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Getting a thread for every video

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:04 pm
by TheNewTeddy
Unsure if this is the right place for this question; but I think it fits.

Wondering if it would be worthwhile to get a thread for every video? I know all the videos have links at the bottom "discuss this on our forum" and I'm wondering if it would be practicable* if - when we have a thread for every video - we could have that link to the proper thread as opposed to the forum in general?

Also; I think in the old forum we made an unofficial agreement that thread would link to the videos they discuss; I hope we keep that, but understand we may have many new users unfamiliar with the way we did things in the old days.

edited to add
*it's occurred to me this is potentially a word that people may not have seen before.

In short I mean
Is this something we should do?
If so is it something we realistically can do? (that's a LOT of threads that will need to be posted)
If so is it something that would be of use - for example, is changing the links on *every* video something chuck should do, something he realistically can do, something that is of use (would help focus and generate discussion)

If the answer to any of these is "no" then it's not practicable.

Re: Getting a thread for every video

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:27 pm
by SuccubusYuri
I imagine we'll get another sticky once the board has its sea legs again with the old "please search the before before making new video threads" etc etc.

Re: Getting a thread for every video

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:45 pm
by phantom000
I think on the old forum a thread was posted as the video was so it will fill up in time. I just wonder what about old reviews, since i have some comments on his Ghostbusters review.

Re: Getting a thread for every video

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:55 pm
by ORCACommander
the old forum was fine. instead of doing the entire back catalogue, just make a thread when one does not exist when you wish to discuss the vid inquestion

Re: Getting a thread for every video

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:20 pm
by J!!
indeed, it'd be rather pointless to clutter things with empty threads. discussions will happen naturally, when people have something to say.