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Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 10:22 pm
by Captain Crimson
First! Now, I wanna be the first to admit it - the actor they got for the young Hammond is phenomenal. He really blew it out of the ballpark.

And of course, this episode becomes so much more meaningful when you've seen 2010, Continuum, Last Man, and the others involving the intersecting of a solar flare for temporal displacement. And now I sound like Doc Brown. :geek:

So yeah, solid episode! I disagree with Mr. Chuck. He just seems to have some weird dislike for earlier episodes that are very good. Not everything has to be your high-brow SF format. I find this has good rewatch value. Especially Teal'c's line about "slavery to false gods." :lol:

I think, however, what could have made this episode a bit stronger was later follow-up - like they investigate their records in the future. Still, I don't really need the story to explain everything for me.

Re: Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 1:44 am
by Linkara
I actually am with Chuck on this one - didn't really enjoy 1969 that much. It's not that it was bad, but it feels like it was more there to establish the time travel potential of the gate vs. being that solid a story. 2010 and 2001 are much better, though just as well we never got the third episode they were planning on doing for that trilogy, since I feel like the idea was better executed with just the duo than as a follow-up to slightly boring baddies.

Re: Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 2:15 am
by Captain Crimson
I really feel as if Mr. Chuck is hard to please at times. But, could be wrong.

Fun little game. If you watch Fragile Balance, then think up the timeline to remember Jack's 17 at this point, well... suddenly if you can connect the portrayal and appearance of Jack's clone to what he's doing offscreen in 1969, the episode becomes a lot funnier.

"Yes... go forth, young man!" :)

Re: Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 3:43 am
by Zatman
I can kind of agree with Chuck on it. It's not bad, but there's not a lot to it. They lay down the basis for SG time travel, but that's about it. Chuck is right, the episode is mostly our heroes running around with some hippies and occasionally saying funny things in funny voices. And there's nothing really wrong with that.

Re: Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 5:35 am
by Fianna
I don't know if they were really thinking about setting up future time travel stories with this ep.

The time travel here works on the stable time loop principle, where you can't change the past, because anything you do in the past already happened, and created the reality you came from. That's just about the most restrictive form of time travel there is (outside Ghost of Christmas Past "no one can see or hear you" stuff), and really limits the kind of stories you can tell. Which is why all subsequent time travel episodes ignore it.

Re: Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 7:58 pm
by CrypticMirror
I'm mostly with Chuck on this. I liked it, it was goofy fun, but I think they could have done more with the sixties than just a montage. When it comes on tv, or I do a rewatch, I always smile and enjoy; but I don't purposefully seek it out to rewatch like I do with some others. It is just too slight to be worth it.

I would love to see a series about hippies who do get abducted by aliens though, and not for sinister reasons, sort of Cocoon style, and them struggling to fit into a society that is even more hippie than even hippies. Either that or something based along the lines of Zenna Henderson's The People books, with hippie aliens trying to fit into Earth without losing their hippie-ness. In conclusion, I've now wrote the word hippie enough that it has stopped looking like a word. Hippie!

Re: Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 4:50 am
by Nightbeat74
i like this ep,it stuff up,lets sg-1 sit back for a bit while getting to where they need to be,and it is funny! ok t'elc in a puffy wig, the hippy van, and now there is a hippy couple that is going to think that gorege lucas is an alien come 1977!

Re: Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 5:48 am
by McAvoy
I am OK with the episode. Though it really felt like a 90's episode more than a 60's episode. Especially the music in it, which actually made it feel more like a early 90's episode than a late 90's episode.

Re: Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 7:18 am
by sandangel
I like episodes like this. I find it kinda fun to watch established characters in weird situations outside their comfort zone, and time travel is automatically that. Though I agree, some kind of resolution for the hippies would have been nice. I feel like time travel stories need to have characters like this wrapped into the main plot in some way. Maybe one of them could have worked on the DHD replacement systems or something, characters like that are made for that kind of thing.

Re: Stargate SG-1 Review - 1969

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 9:51 am
by Nealithi
CrypticMirror wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 7:58 pm I'm mostly with Chuck on this. I liked it, it was goofy fun, but I think they could have done more with the sixties than just a montage. When it comes on tv, or I do a rewatch, I always smile and enjoy; but I don't purposefully seek it out to rewatch like I do with some others. It is just too slight to be worth it.

I would love to see a series about hippies who do get abducted by aliens though, and not for sinister reasons, sort of Cocoon style, and them struggling to fit into a society that is even more hippie than even hippies. Either that or something based along the lines of Zenna Henderson's The People books, with hippie aliens trying to fit into Earth without losing their hippie-ness. In conclusion, I've now wrote the word hippie enough that it has stopped looking like a word. Hippie!
Not arguing your point. But I would like to see the idea if a hippie brought forward to now and see the reaction. No growing with the times, just transplanted. It would be interesting.

On the episode. . I think a later episode or records in the coda to say who they were might be okay. As long as they were not super important. Because the trope of being helped by someone you will later know is over used. They did a great job with Hammond and it fit perfectly. But by having that guy be Kinsley or similar would have been too much. The use of them as basically anyone fits better.
But it would have been nice to hear he survived his tour and he and his now wife are suburban couple would have been nice.
Wow I am using the term nice a bit today.