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The Clone Wars: Clone Cadets

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:13 pm
by GandALF

See! We got the sort of almost Cuy'Val Dar, so parts of the EU did survive the so-called purge.

So is he going to do the Citadel arc after ARC Troopers or is he going to jump straight to Umbara?

Re: The Clone Wars: Clone Cadets

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:49 pm
by Robovski
Wasn't this before the sale to Disney?

Re: The Clone Wars: Clone Cadets

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:29 pm
by RobbyB1982
Robovski wrote:Wasn't this before the sale to Disney?
Yes, but the Clone Wars show is the one thing confirmed as being left in canon

Not the Tartovsky show though.

Re: The Clone Wars: Clone Cadets

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:50 pm
by Chaos Sepher
Always loved how fleshed out they managed to make individual clones, which is quite a feat when you got an entire army of guys that look and sound the same. Was very interesting that we went back to see the training of the clone unit from Rookies, which is an early series favorite of mine. Makes me really sorry Cutup got eaten by a worm.

Definitely eager to see him do the next part of this story too. Makes me want to do a chronological watch of Clone Wars sometime.

Would love it of Chuck eventually covered Fives entire ultimately tragic story arc.

Re: The Clone Wars: Clone Cadets

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:58 am
by Meushell
Chaos Sepher wrote:Always loved how fleshed out they managed to make individual clones, which is quite a feat when you got an entire army of guys that look and sound the same. Was very interesting that we went back to see the training of the clone unit from Rookies, which is an early series favorite of mine. Makes me really sorry Cutup got eaten by a worm.
That’s what he gets for picking that name. He got, er, cut up by teeth.

The episode does do a good job at making you care about them. “Who were these...oh.” It also makes Cutup’s death being treated so causally kind of sad and creepy.

As for the episode, I like it, but the way they came together seemed to be a bit too lucky. Knowing the fate of thre of them did not really help in that regard. It didn’t feel like their being extra special was why they messed up, despite being told just that. Hevy’s love of weapons seemed to about the only thing that went from burden to asset.