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Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:07 pm
by Nobody700
MAN I HATE THIS... to say I hate this short. Dunno, I feel like the stereotypical Trekkie who hates everything new, but this was a bad short. I didn't find it funny or nice or smart or anything. It just felt dumb and they turned the actual fun and nice Tribble, it's just dumb to have the Federation be involved with the Tribbles evolution. It's just not a good story.

Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:10 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Wouldn't this go better in the stuff you disagree with Chuck about thread?

Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:11 pm
by Nobody700
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:10 pm Wouldn't this go better in the stuff you disagree with Chuck about thread?
I mean he just created the review on Youtube.

Plus he also stated he disliked the short.

Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:14 pm
by BridgeConsoleMasher
Nobody700 wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:11 pm
BridgeConsoleMasher wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:10 pm Wouldn't this go better in the stuff you disagree with Chuck about thread?
I mean he just created the review on Youtube.

Plus he also stated he disliked the short.
I guess maybe not then.

I didn't think about his YT page, thanks.

Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:08 pm
Well, I liked the episode. Maybe it doesn't stand up to direct repeated viewing. On the other hand, "Horrible Things happen to Horrible People" describes a lot of comedy if you take it seriously. Also wonder why the Coda wasn't mentioned.

Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:12 pm
by Nealithi
So I saw this on Youtube before it popped over here for me. So here is my comment there.

First the joke: "Chuck you're taking this too seriously, this episode is garbage."
Now the salient breakdown as I see it.
He has no department.
Has been working on the problem alone.
Is yanked to a staff meeting because he has no department. And is a bit put off by that.
When concern about his work is shown. He is yanked from he SPECIALTY. IE he studies one thing. And assigned to another department that is not even remotely related. With the brush off. "We are all scientists here. Learning is our wheel house."
Then he does not seem to have any assignments in the new department. Is now the ignored guy on the ship. And when he complains, it is somehow His fault?
And he is going to be tossed to another ship. The way it is shown is this is not some lateral transfer. It is a punishment that will damage his career.
So he throws a tantrum.
And she goes before a review board over her incompetence and bluntly says he was stupid.
Since these stories are canon all I can say is Starfleet has always been the worst aspects of highschool and working retail. And I am left agreeing with Chuck I wish she was Archer so when I ask what did she do to make command, it would not instantly be seen as misogyny.

And of course yet another prequel dealing with a mystery that Kirk and company will encounter for the 'first time'. Mirror Universe? Not so much as a footnote. Tribbles? Who has time to catalogue every life form we encounter. What next, meeting Apollo and telling him to wait for the next starship to use his giant blue hand on?

Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:31 pm
by AllanO
I don't hate everything about this episode and think it had some funny moments (and I thought the opening exchange between Pike and the new Captain was interesting), but it was very awkward and mean spirited in a lot of its parts. So I basically I agree with Chuck's review, too little joke spread over too much narrative.

The structure seems to assume we imagine that the captain and rest of the crew were reasonable people doing all they could, but as Chuck suggests they are depicted as doing nothing or worse. I am not sure Chuck makes clear how clear the episode is that Edward is the author of most of this destruction. For example, when he dies crushed by the tribbles the crew is in the process of evacuating and he still does not recognize that anything is wrong. This makes it hard to understand how Edward managed to survive to maturity given his apparent inability to react appropriately to danger. However the rest of the crew are only marginally better. As I said the jokes just come off as mean spirited and awkward, like if someone created a piece of slapstick which consisted of a carpenter constantly banging hammers on fingers and the like for a few minutes with no build up or reason to care or be surprised etc. so at the end you just feel kind of awkwardly sorry for this incompetent carpenter someone filmed.

I think the episode itself at times seems to suggest it is a completely fantastical out of continuity exercise. For example at the end there is a sequence of fake adds for tribble based cereal, that make no sense in a federation where money presumably consumerism are non-existent etc. This is an SNL skit more than a Star Trek story, it has about the cannoncity of a Marvel What If? comic and so on. So it does not matter how it relates to anything in Enterprise, the Trouble with Tribbles, the animated tribble episode, the DS9 tribbles episode and so on. This does not excuse it from not actually being funny and not really in any way adding to the ambiance of the ongoing series around it (like the animated tartagrade Short Trek is equally fantastical and to do with nothing, but to me was kind of fun and somehow seems more Star Trek appropriate).

Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:45 pm
by bronnt
My only experience of this is seeing Chuck's review. That said, I think it has to be from the Kelvin timeline. That explains how Captain Jockbro Kirk is the most competent captain in the universe. Look at the rest of these rubes, their poor management skills are destroying ships and wrecking ecology on a planetary scale.

EDIT: I also think that people who do some of the work for CBS at this point forget that Starfleet is supposed to be generally competent and capable (aside from the occasional evil Admiral-of-the-week). Sometimes this modern Trek pictures Starfleet as the company from Office Space or something.

Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 7:27 pm
by Gekired
Oh lord... this ep. Aka lets get the voice of Bob from Bob's Burgers aka a brilliant and comedic talent and waste his and the audience time with an episode so unfunny and just outright mean spirited and dumb.

Seriously who the hell thought this was funny? Look if people do fair enough but... WHY? I mean no one is likeable in this episode. Everyone's a jerk and get what they deserve. I pray that whats her face never gets another ship because this is all on her as well. Then again everyone else doesn't look any better.

This just is so bad by the already horrid standards of STD.

Re: Star Trek Discovery: The Trouble With Edward

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:35 pm
by Worffan101
I hated every second of this episode. All the characters were assholes, whatsherface was incompetent in the extreme, and the "comedy" was at best cringey.