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Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:57 pm
by Yukaphile
Pretty good review, if you ask me! Loved the pot shot he took at Archer, and then the gag with Kirk killing the crewman. :D

Re: Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:15 pm
by AlucardNoir
And they say TOS has no good episodes.

Re: Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:46 pm
by ChiggyvonRichthofen
AlucardNoir wrote:And they say TOS has no good episodes.
They do?

I'd consider Court Martial to be one of the weakest of the first season. It isn't horrible, but there are a ton of strong episodes in season 1.

Re: Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:58 pm
by AlucardNoir
ChiggyvonRichthofen wrote:
AlucardNoir wrote:And they say TOS has no good episodes.
They do?

I'd consider Court Martial to be one of the weakest of the first season. It isn't horrible, but there are a ton of strong episodes in season 1.
TOS is exceptionally campy, that tends to put people off. This episode has very little going for it in the camp department and lacks the high concepts all too present in most more memorable TOS episodes. IT's more in the vein of Measure of a Man and The Drumhead from TNG - both highly regarded episodes.

You don't need a high concept or stunning visuals to tell a good story. TOS was campy and that makes it hard to take it serious. Just remember the review Mr. Sonnemburg did for Arena only a scant few weeks ago - most people won't remember the concepts and ideas exposited in that episode, they'll remember the campy fight with the gorn, and even then, not the actual fight and what happens in it, only the bad and campy visuals.

Re: Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:48 pm
by Fianna
I'm personally not too fond of episodes that raise the idea that the hero may have made a serious mistake, but then repeatedly assure us that the hero could never make such a mistake because they're the hero, and the only way anyone could think otherwise is because of lies and deception.

Though it would be kind of hilarious if the judges all had to recuse themselves because Kirk just saved their lives, so they have to do the trial again with all new judges before Kirk can be cleared.

What I'm really interested in is seeing how Chuck handles "The Counter-Clock Incident". That will be the first time he's actually completed an entire Star Trek series on this site; I've got to think he has something special planned for the occasion.

Re: Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:18 pm
by unknownsample
AlucardNoir wrote:And they say TOS has no good episodes.
Really, who said that?

Re: Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:38 pm
by Ikiry0
I wouldn't really call that outfit Colin Baker-tier bad...but it does look like what a particularly inept schoolgirl-themed stripper would wear with that multi-tassel skirt and transparent sleeves. It's pretty hideous.

Re: Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:29 pm
by Darth Wedgius
I have a particular point I like about this episode. The idea of a heartbeat giving away someone when there have to be pumps and other mechanical devices going on even after they turn off the engines never made sense to me, even as a kid. But I still like it, because it gave a good dramatic effect that Spock scanning for life forms wouldn't. I think of it as one area where doing something stupid may be the smart thing to do in a drama. That's subjective, of course. Some details just stick in the craw of some people.

1 to the fourth power, on the other hand...

Re: Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:45 pm
by Independent George
Fianna wrote:I'm personally not too fond of episodes that raise the idea that the hero may have made a serious mistake, but then repeatedly assure us that the hero could never make such a mistake because they're the hero, and the only way anyone could think otherwise is because of lies and deception.
Which, incidentally, was at the heart of DS9's Rules of Engagement. Worf did make a mistake, even if the consequences were averted at the end, and Sisko rightfully calls him out on it. Or to quote Maxim 43, "If it's stupid and it works, it's still stupid and you're lucky.".

Re: Star Trek (TOS): Court Martial

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:46 pm
by drewder
I think the fact that jettison pod is the third option on the captain's chair's control panel after red and yellow alert. How many pods do you think get jettisoned when kirk is trying to find the red alert button.