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The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:36 pm
by Revolverman
It's interesting to hear Chuck talk about how with the Expanse and Season 3 at large Enterprise started to catch up with more modern storytelling and mindsets. From some other places I visit with a Trek board, Season 3 is utterly loathed and often called the worst season. It's felt among the people there that it was little more then vulgar American Exceptionalism and a disgusting attempt to justify the war on terror in the wake of 9/11. Its not that they are really strict on Gene's vision though. Many of them love DS9, and hate Season 1 TNG for its smugness and arrogance. Nor do they have a tonne of love for Season 1 and 2 of ENT.

Seems like Enterprise again succeeded in polarization of the Trek fanbase.

Re: The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:11 pm
by Mickey_Rat15
The scene with Tip and Malcolm looking at the damage left by the Xindi weapon. There are supposed to be in South Florida, that trench should be filling up with water, That part of Florida is not that far above sea level and the weapon cut all the way out to sea.. Also, the Xindi hit what is today, the least populated part of Florida. Some thirty miles east would have put the path through metro Miami, though they also managed to bisect Cuba.

Those still ads that do not allow the video to play seem to be getting more frequent.

Re: The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:37 pm
by Eishtmo
Star Trek Online would eventually pick up the Temporal Cold War thing and do something with it. Future Guy actually got a name, two names actually, Envoy and his real name (no spoilers in case you want to play it). It ends up linking quite a few things together that might not normally have been linked and it worked out pretty well ultimately. Could have been better, but given what they had to work with, it's amazing they could cobble something coherent together.

That said, i pretty much stopped watching Enterprise long before it reached this point. Not sure I even watched any of Season 2.

Re: The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 3:01 pm
by ChiggyvonRichthofen
Even at its best, Enterprise isn't all that good. I haven't compiled such a list, but I'm not sure the very best Enterprise episode(s) would make my top 30 list for the franchise.

No modern Trek show started out great, although you could argue that DS9 had a decent start to it (and with Duet, its the only show other than TOS with a top episode in its first season). TNG season 1 and Enterprise season 1 have a close contest for the worst season in all of Trek, and I'd probably give TNG season 1 that ignominious title.

Enterprise might have had the most drastic reboot/revamp, but the difference is that the characters (and writing) just weren't that good or interesting. Any potential in the basic premise was spoiled from the very beginning by the way it was ignored. Too little too late to fix that in season 3. If season 3 had been season 1, maybe it could have become a good show.

What The Expanse did bring to the table was some real excitement and action. The show didn't become great, but it became entertaining.

Re: The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:37 pm
by Durandal_1707
I liked Seasons 3 and 4 of Enterprise. Not gonna say they were the best ever, but they were enjoyable, and the Xindi arc was exciting and kept my attention.

Of course, it was weird how they started with Season 3, and didn't have a Season 1 or 2. Must have been influenced by George Lucas. :P

Re: The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:40 pm
by BunBun299
Eishtmo wrote:Star Trek Online would eventually pick up the Temporal Cold War thing and do something with it. Future Guy actually got a name, two names actually, Envoy and his real name (no spoilers in case you want to play it). It ends up linking quite a few things together that might not normally have been linked and it worked out pretty well ultimately. Could have been better, but given what they had to work with, it's amazing they could cobble something coherent together.

That said, i pretty much stopped watching Enterprise long before it reached this point. Not sure I even watched any of Season 2.
Star Trek Online did do a few good things with the Temporal Cold War stuff. Though I still reflexively cringe a little every time Daniels pops up in that game. Or anything referencing Enterprise for that matter. I've only been playing since last September when it came to consoles, so I don't know quite how that plays out. It might not be entirely available on Xbox yet.

It did give me hope that maybe a future Trek series might do something interesting with the Temporal Cold War stuff. Just hopefully, if they do touch that again, plan it out first. Get their whole writing team in a room, toss out ideas, make graphs and things, and see what they can make work. Don't just make it up as they go along. It would be better to not do it at all.

Re: The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:59 pm
by Redem
This video made me realise that whenever we talk about Archer I keep thinking of the cartoon

A better choice for captain?

Re: The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:24 pm
by Eishtmo
BunBun299 wrote:Star Trek Online did do a few good things with the Temporal Cold War stuff. Though I still reflexively cringe a little every time Daniels pops up in that game. Or anything referencing Enterprise for that matter. I've only been playing since last September when it came to consoles, so I don't know quite how that plays out. It might not be entirely available on Xbox yet.
If you've finished Future Proof, you've got most of it (though the most recent mission on PC is a good character bit, and still involves time travel and Daniels).

Honestly, they ignored most of Enterprise until the last few story lines, so it's actually interesting to see their take on it. What they did with the mess Voyager left was actually really good (Dust to Dust is REALLY good for that, even with the silly platforming you have to do). All the threads they picked up that the various series used once and forgot has been really fun.

Really should start a spoiler thread just for talking about what STO did with all that stuff at some point, but I'm lazy, and it's a lot of writing to do. . .

Re: The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:46 pm
by MerelyAFan
It was good that Enterprise made an attempt at being somewhat modern, but it also felt like the point where Trek stopped being anything close to prescient and reached for relevance via contemporary commentary.

Re: The Expanse (ENT)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:58 pm
by Megabob452
Redem wrote:This video made me realise that whenever we talk about Archer I keep thinking of the cartoon

A better choice for captain?
This has tempted me on more than one occasion to write a fanfic with the Enterprise cast replaced by the Archer cast. Sterling as captain, Lana as first officer, Cheryl at comms, Kreiger as chief engineer and/or medical officer, et cetera. I just wish I was better at writing comedy to pull this off.