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Unable to watch any videos on the site.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:34 pm
by Oren
Hey, Oren here.

So I went to check out The Expanse (Side note, when is Chuck gonna review The Expanse tv show?), and the video wouldn't play. One of those "beat Amazon" ads came up, but after that the player was just a blank screen. This has happened with the other five videos I've tried as well. It doesn't seem to make a difference if I click "skip this ad" or wait for the timer to run out.

Anyone know what's causing this or a work around?

Re: Unable to watch any videos on the site.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:14 pm
by Eishtmo
Reload repeatedly until you get a video ad and let it play out. It works for me at least, and yes, it is VERY bothersome.

Re: Unable to watch any videos on the site.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:10 pm
by Robovski
Current vids are on Dailymotion, so they can be watched there (this is in direct response to this error). Of course you can do as Eishtmo has advised and reload until you get a video advert.

Re: Unable to watch any videos on the site.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:22 am
by Meushell
It may be my luck, but different devices seem to be better at getting the right ad. I have a much easier time on my phone than the kindle. I have no idea why that would make a difference, but it's been consistent.

Re: Unable to watch any videos on the site.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:49 pm
by SotF
Robovski wrote:Current vids are on Dailymotion, so they can be watched there (this is in direct response to this error). Of course you can do as Eishtmo has advised and reload until you get a video advert.
That doesn't work with the most recent ones. They aren't up yet there it seems...

Re: Unable to watch any videos on the site.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:51 am
by SFDebris
There is a bug with certain banner ads that is being looked at. Reloading the page and clicking on the center square of the video the moment it comes up has been known to help.

Apologies for the inconvenience. This will likely go away after the transition at the end of the month.

Re: Unable to watch any videos on the site.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:51 am
by G-Man
SFDebris, I have a method of dealing with this, but it uses the assumption that you are getting paid for the ads even if the video does not run afterwards. What I have been doing is watching the ad all the way through, then reloading the page, turning the adblock on, starting the video, and after it starts playing, immediately turning the adblock off. That way, I see the ad once, and I see any ads that play after the video. Assuming that the ad pays even if the video glitches at the end of the ad, I think I get the same amount of ad as if the video had just played at the end.

Re: Unable to watch any videos on the site.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:32 pm
by RobbyB1982
G-Man wrote:SFDebris, I have a method of dealing with this, but it uses the assumption that you are getting paid for the ads even if the video does not run afterwards. What I have been doing is watching the ad all the way through, then reloading the page, turning the adblock on, starting the video, and after it starts playing, immediately turning the adblock off. That way, I see the ad once, and I see any ads that play after the video. Assuming that the ad pays even if the video glitches at the end of the ad, I think I get the same amount of ad as if the video had just played at the end.
I have been using the same method when a video just refuses to play after two or three tries. Turn adblock on, start video, turn adblock off... hope that next time around or at the end its ads I can actually let play.