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Blake 7: Mission to Destiny

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:21 pm
by clearspira
Avon rates as one of my all time favourite sci-fi characters - and its all down to that smile and that wit. This is a man who you could put in the same room as Tony Stark and Rodney McKay and have him silence them both. Even in a bad episode, Avon shines.

I agree with Chuck's rating. Its a bit ''3rd episode of Tom Baker's Dr Who.'' Y'know, how back in Classic Who they would have these 6 episode spanning stories but only episodes 1, 2 and 6 actually meant anything because the rest was just filler? I like to imagine that come episode 4 we would discover that the valuable chemical that Blake was transporting was actually a Cyberman plot, and episode 5 would end with a cliffhanger where you would see a Cybermat trying to hack into Orac.

Re: Blake 7: Mission to Destiny

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:09 pm
by Robovski
Link for the episode's review:

Something about thin swinging doors on a "spaceship" that really does feel like cheap set. Yes, you can have swing doors on a ship, and maybe interior doors should be flimsy privacy screens, but the episode screams bottle episode. That said, I still enjoy the ride for our team, always good to see Avon and Blake doing their thing.