Favorite short jokes

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Favorite short jokes

Post by rickgriffin »

Bonus points if it's just something absurd that caught you off-guard more than anything. Try to limit it to ~2-3 lines long.

From TNG The Battle

With that settled, Picard is praised as the hero of Maxia.
Damon: And that is your ship coming in!
Picard: Finally! I've been waiting for my ship to come in!

(Just the sudden image of Picard desperately wanting out of this hellhole job is hilarious to me and made me want to make a topic out of it)
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Re: Favorite short jokes

Post by nebagram »

My favourite one that causes me to giggle just thinking about it and flattened me for about a minute the first time I heard it was the 'Dance Dance Revolution Gun' from Captain's Holiday. :-D
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Re: Favorite short jokes

Post by Zoinksberg »

Star Trek IV - Gillian pulls up to Cetacean Institute with guy spraying down the sidewalk
"Hey Doc, another group of preschoolers saw that whale vid and puked. I took care of it"

Ok, does that not count because it is a follow up to his entire rant earlier in the video? If so then for my second choice I also go to Captain's Holiday:
Picard, relaxing with a book when interrupted by a floating ball
"Kenobi? God dammit Kenobi, I told you to F- off an hour ago! God I hate this place, I hope it starts raining and you're all as miserable as I am!"
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Re: Favorite short jokes

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

Just about every single joke from the Stargate review, maybe it's because I have a soft spot for the film and it's so easy to riff but it's one of my favourite reviews he's done pretty much for the comedy he got out of it alone. It's like a more competent Battlefield Earth in some respects.
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Re: Favorite short jokes

Post by Madner Kami »

SlackerinDeNile wrote:Just about every single joke from the Stargate review, maybe it's because I have a soft spot for the film and it's so easy to riff but it's one of my favourite reviews he's done pretty much for the comedy he got out of it alone. It's like a more competent Battlefield Earth in some respects.
The base premise of the movie is stupid, but played straight and serious. The characters act competently and according to the rules set up by the movie and don't break from it in any way and the basic science in the universe is following our regular laws except where the SciFi-Tech is relevant, so it's believable and acceptable. The camera work isn't pulling off some stupid artsy fartsy shit and the storyline is coherent from start to finish. It's a genuinely good movie, unlike Battlefield Earth, which does the complete opposite in almost every regard.
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Re: Favorite short jokes

Post by AllanO »

The one that keeps coming to my mind is from TNG: the High Ground.

Data is listing examples of successful violent separatist insurgencies:

"The Irish unification of 2024

[Chuck in Picard voice] That wasn't violent they voted to leave the United Kingdom. It was the Irexit..."

I just find that one hilarious...
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Re: Favorite short jokes

Post by Eishtmo »

"We should eat Harry."
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Re: Favorite short jokes

Post by G-Man »

I don't know - other than mentioning the midget with a cowbell, I don't think that Chuck tells all that many short jokes.
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Re: Favorite short jokes

Post by SlackerinDeNile »

This isn't exactly a short joke but one of my favourite Trek jokes he's ever done is in Enterprise's 'The Andorian Incident' when he talks about
the Jeffrey Coombs Andorian calling Archer, Tucker and the English one (I've forgotten his name sorry) 'pink skins.' So Chuck says "If he called Sisko brown skin Sisko would punch him so hard it would make Weyoun dizzy." That had me in stitches both times I watched it.
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Re: Favorite short jokes

Post by Nevix »

There's a LOT of jokes of Chuck's that are favorites.

The "Everybody's Dead" joke/tragedy from Mass Effect 2.

The reaction his computer "Ruby" had to seeing both Ben Sisko and James T. Kirk on the screen at the same time.

"Yeah, too far, Mal. Picking on Kaylee, it's like punching Fluttershy. It's just plain wrong."

Oh, and the "Two guys and a van" joke from that one Gargoyles review.

There's more, but if I wanted to list all of them, I'd just link the TV Tropes "SF Debris: Moment of Funny" pages and say "about 70% of this." ;D
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