down in the appropriate police, military and medical files relevant characteristics and so on. However sometimes in the rhetoric they get very confused by this probably on the basis of not wanting to get the story bogged down in minutia.
I know this is going back a bit. But I needed to mentally chew on this. No one minds Magneto registration because Magneto is/was a criminal. You break the law you have a criminal record. If you do not break the law you do not have such a record. Making your genes against the law is a step way too far.
As to medical files? I can see Colossus having a personal medical file. But those things are kept incredibly confidential.