The Lost Room

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The Lost Room

Post by Fianna »

Heard about this miniseries, but never seen it. Seems like a very fun concept, with a lot more potential than one miniseries can explore.

Chuck making a Langoliers references has me wanting him to review that miniseries next, just for his reaction to the completely-pulling-it-out-of-their-ass nature of the big explanation for all the weird goings on.
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Re: The Lost Room

Post by FaxModem1 »

I like this miniseries, as it's well written, but you can tell it was made during Scifi's cheap period.

"Hey, it's about time for us to make another miniseries. What can we afford?"

"Hmm, how about instead of spending money on props, sets, or costumes, we buy a bunch of cocaine, and use the leftover money and we just raid an antique store and make a show about the items having magical powers?"


And later on, Warehouse 13 became a show that lasted multiple seasons.
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Re: The Lost Room

Post by Ranadiel »

I love The Lost Room. Ever since I saw it on the Requests page, it has been the review I have been most anticipating by Chuck.
Seems like a very fun concept, with a lot more potential than one miniseries can explore.
It is a fun concept, especially since the characters utilize the Objects in creative ways (like when Joe "cracks" the safe using the properties he knows about the Room). The miniseries does a good job of introducing you to the world, exploring the world, and giving a satisfying conclusion to the immediate plot while leaving things open for future exploration. Years ago Red 5 Comics bought the comic book rights and was planning on continue the world, but that sadly fell through for some reason and I doubt there is enough interest for anyone to try again. :(
And later on, Warehouse 13 became a show that lasted multiple seasons.
I love Warehouse 13, and on some level it does feel like it was intended as The Lost Room the TV Series. Although the different tones in the two of them keep them from stepping on each other's toes too much.
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Re: The Lost Room

Post by clearspira »

Fianna wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:17 am

Heard about this miniseries, but never seen it. Seems like a very fun concept, with a lot more potential than one miniseries can explore.

Chuck making a Langoliers references has me wanting him to review that miniseries next, just for his reaction to the completely-pulling-it-out-of-their-ass nature of the big explanation for all the weird goings on.
The Langoliers is probably best known as a Nostalgia Critic review by most people in 2019. I remember it from the SyFy channel back in the day and finding the first half kind of fun despite the bad acting as the mystery is great. An empty plane landing in an empty world with strange sounds approaching? That is classic horror material.

But the second half... the gradual build-up just does not pay off. Theoretically anyway; the Langoliers themselves could have been awesome. Giant immortal monsters that live to eat the remnants of time. But they do not come across like that at all thanks in large part to the special effects. And the ending amuses me. Because they have no proof at all as to what happened. I'm picturing that roughly five minutes after their ''running into the camera cheering ending'', a SWAT team is going to come down on them and their empty plane asking why 200 people have vanished, and they are going to be greeted with the answer of ''there was this time warp, and big tomato monsters with teeth...''
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Re: The Lost Room

Post by Mabus »

Oh, I really loved this miniseries, I liked the clever use of mundane objects. Though, yeah, it does feel a bit cheap, but then again, it's not like there wasn't a TV series that had like 700 episodes of cheap episodes and still managed to work.
Also, didn't notice that the detective's name is the same as that from The Expanse, it's really been a lot of time since I've seen the miniseries.
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Re: The Lost Room

Post by Dargaron »

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who got Warehouse 13 vibes from the review: although I think that what really made the Sci-fi Channel 2009-2014 trifecta of Warehouse 13, Eureka and Sanctuary work was that, at a basic level, there was a certain amount of narrative sense behind why each object/experiment/creature was causing whatever problem/mischief the characters had to solve (even if the explanations were often patently ridiculous: see the episode where synthetically-grown chicken parts were making everyone in Eureka stupid because they didn't have brain-stuff in them). It became a fun guessing game to see which seemingly-innocuous thing would turn out to be the culprit this time.

EDIT: also, we'll not speak of the episode that was one big advertisement for Gilette.
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Re: The Lost Room

Post by Rocketboy1313 »

I love "The Lost Room". I consider it one of those over looked gems.
Paradoxically the miniseries is so complete for the characters and explores the concept so well that I don't think it needs a sequel, but it is also so big and diverse with what could be done that I wouldn't mind one either.
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Re: The Lost Room

Post by ProfessorDetective »

Ah, the spiritual predecessor to one of my favorite shows of all time: 'Warehouse 13'. Watched that show from the pilot to the finale (And wept... when the fifth season FREAKING RUINED IT! But that's a talk for another time). And 'The Lost Room'' is also very nice.
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Re: The Lost Room

Post by Mabus »

Yeah, I think this concept works best as miniseries, especially given how tight the plot is.
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Re: The Lost Room

Post by Ranadiel »

Episode 2 is up.

I really do love this miniseries. I kind of want to post my theory as to what The Event is, but I should probably wait till after the Night 3 review since it is largely based on a comment from Night 3.
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