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TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:27 pm
by MerelyAFan

This is an interesting period for Klingon characterization; the first real attempt at presenting a deeper portrayal of them since Kruge and company redefined the Empire in Search for Spock. A lot of this is carried by Dorn's performance, and its largely thanks to him that Klingons' descendant into space vikings wasn't even worse long term.

I had completely forgotten about that bit with Geordi's visor and Picard. That inappropriate sense of wonder and amateurish bit of wasting time in a critical mission was giving me Captain Archer flashbacks.

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:38 pm
by Sir Will
I remembered that scene existed. And I knew it was weird. But I forgot just how incredibly poorly it was placed, with that ticking clock to destruction and them messing around. Wow.

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:10 pm
by clearspira
MerelyAFan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:27 pm

This is an interesting period for Klingon characterization; the first real attempt at presenting a deeper portrayal of them since Kruge and company redefined the Empire in Search for Spock. A lot of this is carried by Dorn's performance, and its largely thanks to him that Klingons' descendant into space vikings wasn't even worse long term.

I had completely forgotten about that bit with Geordi's visor and Picard. That inappropriate sense of wonder and amateurish bit of wasting time in a critical mission was giving me Captain Archer flashbacks.
It also draws attention to the infamous fact that Away Teams are laughably equipped. TNG anticipated the MP3 but not handheld video cameras?

And why is the Visor so rubbish? Someone programmed in infrared to X-Ray into this thing, but not a full-colour HD mode? And this isn't just here either, this is the colour scheme they will stick with.

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:14 pm
by clearspira
It should not have taken until Nemesis for the warp core to gain a forcefield.
This episode should have been the exact moment where Starfleet went ''yeah, our warp core design is crap. Lets redesign.'' And I note that in TOS the warp core is behind a protective grate - they went away from this design why?

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 12:47 am
by Revolverman
clearspira wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:14 pm It should not have taken until Nemesis for the warp core to gain a forcefield.
This episode should have been the exact moment where Starfleet went ''yeah, our warp core design is crap. Lets redesign.'' And I note that in TOS the warp core is behind a protective grate - they went away from this design why?

It makes sense when you remember Starfleet was far less militarized by now. This layout may be better for energy production, or less waste, or something along those lines. That could be seen has a higher priority then security.

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:49 am
by PapaPalpatine
I remembered that scene where they were assembling a weapon from the odd bits on their uniforms. Man, wouldn't it be awkward if one of them as like:

"Oh, sorry guys, I left the emitter heads in my other pants back on the ship."

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:57 pm
by TachyonDrift
Well, the IKEA weapon thing, been done a few times, but always strikes me as weird. I mean we know that the transporter is capable of detecting (at least) most weapons, and it's claimed that it can also render them neutral. How it does that we have no idea. Can it blunt a knife? Can it turn a heavy stick into a balloon? Which brings up a side issue...*

What exactly is it detecting and why would the parts being seperate make any difference?
Yeah, handwave that away. just like handwaving away every single time this ability would have been damned, DAMNED handy and wasn't used.

It was, also, terribly useful that the dead one didn't have any of the bits needed to assemble the weapons. That would have been either entertaining, trying to bluff that Klingons don't care for the body we do need to return his underpants to his house, or allow a nice and curious shot where one of them steals a bit off the dinklingon where we dunno what tis.

* One of the things about TOS was it wasn't afraid to use humour. TNG et al seem pathologically afraid of it, part of why second gen Trek is some goddamned bland. The closest they get, really, is Garrack's witty banter is often amusing. Did anyone ever crack a joke that was actually funny? Genuine question.

Part of the reason I keep finding myself drifting away from the entire second gen franchise is it's so intolerably bland. Everyone's got a bland personality to match their bland music, bland food, bland entertainment.

It'd have been so refreshing to have some glimpses they weren't all beige with a slice of dull. Could we not have had once in a blue moon, Picard listening to classics? I mean, like, Elvis, or Motorhead? Just as an aside? Could LaForge have been into BDSM? I mean you could do that without breaching code with a few hints. How about Barclay likes doing practical jokes, which is one reason they don't oftenbring him in, like that time he transported a Garfield window sucker toy onto the outside of the observation room's window, or kept replacing Riker's uniform with one just two millimeters less forgiving every day? Well, I mean I know there are expenses for that kind of thing, but it doesn't help a show when they're all so terribly boring.

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:27 pm
by CrypticMirror
Tasha's job ought to have been staying on the bridge (actually, her job ought to be mostly in an office dealing with paperwork but YKWIM) coordinating stuff, and Worf leading shipboard stuff. That division of labour kinda makes sense. I can see why security and gunnery might be merged, but it ought to have been sub divided with a weapons officer and an internal security chief reporting to her. In many ways, before Tasha died, that seemed to be Worf's job. I think if she had stayed on, and the show allowed to develop, then that might be how it would have evolved (as it sort of did when Worf joined DS9, with Worf taking the lead in shooting up ships and Odo banging up the guys from the promenade).

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:36 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
I think the captain should get gunnery.

Re: TNG - Heart of Glory

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:01 am
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Anyways why did security end up with Yellow shirts? I get why Captain/Command would get red, but security in Star Trek is the straight ground action.