The Shadow's Journey

This forum is for discussing Chuck's videos as they are publicly released. And for bashing Neelix, but that's just repeating what I already said.
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The Shadow's Journey

Post by MadAmosMalone »

I, for one, love when Chuck does these kinds of vids. I get the impression Chuck likes doing them too. I'm in awe of his ability to research a topic so thoroughly that he can give us almost an "insider's" insight into the goings on of our favorite films and shows. Video's like this even go beyond his usual in-depth analyses of films and seem to uncover ongoing threads or themes in the lives of the people who make all this entertainment.
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Re: The Shadow's Journey

Post by Robovski »

I enjoy Chuck doing this too, I find it quite informative while still enetertaining. I just don't have much to say about it.
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Re: The Shadow's Journey

Post by MadAmosMalone »

Maybe you will after the series is over. Part three is coming up this week.
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Re: The Shadow's Journey

Post by ChiggyvonRichthofen »

Agreed. I love history and, of course, speculative fiction, so getting a well-constructed, well-researched look at the creative process behind the stories we love is very enjoyable. In the case of Star Wars, there's been so many different claims over the years about when different ideas were conceived, it's nice to get a clear telling of what transpired.

Particularly with iconic works like Star Wars, it's easy to fall into the idea that the end result was always inevitable. It's almost scary to think how easily things could have turned in a different, much less compelling direction. At the same time, the less than ideal choices Lucas made in the future weren't inevitable either. And even now, choices are being made that will determine the future shape of the dynasty.
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Re: The Shadow's Journey

Post by FakeGeekGirl »

I love when he talks about the production history of a work. That could be really dry and boring but instead it is usually at least as interesting as the review itself. So something like this that's just production history is right up my alley.
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Re: The Shadow's Journey

Post by GandALF »

Oh come on, the holiday special is majestic. Its got the first appearance of Boba Fett and 20+ minutes of Wookiees talking to each other.
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Re: The Shadow's Journey

Post by Xaios »

Great series, it's like watching a Ken Burns documentary.
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Re: The Shadow's Journey

Post by griffeytrek »

These have been fantastic. I thought I was well read on the backstories of Star Wars, but damn I find new things in these every minute. Amazingly well researched and well presented Chuck. You should find some way to present or commercialize these, the Comic History ones and the Transformers one, out to a broader audience. These are the definitive works done on archiving these histories. They need to be well preserved and spread widely.
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Re: The Shadow's Journey

Post by MithrandirOlorin »

I'm not gonna sit through a whole "Lucas turned the Dark Side by making the Prequels" narrative.
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Re: The Shadow's Journey

Post by Wargriffin »

Darkside No he fell to the age old trap of the idealist

or put bluntly "Yesterday he was the rebel, today his the law"
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