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Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 12:06 am
by FakeGeekGirl
I am so excited just from seeing the June calendar! I have wanted Chuck to look at "The Ship" for forever, and am I correct in assuming that this means he's going to be covering the final ten episodes of DS9 considering he's doing Penumbra and Til Death Do Us Part?

For so long DS9 was the only Trek series that Chuck hadn't covered the finale (except of course the animated series and that was from an era when the finale was often just another episode) and I have hoped that would be remedied but even when he was taking requests I could never have afforded five hundred dollars for ten episodes in one shot (if this is a request from someone else - THANK YOU!!!). I'm so excited y'all.


Re: Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:00 am
by Deledrius
I hadn't seen the new schedule yet. This is indeed very exciting! :D

Re: Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:04 am
by Wargriffin
To be fair... Ds9's finale is like... 9 episodes.

Re: Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 2:20 am
by FakeGeekGirl
Ten if you count the parts of What You Leave Behind separately. I wasn't expecting it to be done until all or most of DS9 was done.

Re: Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:30 am
by Wargriffin
I figured he'd do it like the Summer of Romulans.

Re: Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:37 pm
by nebagram
I'm looking forward to the final 9 as well, I was thinking it'd never get done (someone had to monkey up $500 after all). DS9's my favourite Trek series so this will be AWESOME.

Also, I've put in a request for 'The Emperor's New Cloak' so that's something to look forward to as well. :-D

Re: Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 3:52 am
by drthmik
Never liked the DS9 Finale

Re: Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 10:31 am
by SlackerinDeNile
drthmik wrote:Never liked the DS9 Finale
Most people don't to be honest, I have mixed feelings about it.
The quality of the first half is rather poor due to most of the budget for season 7 having already been spent
making the good episodes. The production team had to reuse space battle scenes from other episodes
and the scenes and set-pieces they made for the resistance take-over scenes on Cardassia were quite limited and unsatisfying.

The second half is a lot better and provides satisfying closure to most of the characters, except Sisko where the Moses allegory didn't
really fit and had some awkward implications...
nebagram wrote: Also, I've put in a request for 'The Emperor's New Cloak' so that's something to look forward to as well. :-D
That episode was just bizarre and god awful, it had a strange LEXX vibe to it, can't wait to see him rip it to shreds.

Re: Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 1:50 pm
by nebagram
The space battle from What You Leave Behind was decidely lacking compared to what had gone before, especially the season 6 finale, and even the episode where the USS BSMFPH gets destroyed. For me though, the character interactions in the finale more than make up for it. The one that always sticks in my mind for some reason is the final scene between Bashir and Garak on Cardassia, maybe because it's Garak's last scene ever or because that's the first sense you get from the finale that it really is all over.

And SlackerinDeNile- you're welcome. You know an episode's going to be crap when it's entire concept (no cloaks in the MU) directly contradicts the very first thing we see in the MU- namely, Alliance ships decloaking.

Re: Upcoming DS9 reviews

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 6:53 pm
by FakeGeekGirl
I did feel What You Leave Behind was a little disappointing - I've never been able to quite put my finger on why despite having seen it multiple times. I think maybe just because it's so melancholy, but there's no other way the series could have ended. I feel like the Pah-Wraith stuff was a bit rushed so that probably contributes. Also I know they reused all of the battle footage due to budget constraints but I honestly never noticed until i had rewatched both multiple times.

I'm interested to see Chuck's thoughts on it - maybe that willl help me put it into words whether I agree or disagree.