At lest the Ori story line got resolved in the made for tv films.Nessus wrote:The Ori were a good concept IMO, I just think they fell victim to a combo of series fatigue in general, and too many changes to the series in too short a time. The team got new leads, and the classic leads either went away or changing into other roles that didn't have equivalent appeal. The Egyptian theme the series had been rooted in (which had already been more and more diluted by "gods" from other pantheons) got abruptly swapped out whole hog for a monotheistic Arthurian theme. And all that was happening at a point where the series had been on the air for so long it was starting to feel tired regardless. Whether the Ori were good or not, the series was petering out at that point, so any changes/ideas that popped around that time were ripe for blame confusion.
Though for the record, connecting the Ori to Arthurian stuff in an attempt to keep the mythology connection theme going was complete rubbish, IMO. Felt cheap and cargo-cult-ish, and only served to cheese-ify what were good and scary villains.
I only watched the first couple episodes of Universe, so I don't know how it went overall, but I remember at the time it felt in a lot of ways like a transparent and shallow attempt to copycat BSG, and that turned me off (both on principle, and because the stuff it was copying was the stuff I didn't like about BSG anyway). I never watched it enough to have strong feelings about it, it just lost/killed my interest very quickly, and I never saw/heard any reason to go back.
As for Universe, there is so many low points to even name. Like the character Nicholas Rush trying to take command of Destiny. Or the Commander Everett Young being an idiot. (PS I have nothing against the actors, just the characters. Mostly because there only doing this for a paycheck.) But watching the team of scientist thinking that they can over take the well train Marines. Oh, there where scientist, air Force, and Marines suck on the ship. The worst was watching the guys on the ship trade bodies on Earth, and have sex in those bodies with complete strangers. They used those Communication stones found in StarGate SG1. But the worst character was Chloe Armstrong who did nothing but complain how worthless she was. And she was. The worst part is where she is walking down a hallways in Destiny when a war is going on outside, and the roof next her collapses in a shape of a perfect circle with a light emanating from the roof, And dose the dumbass do. She walks right up to it and look straight into the light. ANd guess what, she is taken by the aliens on the other end of the light.