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Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:01 pm
by FaxModem1

One of the great episodes in JLU. I wonder if, in-universe, this was the reason pointed to by the rich as to why they aren't going to help the homeless and poor, because a couple superheroes will destroy all their efforts and they'll just be down a few million dollars with nothing to show for it. I wouldn't be surprised if that was also part of Luthor's plan, to set precedent as to why helping the unfortunate is a bad idea.

Re: Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:11 pm
by Worffan101
This episode showcases why Luthor is a great villain, and also is what Batman Vs. Superman could have been, was trying to be, and utterly failed at in humiliating fashion.

Kinda depressing now that I think about that.

Re: Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:08 pm
by Darth Wedgius
I did wonder what auto insurance is like in Metropolis. I can only imagine owing $20,000 on a car that Superman just used as a hammer to slow down Metallo. I mean, sure, stopping Metallo is more important, but I'm going to be spending the next five years taking the bus to work and back while I pay off a car that looks like a five year old tried his hand at modern art.

And a Luthor like this would indeed have made Batman v. Superman a far better movie.

Re: Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:10 pm
by Falcon21
AS a brief note, this was the first episode of JLU I ever saw as a kid, and is still my favorite episode to this day. Captain Marvel instantly became my favorite superhero due to his wonderful mix of naivety and nobility, perfectly justified by his true nature as a well meaning child. It showed Superman, who so often comes across as an infallible god, as flawed human capable of the same flaws as any of us. And it showed Luthor and Waller, two normal people with personal agenda's overcoming gods with guile and understanding of their enemies.
its a level of complexity that I never saw in so many of the shows I watched as kid like Yugioh and Xiolin Showdown, and it made me love the superhero genre at its best.

Re: Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:01 pm
by SuccubusYuri
So Superman is jealous of the media talking about someone in his place of work other than him, spends hours watching Fox News obsessively so he can scowl at his political opponents, spends his evenings frowning at charity events and punches a child through a hospital...

...We're sure Luthor is the one running for president?

Re: Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:08 pm
by TrueMetis
I'm actually not all that fond of this episode. Great fight aside Superman fell for this way to easily. I can get Captain Marvel being this naive, he's 8. But seriously supes, was the fact those building clearly weren't meant to be inhabited not enough of a clue for you?

Though Chucks view does have me looking at it a bit differently.

Re: Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:55 pm
by FaxModem1
SuccubusYuri wrote: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:01 pm So Superman is jealous of the media talking about someone in his place of work other than him, spends hours watching Fox News obsessively so he can scowl at his political opponents, spends his evenings frowning at charity events and punches a child through a hospital...

...We're sure Luthor is the one running for president?
I think this is what happens when he spends all his time being Superman and not enough time being Clark Kent. He doesn't get to unwind. This is why it's made note in 'The late Mr. Kent' that he needs a civilian life just to have some time to relax. This season has Superman, not Clark, taking Lois out on a date. It makes me think that after the second Darkseid invasion, he gave up on trying to have a normal life, and it gave him an unhealthy complex about it.
TrueMetis wrote: Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:08 pm I'm actually not all that fond of this episode. Great fight aside Superman fell for this way to easily. I can get Captain Marvel being this naive, he's 8. But seriously supes, was the fact those building clearly weren't meant to be inhabited not enough of a clue for you?

Though Chucks view does have me looking at it a bit differently.
To be fair, people were supposed to be moving in after the opening announcement. Supposedly, there was going to be people moving in after the party.

Re: Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:14 am
by Mad-Man-with-a-Box
Darth Wedgius wrote: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:08 pm I did wonder what auto insurance is like in Metropolis. I can only imagine owing $20,000 on a car that Superman just used as a hammer to slow down Metallo. I mean, sure, stopping Metallo is more important, but I'm going to be spending the next five years taking the bus to work and back while I pay off a car that looks like a five year old tried his hand at modern art.
I've always assumed that the government subsidizes insurance in comic book universes. Otherwise like you point out, how do people handle having cars, homes, or buildings ruined by superhuman fights, alien or demonic invasions.

I liked how Chuck pointed out how the DCAU focused on good characterization for their shows. This is a good way to do a flawed Superman story, without going full-blown grim or 'evil Superman.' It also worked for the larger CADMUS arc, as it further shows how Lex is manipulating things but also how the public and government can start viewing the League negatively.

Re: Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:00 am
by Wargriffin
The Hilarious thing about Captain Marvel is Billy is the reason why Sups got so many of his trademark powers

Cause for a while before the whole Marvel name thing happend

Captain Marvel was like Blue Beetle or Green Hornet having a level of popularity on par with or surpassing The Icons of the Golden age

Re: Justice League Unlimited 'Clash'

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:29 am
by Alinis
Yeah flying was something captain marvel had first while Superman's ability instead was jumping really high or as it used to say to able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

It was the 1940s Fleischer Superman cartoons that gave superman the ability to fly because it was easier to animate while the 1940s Radio show introduced the world to kryptonite as superman's weakness to give criminals a chance against superman which were later both introduced into the comics.